Chapter 580 My Life Is Over
Tangtang covered her face with her little hands, tears flowed continuously between her fingers:
"Master said that before one dies, one should say goodbye to relatives and friends, but Tangtang has not met the fairy daddy and rich daddy yet."

"My sisters are still waiting for Tangtang at the foot of the mountain, and there are senior brothers and brothers. They don't even know that Tangtang has come to Linyang Peak."

"The mob took Xiao Honghong to catch mice, and he wanted to bring back a few for Tangtang, but Tangtang couldn't see them either."

"By the way, there is still a roast chicken smuggled back from the academy in the meditation room. Before the two wings have time to eat, Tangtang is about to die..."

The more she talked, the more sad she became, feeling that the sky was going to collapse.

Yan Gui's clothes were wet from her tears, and she was still holding her hand:

"Brother, when you visit Tangtang's grave in the future, remember to burn two more grilled chicken wings, the ones should be crispier, woo woo woo..."

Yan Gui could no longer care about her sugary words, and kept stroking her face:
"Don't be afraid, my brother will take you down the mountain to find a step doctor, and I won't let you die..."

He was just about to get up while holding Tangtang, but he didn't notice a wing slapped by Phoenix, and he was thrown directly onto a nearby boulder.

Yan Gui's back slammed into the rock hard, and his injuries continued to increase, his heart throbbed, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat.

He clenched his teeth, and blood streaked down the corner of his mouth.

He held Tangtang in one hand, wiped it vigorously with the other, and looked up.

The phoenix was already on the verge of rage, the fur on his body stood up, his wings were spread, and he walked back and forth around them.

If it wasn't for the concern that he was holding Tangtang in his arms, Fenghuang would have burned him to ashes with one blow.

Tangtang rubbed her eyes vigorously, touched Yangui, and then looked at Fenghuang:
"Brother Fenghuang, Tangtang is going to die, so stop beating Brother Yangui and take us down the mountain to woo woo woo..."

Phoenix reluctantly let Yan Gui sit on its back, and swooped down from the top of Linyang Peak.

The golden red flame illuminated half of the sky, and instantly alarmed the people waiting at the foot of the mountain, everyone looked up one after another: "It's a phoenix!"

"Your Highness's phoenix, why is it here? Is it carrying Young Master Xiao and His Highness on its back?"

The subordinates of Xiaoyaojing were immediately dumbfounded: "The master of the realm is here to challenge Sect Master Youtan one-on-one, how could he appear with Young Master Xiao, could it be..."

The disciple of Youtan Sect on the opposite side was even more confused: "The young master came to fight the Xiaoyao Realm Lord, and now he is riding a phoenix and hugging His Highness, what is this doing?"

People from the two factions raised their heads to look at the second peak covered with thick clouds, and then turned their eyes to look at each other at the same time, saying at the same time:
"His Highness is the master of Happy Realm?!"

"Sect Master Youtan is Young Master Xiao?!"

Then everyone responded in unison: "Yes."

The entire fork in the road fell into a deathly silence, and there was an indescribable expression on everyone's face.

To be finished!

My life is over!

The disciple of Youtan Sect trembled: Who doesn't know that Young Master Xiao usually values ​​His Highness more than his life?

Not only is there a fight now, but looking at the scene of flying past just now, it seems that His Highness was still beaten badly, young master Xiao will not apologize with death, right?

The young master has apologized, we apostles can still be idle, let's thank you together.

Looking at the people in Xiaoyaojing, their momentum was three points lower.

Xiaoyaojing is now angry and anxious, and everyone has a three-foot-high flame behind them.

It's okay for Youtanzong to bully people in the Xiaoyao Realm, but now the suzerain has beaten the master of the realm so hard, isn't it still a person?

No matter what the result of the duel is, if you see Uzumong in the future, if you see one fight one, and if you see two fight one pair, your ancestral grave will be lifted up for you.

The situation of the two factions took a sharp turn for the worse.

The Forbidden Army and Shadow Guards over there were also in a daze.

Qian Shuang looked at Hokage of Phoenix: "It was His Highness and Young Master Xiao who passed by just now, am I right?"

Tang Jiao shook her head: "No."

Ming Wuci said foolishly: "Is there blood on His Highness's clothes, or is it the hair of a phoenix?"

Qian Shuang and Tang Jiao said in unison: "Blood."

Then the three women were quiet for a moment, and shouted at the same time: "Your Highness and Young Master Xiao were injured in a fight and are bleeding, hurry up, hurry up!"

The three took the lead and started to run, followed by the imperial guards and shadow guards who didn't know what happened.

They only knew that His Highness was injured, so they rushed.

Seeing them running to one place, Utanzong saw it, let's follow, lest they fight with Xiaoyaojing for a while, and there is no place to reason.

The subordinates of Xiaoyaojing saw it, you still want to run, chase!
So thousands of troops rushed to the monastery in a mighty manner.

With so many people appearing in the middle of the night, the army guarding the monastery is going crazy. Where did this come from and what are they doing?
Is there an uprising somewhere in Anping Prefecture?

They became tense in an instant, and the defenders on the turret held their horns and blew them loudly, shaking half of Anping Prefecture.

Bu Chen and Su Qingyun in the Buddhist monastery were also awakened successively.

The two came out of their rooms respectively, and just about to visit Tangtang's Buddhist monastery, they saw Du Fenghuang flying overhead.

"It's broken, little Tangtang!"

"Sugar boy!"

The two fathers flew out of the yard, and rushed directly to Tangtang's Buddhist monastery.

As soon as they entered, they saw an unbearable scene. The little girl was hugged in Yan Gui's arms, her clothes were stained with blood, and she was dying.

"What happened, who hit it?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Daddy is here."

One of the two fathers picked up the child and ran into the house, and the other grabbed someone randomly and asked him to get the medicine box, and the whole Zen courtyard was in chaos.

Qian Shuang and the others also ran back from the outside, out of breath: "Your Highness, how is Your Highness?"

Su Qingyun hurriedly walked back and forth in the room, sternly yelling at them: "How did you protect people, hurt like this, a bunch of trash!"

Hurrah, people in the yard knelt on the ground one after another, not daring to breathe.

Ming Wuci said in a low voice: "Today, His Highness is going to the second peak of Linyang Peak to challenge someone one-on-one. The last general dare not follow, and for some reason, he came back with Young Master Xiao..."

Su Qingyun keenly grasped the key point in the words, and her gaze was like a knife slashing at Yan Gui: "Little Tang, you hit me?"

Yan Gui gritted his teeth and clenched his fists: "... yes..."


Su Qingyun didn't even give him any chance to explain, she just kicked him to the ground, her eyes were shattered: "I abolished you!"

"Mr. Su, calm down, and if you have something to say—"

A group of people rushed forward and pulled people away.

Su Qingyun was so anxious that she was about to go to the room: "What the hell, if Tang Xiaoguai gets hurt in any way today, I'll screw your head off!"

Yan Gui drooped his head, and was beaten without saying a word, lifeless.

The pain in my heart came up little by little, and my internal organs were throbbing with colic, as if I was about to vomit blood again.

But he couldn't care about anything, and looked at Tangtang on the couch with painful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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