I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 590 Still a Clean Uncle

Chapter 590 Still a Clean Uncle

It's just that what is steamed in this steamer is not steamed buns and steamed buns, but the smelly smell, the more you go in, the stronger the smell.

There are buzzing and rustling sounds nearby, and it feels like those sticky things are about to run to the body.

It's just that they are afraid of the light of the shark bead, so they dare not approach it all the time.

"Your Highness," Tang Bi's voice was muffled by the veil, "couldn't this be a miasma forest?"

"However, according to the topographic map of Daliang, leaving from the south gate of Anhe Prefecture, it would take four or five days on a fast horse to reach the range of Hailing Mansion, but it took less than half an hour."

Yan Gui, who opened the way, split the vines blocking the way with a knife, revealing the strange rock behind the vines, on which the word "Hailing" is engraved.

It is the correct Daliang characters, and the next column is the characters of the Hai people in Hailing Prefecture. Gold paint is also painted on the red characters, which looks like it has been newly painted not long ago.

Tangtang reached out and touched it: "On the boundary marker, it will be marked that those who enter will live, and those who do not enter will die. What kind of strange place is this?"

"Generally speaking, place names or direction distances are marked on the boundary markers. It is never possible to mark such words."

Tang Bi thought for a while and said: "Three years ago, when the emperor took the throne for ten years, all the prefectures renovated the boundary markers. I remember that the design sent by Hailing Mansion is different from this boundary marker."

"The pattern is a stone tablet in the shape of a lotus flower, engraved with the word 'Hailing' in Daliang script and Haizu script."

"At that time, in order to appease the Hailing Mansion, His Royal Highness specially engraved the seals of the two His Royal Highnesses on the upper left corner of the stone tablet. Why is it not there now?"

Tangtang stood up and said, "That must not be the original one."

"Besides, that boundary marker shouldn't appear here. This piece of land still belongs to Anhe Prefecture. Just because a hole was dug from the official post, this place belongs to Hailing Mansion."

Tang Bi frowned: "If His Highness hadn't come to investigate today, I'm afraid no one would know that the Hai people are so bold that they dare to occupy the land of Anhe Prefecture."

Tangtang snorted: "Go back and order Feng Chunlin to wait for me in Anhe Mansion. This matter cannot be done by a sea clan."

"The miasma forest doesn't appear here for no reason, either it was moved by someone using the magic circle, or someone has been planting the miasma forest over the years, all the way to the foot of Anhe Prefecture."

It is now May, and Anhe and Hailing are a bit unbearably hot at night.

The miasma forest is covered by tall and dense trees, without sunlight, and the atmosphere of corruption and dry heat is getting stronger and stronger.

The further you go in, the more blurred your vision becomes, and even the road under your feet becomes muddy.

After walking for a while, an extremely fast rustling sound in front of her passed by.

Tangtang opened her eyes wide and listened carefully before stretching out her wrist: "Xiao Honghong, I'm here."

A thin, icy figure descended from the sky and wrapped itself around her wrist.

Tangtang touched its body, and suddenly stopped: "Are you injured?"

The cold snake core licked her fingers, obediently reassuring her that she was fine, and the little snake swam up to her shoulder and spoke to her in a low voice.

Tangtang's eyes widened: "...Master Xuehai cut your tail, didn't he bring Gu body back to Yunwu Mountain... Hurry up!"

Yan Gui opened the way ahead, Tang Tang dragged Tang Bishen forward with one foot and one foot shallow, and the little red snake pointed its neck upright to guide the way.

Turning and turning in the woods, he turned to a swamp, where the shark pearl's light went, there were bubbling swamps.

Xue Hairong was in the pile of bubbles, and the faint green mud in the swamp had spread to his chest.

Huarongyue's face was muffled like a clay bodhisattva in a temple, and she was grinning: "Sugar Baby, long time no see, your dress looks good today!"

Tangtang was speechless: "Master, why are you here?"

"It's a long story."

Tangtang: "...Then you can talk about it later, are there any living things in the bubble?"

"Yes, he is holding a four-horned dragon in his left hand, and a bunch of poisonous insects in his right hand, which almost gnawed away his delicate skin and tender meat."

Tangtang: "..."

She rolled up her sleeves, squatted down silently, and stretched her thin white arms into the swamp.

Yan Gui frowned, and clenched the scimitar tightly.

Nothing happened on their side, but Xue Hairong started to struggle:

"Hey, hey, sugar baby, don't mess around, my uncle is still a clean uncle, if you get dirty..."

"Don't worry, Shizun will be the first to rush out of Emperor Zun Palace and chop you up!"

Xue Hairong: "..."

Just as he was lying flat and groping, he suddenly felt that his sinking body was being held up, and then slowly, little by little, he floated out of the swamp.

Surviving a desperate situation, he was so moved that he almost cried, he lowered his head and looked left and right:
"Candy baby, do you have such long hands? You are really amazing. It's so fun!"

Xue Hairong was as happy as an 80-year-old child, until his feet fully floated out of the swamp, and he saw what pushed him up.

The carapace of that big four-legged snake was thicker than his whole body, and half of his body was exposed, almost ten feet high.

And his hands were supporting the four-legged snake's scale armor one after the other, watching its cheeks bulge and the pointed armor on its back heaving and falling.

Xue Hairong: "..."

Seeing his "I don't want to face all this" expression, Tangtang grinned:

"Don't be afraid, uncle, Xiao Sijiao is gentle and obedient."

Xue Hairong forced a smile: "...does uncle look gentle and well-behaved?"

Tangtang: "..."

Tang Bi: "..."

Yan Gui held the lamp without raising his eyelids.

The four-legged snake probably thought he was disgusting, so he shook his head and threw him to hang on a tree by the swamp.

Then it skidded to the bank, opened its brown eyes, and gave Sugar its head affectionately.

Tangtang was almost unable to stand up being rubbed by it, and laughed giggly: "Little four-legged, you are too big, Tangtang can only hug your nose, don't rub it."

The four-legged snake didn't listen, and arched vigorously, its two front paws almost crushed the bank, and finally stuffed its face into Tangtang's arms.

Tangtang was knocked down by it, and patted its hard giant head helplessly:

"It's the first time for Tangtang and his brothers to come here, you take everyone for a walk, and then tell Tangtang what this place is, okay?"

The four-legged snake bit her clothes and gently put her on its back, then reluctantly put the other three on it.

The big paw stepped directly across the swamp ahead and walked deep into the dense forest.

The depths of the dense forest are not as gloomy and dark as near the boundary markers, with countless blue sea pearls hanging like countless stars in the dense forest.

Below Haizhu stood rows of Hai people with spears in their hands.

They wore the bird feather masks of the sea clan and the sea shell armor on their bodies, poking into the woods like wooden stakes.

From a distance, it is no different from those towering trees.

When the four-legged snake walked among them, Tangtang hid her head behind its carapace, and looked down quietly through the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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