Chapter 595
Tangtang: "..."

So now the biggest suspect is Tangtang herself?
She slapped the brochure on the table: "Who were the people who picked and delivered tea at that time? Call them all."

The eunuch in charge said: "The slaves took the two people from the storeroom to choose, and the four nuns in the Queen's Palace.

"At that time, something happened. All the princes who had seen and served the prince before and after were dragged to the clan mansion. After two rounds of punishment, they were all gone."

"What's the question?"

The eunuch shook his head: "Let's say that Her Royal Highness and His Highness the Crown Prince want to drink white plum tea, and there is still a jar in His Royal Highness's treasury in the palace, so they come to get it."

"After bringing them back, they boiled water for the queen and the crown prince to make tea, and they withdrew. When the clan's mansion went to the queen's hall to search, they only collected the tea set and the remaining white plum tea."

The eunuch boldly glanced at Tangtang, and whispered:
"Because the tea came from His Highness's treasury, the clan's mansion did not intervene. It mainly interrogated the court ladies and eunuchs, and neither the person nor the tea set were found."

Tangtang thought for a while: "You, go and get the rest of the tea pot."

It has been three months, and there is no clue except a handful of baked white plum blossoms left in the jar.

With hope in his arms, Tangtang looked over and over again, and even made a pot of tea to taste, and there was nothing abnormal.

There is no problem with tea, and there is no problem with people, so what is the problem?
The matter of taking tea and delivering tea is inherently problematic.

At the second quarter of the next hour, people from the Queen's Palace came to fetch tea, so they had already set off from the Queen's Palace at the second quarter of the unitary hour.

At that time, the Queen had just returned to the Queen's Hall for a quarter of an hour before she finished changing her clothes. She didn't know that the Crown Prince was going back to see her, so why did she specially send someone to Chenyue Hall to fetch tea?
Besides, when the queen spoke just now, she didn't know about it at all.

The maids of the Queen's Palace finished their tea and went back, just in time for the prince to arrive at the Queen's Palace.

Feng Mingyuan let off the smell of alcohol at the door, and then went to see the queen after drinking the boiled white plum tea, and then disappeared for a quarter of an hour.

What kind of miracle is it that drinking tea can kill people?
After drinking a pot of tea, Tangtang felt her stomach was going to burst, and beckoned the eunuch to come over: "Did none of you suspect the palace servants of the Queen's Palace at that time?"

"The slaves are indeed strange."

"The Prince's Palace also has white plum tea in stock, and it's very close to the Queen's Palace, but they just come to His Highness to get it."

"The people who came here knew each other, and they said that His Royal Highness's white plum tea was damp and undrinkable, so they came to beg His Highness. Seeing that His Royal Highness asked for it, the slaves dared not refuse to give it."

Tangtang thought for a while, and then asked: "Before the tea was delivered, did anyone else go into the warehouse besides the daily sweepers?"

"Yes, the female officials from the House of Internal Affairs and the Clan House come to take inventory. Every March [-]rd, the entire warehouse in the palace will be counted."

More and more people were involved, Tangtang summoned all the officials who were in the warehouse at that time into the palace overnight, and brought in the booklet of items recorded at that time.

There is indeed a can of Baimei tea left in the warehouse of the Prince's Hall, and it has been well preserved until now, without the so-called damp.

Tangtang buried her head in the thick booklet.

"It's useless for you to find out these things. The palace man is already dead."

Early the next morning, Tangtang went directly to the Chongwen Hall to stop drinking, and Xun Fuzi, who had just woken up, was confronted with this sentence.

"Fu'an Xiao Zai Zai has almost dug out their three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. The only clue in the world now is that the tea that the prince drank before he disappeared was given by Chen Yuedian!"

Master Xun lovingly patted her little head: "The old man has read a lot of story books in his free time. Do you know what will happen if this story gets out?"

Tangtang shook his head foolishly.

"That is, Her Royal Highness is ruthless, colluding with foreign enemies, killing fathers and brothers, and trying to steal the country and society."

Tangtang blinked her eyes, but didn't respond at all.

Master Xun looked at her vigilantly, and tugged at her little ears: "Hey, little apprentice, you don't really want to do this, do you?"

Tangtang pulled out her ear from the master's hand, and rubbed it vigorously:

"Tangtang seems to have thought of the reason why the bad guys attacked the prince's brother."

Master Xun stopped laughing and sighed:

"The scene where you were on the canal was too ostentatious. Today, no one in the world knows that you are the Phoenix Girl of Destiny, who wants to live the same life as the sky, overlooking the vicissitudes of life."

Tangtang proudly raised her head: "Tangtang doesn't want to, but it's just like this, who knows Tangtang's troubles?"

Master Xun was so angry that his beard cocked up: "...Look at you, you look like a beating little boy, exactly like your beautiful father!"

Tangtang grinned and said in a low voice, "Master said, if it's different, then the glamorous daddy will be green."

Master Xun: "..."

Shut up, grandpa!

"Now that things have become like this, we can only find the elder brother of the prince first."

Tangtang rolled up her little sleeves, and was about to slip away with a magic circle: "Tangtang has to go to Futu Town to find out what secrets are there."

Master Xun caught her and said, "Don't run around. When the time comes, you will be gone, and the world will really be in chaos."

"It's been several days since you left Yijia for the southern tour, go back and summon all the officials, there are still old men and Fu'an little ones in the capital."


Tangtang moved her hands, trying to pull her little hand out of the master's big hand.

Master Xun stared: "What are you doing? You don't even listen to the old man?"

Tangtang rolled her eyes: "Master, you should let Tangtang go. If you don't let go, how can Tangtang go back to Anyang?"


Master Xun let go of his hand in embarrassment and touched his nose.

Tangtang moaned and formed a magic circle, and said in a low voice: "Besides, Tangtang has never heard what you say."


Master Xun was so angry that he was about to go to the room, but he missed him, and the little apprentice escaped from the circle.

When Tangtang slipped into the car, Ming Wuci, who pretended to be her, was lying in the car and sound asleep.

She felt a sudden sinking around her, turned over, and stretched out her hand to paw twice: "Sister Qian Shuang, don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while."

Tangtang stretched her little neck and moved close to her ear: "His Royal Highness..."

"Where, where, where is the prince—"

Mingwu's words became clear instantly, and a carp slammed the unsuspecting Tangtang into the car window.

Qian Shuang heard the movement, and came in with a sword: "..."

Just look at Ming Wuci, with disheveled hair, sleep marks all over his face, holding a knife in one hand, and resting the other against His Highness the Empress Dowager dressed in men's clothes.

His Highness's little one was pushed against the wall of the carriage, and its face was almost squeezed.

Qian Shuang covered her face: " are?"

Mingwuci quickly hugged Tangtang down: "Sleepwalking, sleepwalking!"

Tangtangpa pulls her small face, lifts the curtain to look outside: "Where are you?"

Qian Shuang said: "There is still an hour to go to the hot spring courtyard of Anyang Prefecture, which is the private garden of Doctor Bu. At the end, the general is going to say that His Highness has gone to pay a private visit. Why did you come back suddenly?"

(End of this chapter)

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