I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 576 Who is Your Highness Going to Kill?

Chapter 576 Who is Your Highness Going to Kill?

Originally, I thought it would be very difficult for idle officials to take the time to give lectures in girls' private schools, but I didn't expect that there were actually learned people willing to teach.

Tangtang was very happy, chatted with them, and selected a few for Feng Chunlin to write down, and when the private school opened, he invited them to take up the post.

In addition, there are many people who were demoted because of offending the powerful. After Tangtang learned about their life experiences, he also sent people to investigate and redress their grievances.

The three-day poems will give endless encouragement to the Confucian scholars and poor families in the three prefectures of Nan'an. Seeing that the situation is not right, many aristocratic families will honestly put their tails between their legs.

Generally speaking, the goals of this southern tour to Anpingzhou have been achieved.

Before leaving Anping Prefecture, there was only one problem that had to be solved, the suzerain of Youtanzong.

Tangtang left the academy and went back to the meditation room. Seeing that it was not completely dark yet, thinking that there were still more than three hours before the appointed time, she drew out her big knife.

Idle is also idle, she fetched a basin of spring water, sat in the yard, humming and began to sharpen the knife.

"Prick, prick—"

This creepy sound echoed throughout the Zen courtyard.

Whether it was the shadow guards hiding in the dark or the imperial guards guarding outside the courtyard, they suddenly felt chills all over and touched their necks one after another.

Even Ming Wuci felt that today is not April, which is full of spring, but the twelfth lunar month of winter: "What's the matter today, Your Highness?"

Tang Jiao also said, "I'm very happy to see His Highness these days."

Qian Shuang didn't dare approach the gate of the Buddhist monastery anymore, and cautiously poked her head out to look into the courtyard:

"With the news of the leader, a private school for girls has been opened, and a gentleman has been invited, and those aristocrats are also doing well. Who is she going to kill?"

Ming Wu Ci's head shook like a rattle: "I don't know, but judging from this posture, it is probably the kind of bloody feud, digging someone's ancestral grave."

Qian Shuang saw that the big knife was sharpened enough to reveal a figure, and asked the other two in a low voice, "Shall we follow His Highness?"

"Follow me," Ming Wuci searched for a knife everywhere, "I'll kill whoever your Highness kills, and I don't care about the emperor."

Tang Jiao nodded, "I'll follow too."

So, a quarter of an hour after His Highness the Crown Princess sharpened the knife, Princess Tang Jiao, General Qian Shuang, and General Ming also started the knife sharpening mode.

Three people guarded the left, middle and right sides of the gate of the Buddhist monastery, each with a whetstone, and began to sharpen their knives.

After a while, it was synchronized with the sound of His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager sharpening her knife in the courtyard.

The Shadow Guard and the Forbidden Army were going crazy.

What day is today?
What kind of weird ritual is this, why did everyone start sharpening their knives?

This is a temple, no killing, no sharp weapons, what are they going to do?
Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and no one can say a reason that sounds more serious.

In the end, the shadow guards and the imperial guards had a discussion. Since your highnesses and generals are sharpening their knives, let's sharpen them too. No matter what we do, we can never go wrong following them.

Then another quarter of an hour later, centering on the Buddhist temple where Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager lived, a mile around was surrounded by people sharpening knives.

Stabbing, stabbing, the sound of swords and swords came and went, and the cold light flashed.

The homing birds in the sky made detours when they passed by, and the night owls in the temple moved overnight, and even the insects in the grass stopped calling.

"What are you doing?"

Tangtang carried the sharpened big knife on his shoulders, and when he heard the sound of crackling in and out of the courtyard, he couldn't help pulling out his ears to look.

The three of them were so busy that they couldn't even raise their heads: "Who is your Highness going to kill, let's follow."

"Tangtang is going to beat up a big villain, but it's agreed to fight one-on-one."

Qian Shuang waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's a one-on-one fight, I didn't say one-on-one watch, if His Highness hits His Highness, we'll be there to cheer you up."

Tangtang never singled out anyone.

I heard it in Yunwu Mountain before, when young nephews or apprentices go down the mountain to experience their enemies, they have to fight one-on-one.

But Yunwu Mountain disciples kept their promises, and they agreed that one-on-one would be one-on-one, and still beat them to pieces.

As for whether there is any support, I don't know.

Anyway, the master never took her down the mountain to watch the fun, and always said: "There is nothing to see. If those disciples can't beat them, they don't have to go back to the mountain."

Now it's her turn to make an appointment with someone. Can someone watch the battle?
Having agreed to a one-on-one fight with the suzerain of Utan Sect, if you bring a large number of people there, you will be suspected of bullying, and Tangtang seems not to be arrogant.

So she said to the three of them: "The three sisters will hide quietly, and we will come back together when Tangtang finishes beating."

"it is good."

The three women agreed, holding up the shiny big knives, and ordered their subordinates to sharpen the knives quickly, ready to set off with His Highness.

"By the way, Your Highness, should we prepare something, what if the other party cheats?"

Tangtang thought for a while, then shook her head:

"Forget it, if they cheat, you will all be unlucky. You watch from a distance, don't get close, and leave the rest to Tangtang."

The more she said that, the more uneasy the three of them became: "Who is the other party who dares to provoke His Highness?"

Tangtang shook her head: "He's a bad guy, Tangtang has his own measure, so don't worry."

Qian Shuang frowned: "Could it be from Emperor Zun Palace, right? Your Highness, do you want to look for Young Master Xiao? Maybe if he goes, there will be a turning point."

Tangtang nodded: "I'm going to find my brother right now, wait for me when I come back."

As she said that, she rushed all the way to the outside of Yangui's Buddhist monastery: "Brother, Tangtang is here to find you—"

As a result, he ran from the door to the courtyard, but did not see Yan Gui coming out.

There was no light even in the room.

Tangtang knocked on the door: "Brother, aren't you here?"

The courtyard was quiet, and a few palace people passing by said:

"Young Master Xiao left the monastery as soon as it got dark, saying that he had some private matters to deal with. If His Highness has something to do, we will wait for him to come back in the monastery."

Tangtang thought that there was some news from Tu Mengyan, so she left with a knife in her hand in great disappointment.

I knew I had agreed a time with Brother Yangui, so that he could accompany Tangtang to Linyang Peak, and come back after watching Tangtang finish beating.

But it's fine as it is now, if the people from Uzumong sect secretly plot against him, and my brother's health is still not recovered, he will be tricked.

In that case, Tangtang will fight against the villain suzerain alone.

She came back with the knife in her hand, entered the Zen room, prepared all the odds and ends, and then went to find Fenghuang.

If that suzerain is really a giant islander, Brother Fenghuang will make you roll and crawl.

She said happily to Fenghuang like this: "Have you remembered, brother Fenghuang? If you remember, we will set off."

Tangtang picked up the sword and led the phoenix, Tang Jiao Qianshuang Mingwu Ci, followed by the mighty shadow guards and forbidden troops.

A group of people rushed towards Lin Yangfeng in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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