I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 618 Yunwu Mountain Wants to Bully People

Chapter 618 Yunwu Mountain Wants to Bully People

Tangtang silently covered her face, is there still time to say that her surname is not Su?
Bu Chen came over, picked up the worried Tang, and pulled Su Qingyun behind her:
"Grandma Tsing Yi, who was right and who was wrong back then has been made very clear. If the master hadn't told me to deceive my Yunwu Mountain disciple, Granny Tsing Yi would not have survived to this day."

Tsing Yi Granny looked at him coldly: "Why, Godly Doctor Bu is not blind, but bullying?"

Bu Chen smiled: "It has nothing to do with whether I can see it or not. I, Yunwu Mountain, want to bully people, and everyone has to accept it honestly."


The big witch ran so hard that his hat fell off, and his white clothes were about to fly up in the wind with a cry: "Two, two, if you have something to say, talk it out."

Bu Chen took a step back, looked at Granny Tsing Yi and said:
"Back then when you failed to pursue your tutor, you became angry from embarrassment and abducted my third junior brother to be a Gu slave, planted a mind-stimulating grass for him, in a vain attempt to trick the master into meeting here."

"You poisoned a living young man into a half-dead puppet, ordered him to kill his father and mother, deceived his teachers and exterminated his ancestors, and the eldest son of Su fell off a cliff and died."

Bu Chen pulled Su Qingyun over, flicked his sleeves and said to Tsing Yi Granny: "If I kill you today, you will deserve to die!"

Granny Tsing Yi's eyes were full of fire: "Okay, this is all the old woman's fault. Since you are like this, you should stay in Shiwanshan!"

As she spoke, she waved her robe sleeves, and a white flower snake several feet high jumped out of the lake beside the bamboo building. It shook the water stains on its body, and looked at everyone with its teeth bared.

The mother-in-law in Tsing Yi flew her tongue, and took out the piccolo from her waist. In an instant, the clouds and mist in the mountains rolled up, and there were ghostly shadows.

Even the lake water was shocked, and the waves of water rippled forward restlessly.

The big witch was terrified, and quickly waved her hands: "Grandmother, calm down, the empress and all of you are the young master's guests, if you do this, wait for the young master to return to the sect..."

"The guest who offended the young master, when the young master comes back, the old woman will naturally apologize in front of him with death. If I don't take revenge for the revenge of the past, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart."

Granny in Tsing Yi waved her piccolo again: "Today, you are all buried in my water valley, so make Gu for the old woman!"

Tangtang jumped three times and stepped on the tip of the bamboo leaf: "This is not acceptable, Tsing Yi Granny, with me here, you don't want to hurt anyone!"

"Little guy, the tone is not small, you don't even look at this..."

Granny Tsing Yi hadn't finished her sentence when she was thrown off by the White Flower Snake!

She bumped into a nearby tree, managed to keep her body from sliding down, and looked at Hua Snake viciously: "Little beast!"

The White Flower Snake didn't listen to any of her words anymore, but swam up to the shore, got under the bamboo, took Tangtang lightly, and put it on her head.

Tangtang holds the jasper flute: "Grandma Tsing Yi, I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise the flowers, plants, snakes, ants, and insects you raise will not recognize you."

Granny Tsing Yi was furious, so she called her with a piccolo.

Bu Chen and Su Qingyun flew over at the same time, and directly hit her into the air with two palms.

The big witch quickly helped the mother-in-law up in Tsing Yi: "Grandma, calm down, this is the empress, you can't beat her!"

Tsing Yi's mother-in-law choked out a mouthful of blood, and pushed him away forcefully: "Today either they will die, or the old woman will die, no one should think about it!"

"No, mother-in-law can't summon the mind-stimulating Gu formation!"

When the big witch saw her death-death posture, she knew that something bad was going to happen, and quickly flew to stop her, but the difference in cultivation base was too big, and the big witch was pushed out of the Gu formation directly.

There was chaos between the sky and the earth, only the black and purple clouds above the water valley kept circling and gathering, like a huge grimace, swallowing all the living things on the ground.

Buchen greeted Tangtang and Su Qingyun: "You guys go."

"Come on, you, a doctor, can beat this old poisonous woman?"

Su Qingyun raised her head to look at the little girl on the snake's head: "Little Tang, run first, and get someone to deal with this old poisonous woman. Fathers, resist for a while."

"Tangtang won't leave!"

Tangtang was categorical, and directly raised the Jasper flute: "Senior Sister Xiaoyun, it's up to you."

In an instant, the jasper flute hovered up, and the green light became more and more intense, almost covering up the black and purple mist.

The two clumps bulged and intertwined, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the poisonous insects and poisonous flowers kept falling down in mid-air, breaking in two.

Granny Tsing Yi saw that the situation was not right, she attracted two Gu formations to trap Bu Chen and Su Qingyun, and then rushed towards Tang Tang with her piccolo:
"Little guy, you are quite capable. Leave the phoenix bone and let the old lady see how much it weighs!"

Tangtang flew and landed in the bamboo forest beside him: "I want to see it, do you deserve it?"


Tsing Yi Granny became furious from embarrassment, and summoned large and small Gu formations to trap her together, taking the opportunity to fight well.

But when these insect Gu encountered Tangtang, they had no attack power at all, and even the Gu array lost its effect.

On the contrary, Tsing Yi Granny's cheek was scratched by her Gu formation.

"If you keep hitting, you really won't be able to keep your face?" Tangtang jumped back on Hua Snake, shook her piccolo, and challenged Tsing Yi Granny with a smile.

Granny Tsing Yi wiped her face fiercely: "Little guy, you really dare, aren't you afraid of death?"

Tangtang shook her head and stuck out her tongue to annoy her: "I'm afraid that if you die, my reputation as a master and a rich father will not be cleared. Why are you staring at me? Do you want to attack me with your eyes?"

If Tangtang hadn't lost her phoenix eyes, she would stare at you to death!

Tsing Yi's mother-in-law twisted her nose in anger at her words: "Little guy, save your life."

The Gu formations from all directions were all fused together, like a black vortex gathered in midair, constantly changing.

The White Flower Snake had already started to feel uneasy, and retreated silently into the lake.

Tangtang frowned.

Suddenly, it went dark, and the whirlpool turned into a glazed flower and slammed towards her, even with a vague voice:
"Small pastries..."

"Beautiful dad?"

Tangtang, who was flying up, was stunned for a moment, and when she remembered that she was not in the Emperor Palace and the Imperial Palace, it was already too late, and the black mist had completely enveloped her.

There was buzzing and buzzing in her ears, and someone was crying and screaming, as if it was pulling and tearing on her heart.

It felt like being bitten by something all over his body, which was extremely uncomfortable.

The next moment, she was held in someone's arms, and the pain gradually faded away.

Tangtang's head was stuffy, and he asked weakly, "Who? Brother Yuji? No fins... Quan, is that you?"

The person hugging her moved a little, and gave a soft "hmm".

When the big witch brought people to completely disperse the black mist, everyone gathered around: "Empress/Little Tangtang/Tang Xiaoguai, how are you doing?"

Tangtang was held in Buchen's arms, shook his head weakly, and looked at the spring next to him, his whole body was covered with black and red bloodstains, and he had already passed out in a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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