Chapter 605

Tangtang sat on the phoenix, let it fly slowly, and then watched the Qiang army run in front, but they were running too slowly.

The phoenix flew away, and they were able to throw them far away. In the end, Tangtang refused to let the phoenix fly, and stopped in the air above the battlefield, waiting for them to run.

She also let go of her voice and shouted: "Run faster, run faster... that one who dropped the shield, pick it up and run, hurry up!"

"The one in front is holding a bow and arrow, your arrows are not on the string, how do you shoot arrows, you are so stupid!"

"The fire is coming, the fire is coming, the phoenix fire will burn you to ashes, run up, rush—"

Originally, the Qiang army was in a mess, but after she called it like this, it became even more chaotic, crying for their father and mother, and they were defeated.

Tangtang had had enough fun, and didn't intend to leave the battlefield too far, so Fenghuang turned around and returned to Futu City, and shouted to the Qiang army before leaving:

"Go back and tell your lord that if he dares to invade our Daliang border again, I will not leave him a whole body!"

The soldiers guarding the city were all overjoyed. When they saw her come back, they all knelt down and saluted: "Your Majesty is wise and mighty, long live long live long live!"

"Flat body."

Tangtang floated down from the phoenix, stood beside Xuanmo, overlooking the final battle outside Futu City.

The soldiers were discussing cheerfully and quietly, and a general in the Xuanwu Army said:

"With the help of the phoenix, why worry about Lord Qiang being undefeated? When he reaches the capital of Qiang, his palace will be burned to the ground!"

Mingwu Ci also said: "That's right, let's burn one wave after another, all the way to the extreme northern land, and the world will be peaceful immediately."

Tangtang shook her head, "I'm using the Phoenix Fire today to give Lord Qiang a warning. You can't use the Phoenix Fire every time you fight."

"The phoenix fire is extremely fierce. It can turn mountains and rivers into scorched earth in an instant, and nothing will grow for ten years. Although we can win the battle, aren't the people who will suffer in the end?"

Everyone looked at the golden and red flames following the Qiang army, turning the ashes into coke wherever they passed.

The Qiang army's night attack was not only unsuccessful, but also seriously injured. The next day, they retreated fifty miles and stayed out of the camp.

Xuan Mo knew that the emperor's envoy had not been dispatched yet, so he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but ordered people to guard the city wall, and seized the time to replenish and rest.

"The Qiang army is only here to test Daliang's scapegoats. The real test is yet to come." He pointed to the place where the Qiang army and Emperor Zun envoys camped between Futu City and Qiang Kingdom.

Tangtang looked at the distance, and asked again: "Any news about the living dead and the evil army?"

The general who was in charge of inquiring about the news said: "There is no word back to Your Majesty, not even the star formation in the bottomless grass."

Another person next to him said: "Isn't the emperor sincerely wanting to help Lord Qiang this time?"

Xuan Mo sneered: "It's not the time yet, they are waiting until Daliang and the Qiang Army are both defeated, before attacking."

"Stand still and see what they want to do."

For three days in a row, the battlefield was quiet.

The follow-up rations and military doctors also arrived at the camp. Tangtang's reward for the three armies was over, and they were going back to Anhe Prefecture to continue their southern tour.

Before leaving, she left behind two trusted followers and gave Xuan Mo a bag of charms:
"General Daddy, if there is evil, the bag will protect your consciousness, and Tangtang's subordinates will do their best to ensure your safety."

"Of course, at the most critical and dangerous moment, just shout 'Tangtang is the cutest' three times, and Tangtang will immediately appear in front of Daddy to protect Daddy."

Xuan Mo: "..."

It's over, the well-behaved and lovely girl is galloping on the road of narcissism, and she can't hold her back.

Suddenly, I don't want to save Feng Hanchu!

Xuan Mo coughed lightly, wanted to laugh but patted Tangtang's little head helplessly: "Cough, Daddy, um, I got it."

Tangtang looked at him suspiciously: "Do you really remember, Daddy General, what is our slogan?"

Xuan Mo lovingly tugged at her little face, and said with a smile: "Little fools are the cutest..."

Tangtang turned her face angrily: "...Tangtang is gone, farewell!"

"Be careful on the road and eat well."

Xuan Mo's phoenix eyes were full of worry, and he even sent the warm pastry wrapped in his arms into the magic circle: "Don't be naughty, let Daddy worry about you."

Tangtang wiped her eyes and waved her little hand: "Got it, Daddy General, Tangtang will come to see you next time."

When he opened his eyes again, he had arrived at a villa in Anhe Prefecture.

This was originally a garden of the Su family. Later, the two emperors lived here, so the garden was protected and became the emperor's travel palace.

Now decades have passed, and it has been maintained on a large scale.

Although the plants and trees in the garden are not as good as the beauty of Qinyuan, but it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there are other caves... Especially in the sparkling lake, there is a big red fish.

Sitting on the fish was a boy with dark blue hair, no clothes, and flicking the fish's tail.

Tangtang knows this big red fish, but who is this fifteen or sixteen year old boy?
Xi Tong, who was meditating by the lake, noticed that they were coming, and immediately got up, and performed the royal gift: "Master Xitong of the Yuren Kingdom, I have met Your Majesty the Empress."

Tangtang ran over, helped him up, and pointed at the man and fish in the lake who were as quiet as chickens: "What's wrong with brother Yuji, who is this little blue-haired brother?"

"He is the new patriarch of the Hai Clan, Quan. He can't speak, but his cultivation is extremely strong."

Xitong laughed as she spoke: "It's Yu Ji's, a young unmarried husband?"

Tangtang: "..."

Qian Shuang: "..."

Mingwu Ci: "..."

Is this so exciting?
We haven't seen each other for a while, and this young unmarried husband is already on stage. If we come a few days later, will the children be able to swim in the lake?
The big red fish in the lake was furious: "Old fish spirit, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you to make soup."

Xitong was not afraid of him, and smiled slightly: "Dare to ask the king, what did I say wrong?"

"When you were besieging Hai's living dead and the evil spirits in the Emperor's Palace, if the patriarch Quan hadn't used the spirit core to save you, you would have been wiped out by now, right?"

"Whether it's the rules of the Shark Demon Kingdom or the customs of the Sea Clan, you have to repay the great kindness of others with your body. The main reason is that the country is unwilling, so just change back to a female body.

Yu Ji said sullenly: "I don't. I am the master's fish in life, and the master's soup in death. What's more, I have been the master's love fish before. How can I go around like this?"

Xitong: "..."

This smelly and shameless fish!

Tangtang smiled and bent over, and quickly waved to the lake: "Brother Yuji, don't let yourself be fooled, and say something."

Not only did Yu Ji not come up, but she swam a little farther with the spring on her back: "Yu Ji betrayed her master, so she doesn't have the face of a fish to see her master."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boy named Quan raised his head.

Everyone gasped involuntarily: Aren't the Hai family all black and rough? How did this patriarch look so good-looking?

(End of this chapter)

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