I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 627 Is That Embarrassing Expression?

Chapter 627 Is That Embarrassing Expression?
On this day, Feng Tinglie, the "Sea Dragon King" of the Twelve States of Liangxi and the fourth prince of Daliang, was carried back by the snakes he feared most.

Outside the palace, officials from the twelve states were kneeling.

In the palace, Tangtang looked at Feng Tinglie who was guarded by two big snakes, and laughed:
"I heard that the fourth brother is going to take ten beautiful concubines back to the mansion tonight. I'm really sorry for disturbing you."

Feng Tinglie: "..."

Is that embarrassment on your face?

Tangtang asked Ming Wuci to put the prepared box in front of Feng Tinglie:

"In it, it's an apology I prepared for the fourth brother. If the fourth brother doesn't dislike it, he can accept it."

Feng Tinglie opened the lid of the box in disgust, and a strong smell of medicine came to his face, inside were dozens of packs of medicine neatly placed:


Tangtang said with a smile: "Ah, this is the tonic I specially asked Daddy Daddy to prepare for you. It will strengthen your kidneys..."


Feng Tinglie's face was completely darkened, and he jumped up directly. If he hadn't been stared at by two big snakes, he would have been flying in place immediately:

"Feng Chenyue, I will bear with it, don't go too far."

"Am I going too far?"

Tangtang pointed at the high platform that had not been removed outside: "You're giving me a big blow!"

"You stomped the face of Empress Liang on the ground, but you said I was too much, but you are not too much? Logically, one of you counts as one, and everyone should be punished!"

"Kill it, I'm not a man if I snort."

Feng Tinglie hugged his shoulders and squinted at her: "Anyway, father, elder brother, third elder brother, which one did you not attack?"

"Feng Tinglie!"

Bu Chen and Su Qingyun on the side were also angry: "The matter of your father and Ming Yuan has nothing to do with Xiao Tangtang, and Ming Xiu has already returned to Beijing, so don't talk nonsense."

Feng Tinglie restrained himself a little: "I don't mention the matter of the emperor, but what about the elder brother of the prince? He has been missing for so long, but you are making a grand tour of the south. The empress is so majestic!"

Bu Chen frowned: "Where did you hear the gossip?"

Su Qingyun also persuaded: "Since Mingyuan disappeared, Tang Xiaoguai has searched almost every place he could find, and he almost went to Emperor Zun Palace to be an important person."

Feng Tinglie patted the table: "Where's that person? Did you find him?"

Seeing his confident appearance, Tangtang couldn't help asking: "Seeing that you are so domineering, why did the Prince's brother show up in Twelve States?"

Feng Tinglie sneered coldly: "I won't tell you, lest you find the prince's brother and secretly kill him."

"Then you just didn't find it."

Tangtang carefully observed every inch of his expression:
"Just now I made some inquiries. The Sea Dragon King has been here for almost half a year. Is he looking for the prince's elder brother? Then you have been here longer than the prince's elder brother has been missing."

Feng Tinglie didn't react at first, but after understanding what she meant, he almost exploded: "What do you mean?"

Tangtang stall spread hands: "You say I have ulterior motives, and I say you are plotting evil, what are you upset about?"

Feng Tinglie was so angry that he almost fainted, and he didn't want to argue anymore:

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Back then, I brought my brothers to chase the deserters from the Chen country all the way here. I didn't know what territory this was from the Twelve States."

"They robbed their houses and harassed the people, and they were caught by Lao Tzu and his brothers. The people here call Lao Tzu the 'Sea Dragon King'. If you are jealous, just say so."

Tangtang asked: "Then, how did you know that the prince's brother was brought here?"

"Probably last month, the young master told me."

Feng Tinglie threw a letter to Tangtang:

"At the beginning, I didn't believe it. Later, my brothers said that they had indeed seen many suspicious people, and when they searched later, they couldn't find any of them."

"You mentioned this person four years ago, who is so sacred?"

Feng Tinglie turned his head triumphantly and proudly: "You don't deserve to know!"

Tangtang didn't bother to argue with him, and opened the envelope.

The letter stated that Feng Mingyuan was taken to the Twelve States by warlocks and a few living dead, and was most likely hidden in an underground river or an ancient temple.

"What is this place?"

Feng Tinglie said: "The underground river is the source of the twelve states in the legend. This sea area all originated from there, but I have never found it, and the people here don't know."

"As for the ancient temple, no one knows about it. I guess it should be a place that was flooded a long time ago, but with such a big sea, I don't know when we will find it."

Tangtang returned the letter to him: "So you gave up? Started spending money?"

"You fart!"

Feng Tinglie patted the table: "What do you know, my beauty pageant is to choose those women with good water quality, the ancient temple is extremely dark, men can't find it when they go down."

Tangtang asked curiously: "According to you, the ones who took away the prince's brother were all women?"

Feng Tinglie was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting this.

Tangtang also suddenly realized, no wonder she lost the clues when she found them before. When looking for someone, she only paid attention to the men and didn't pay attention to the women.

Feng Tinglie immediately stood up: "You wait, I'll go find it right away!"

After taking two steps, he walked back as if remembering something:

"Since you are here, I don't care about the twelve states. After finding the second brother, I will continue to go to sea with my brother."

"Are you going to spend your whole life like this?"

Tangtang got down from the phoenix seat, walked up to Feng Tinglie, and looked up at her.

Looking at those cat-like eyes, Feng Tinglie's heart trembled, and he frowned and said:
"Take care of me, stay away from me! Go away."

Tangtang leaned close to him, with big eyes squinting: "You are my fourth brother, how can I ignore you, right, fourth brother?"

The sweet voice made Feng Tinglie's mind buzz, and he stuttered: "Who, who is your fourth brother, don't, don't get close."

"You are not, is there anyone else?"

Feng Tinglie clenched his fist nervously: "Fart, what do you want?"

Tangtang said: "Since you are the 'Sea Dragon King' of the Twelve States, this place will be granted to you as a fief. My brothers have their own thrones, so you should also have a title."

Feng Tinglie couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in her gourd: "What do you mean?"

Tangtang returned to the Phoenix Seat and signaled to Tang Bi to draw up an order: "Fourth Prince Feng Tinglie bestowed the title 'Prince of Hailong', and the Twelve Western Liang Prefectures are his fiefdoms. He can dispatch officials, command the army, and collect taxes."

Feng Tinglie was stunned: "You didn't punish me?"

"What to punish you for?"

Tangtang looked at him majestically: "You should be thankful that you are still useful here, I need you to rule the Twelve States of Liangxi for me, Prince Hailong!"

No one has ever taken him so seriously.

Feng Tinglie's eyes shook sharply, his fists were clenched tightly, and he didn't speak for a long while.

In the end, he still succumbed to such a rare emotion, and he solemnly knelt down: "Chen Feng Tinglie, accept the decree, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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