Chapter 621 Unable to refute
"You are so bold," Tsing Yi Granny looked at her coldly, "What if the old lady refuses?"

Tangtang Tanshou: "Then there is no other way, the heart-stealing Gu formation is mine, and you will grow old in this formation day by day, waiting for brother Yangui to come back and kill you."

Tsing Yi's mother-in-law laughed loudly: "Little guy, my old lady has never seen anyone more arrogant than you in her life."

"That's because you don't travel to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and you don't know much."

Tangtang stimulated her with a smile: "In our Yunwu Mountain, there are many people who are more arrogant than me. If you can't understand this, then you are really too weak."

Granny Tsing Yi didn't know she heard that sentence, she lost her temper immediately, and she no longer looked at Tangtang fiercely:

"What deal do you want to do?"

Tangtang said: "I want your mind-stimulating Gu formation, you help me raise it to the record in your handbook, I will take the Gu formation to strangle Emperor Zun's evil army."

Granny Tsing Yi glanced at her, and suddenly smiled: "It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, do you know what price it takes to develop such a Gu formation?"

"Even if you develop it in the end and swallow all the emperor's legion, then this Gu formation will become unmanageable, and it is possible to swallow the world."

"You don't have to worry about this." Tangtang said, "I will lock it into the illusion and let the phoenix fire burn it."

Tsing Yi Granny nodded: "Since you have thought about the escape route, the old woman can help you, but since it is a deal, what benefits will you give me?"

TangTang said, "I'll save your life."

Granny Tsing Yi sneered: "It's up to you? You have the confidence, but it's a pity that you are not ashamed. How can the young master be at the mercy of others?"

Tangtang smiled and said, "It's up to me."

She was so sure that Tsing Yi's mother-in-law didn't know whether what she said was true or not.

There is an extremely important person hidden in the young master's heart, and no one else is even qualified to mention it.

Although she didn't care about world affairs in the Hundred Thousand Mountains these years, she has heard everything she should have heard. Could it be this little girl in front of her?

The empress of the Liang Kingdom is so amazing?

But the young master even gave out the soul butterfly, so she couldn't help but not believe it.

Granny Tsing Yi pondered for a moment: "You don't need to be hypocritical, life and death are the same to the old woman, if you agree to my conditions, I will help you, if you don't agree, get out as soon as possible!"

"Tell me."

Tsing Yi Granny said: "I want to see your master."

Tangtang was stunned for a moment, remembering what Daddy Immortal said just now, a long time ago, the bad mother-in-law in Tsing Yi and Master did have a relationship.


"What do you want to do when you see my master?" Tangtang blinked her eyes, "I am full of lovesickness, or do you want to marry him?"

Such direct words stunned Tsing Yi's mother-in-law, and it took a long time before she replied: "What does it have to do with you?"

Tangtang said: "Since you know my master, you know that he cultivates no emotion. He sees you, me, flowers and trees in the same way. What's the use of seeing him?"

"He can't have sex with you, and he can't marry you as his wife. If he is annoying, he might be afraid of killing you."

For the sake of the Gu formation, Tangtang was quite sincere: "So, Tsing Yi bad mother-in-law, are you living well?"

Tsing Yi Granny's complexion changed a few times, and there was a bit of sadness in her eyes: "You know a fart!"

"If I can't see him in this life, I won't die with peace. If I can see him, even if I die immediately, I will be willing."

Tangtang stopped talking.

In the past, a nephew of Yunwu Mountain went down to experience training, and also met a man who made her unforgettable. Unfortunately, he already had a family, and the nephew died of depression not long after returning to the mountain.

She hated that bad man who made her nephew sad, and threatened to beat him up after going down the mountain.

The master smiled and said that she is more suitable for cultivating Wu Situation: "Everyone has his own ambition, so don't force it."

So now she can't force Tsing Yi to be a bad mother-in-law.

"I'll take you to see him when the master comes out from the emperor's palace when the great work is done," Tangtang patted his hair, "but it's not certain whether he will see you or not."

Granny Tsing Yi sneered: "Since you can't guarantee it, the old woman won't give you this Gu array."

Tangtang pursed her mouth: "You threatened me with my master, he knows, doesn't he hate you even more?"


The mother-in-law in Tsing Yi, who was pinched seven inches, was so angry that her eyes were red, and finally she had no choice but to compromise: "I agree with you."

Only now did Tangtang laugh, and stretched out her hand to withdraw her magic circle.

Tsing Yi's mother-in-law was stunned: "Aren't you afraid that the old lady will hurt you?"

"Don't be afraid, we are allies now, Tangtang believes in you." She got up from the ground and clapped her little hands, "You can follow me from now on."

Granny Tsing Yi looked at her, showing a rare smile: "After all, he brought out the child with his own hands. He has courage."

Tangtang walked in front with her little hands behind her back, and turned her head to ask, "I'm willing to sacrifice my life for a chance to see Master, and I know the result, Tsing Yi Granny, won't you regret it?"

"not regret."

When she spoke, there was a firm light in her eyes.

Tangtang curled the corner of her mouth, it looked like Master's peach blossom was still an indestructible flower.

It's really a pity.

She took Granny Tsing Yi out of the prison and went to Shuigu to pick up Yuji.

Exhausted from being busy, the big witches who rescued the fish only after half of their cultivation had been crippled looked at Granny Tsing Yi, and she was in a bad mood:
"Your Majesty, why did you let her out? She almost killed you just now."

Tangtang raised her little hand and pointed back: "She will be mine from now on."

The big witches were so startled that their eyeballs dropped: "This... does the young master know?"

Tangtang looked at them strangely: "How do I know if Brother Yangui knows? He doesn't know, so just tell him, he knows, and he won't stop me."

Great witches: "..."

What the empress said was so reasonable that she couldn't refute it.

The big witch asked again: "Then, what's the use of Tsing Yi Granny?"

Without waiting for Tangtang to answer, Tsing Yi Granny ended the chat directly: "It's none of your business!"

Big witch: "..."

Poor and helpless!

The matter was resolved satisfactorily, Tangtang looked at Yu Ji who was flopping around on the ground: "The king is alive?"

"Yes, yes, the subordinates put in a lot of effort, and they can be regarded as saving the king." The small eyes of the big witches were shining with a big light to invite credit.

Tangtang picked up Yu Ji in satisfaction: "Thank you, I will tell Brother Yangui, and when he comes back to reward you, I will leave."

The great witches rubbed their hands, flattered: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is so wise...Your Majesty, go slowly, and come again next time."

What a good sire.

The sorcerers no longer felt sore in their waists or legs. They all got up and stood in a neat row, watching His Majesty leave with the man and the snake.

Watching them off, their smiles froze on their faces: "Your Majesty, snake, snake, keep the snake—"

(End of this chapter)

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