Chapter 629

"Absolutely impossible! The news given by the young master can't be wrong!"

Feng Tinglie strode in from the door: "We have been here for too short a time, there must be something we haven't discovered in time."

Tangtang took two more state chronicles and opened them to read: "The young master of the fourth brother is quite powerful."

"What do you know?" Feng Tinglie raised his head proudly, "The young master is naturally the most powerful person in the world."

Tangtang started to fool him: "Then tell me, won't I know?"

"he is the one……"

Just as Feng Tinglie was about to say something, when he saw her shining eyes, he immediately understood, and curled his mouth: "Why should I tell you, I have to look it up myself."

Tangtang groaned: "I'm not interested in the young master who even wants to win over you."

Feng Tinglie was furious at that time: "What's wrong with me?"

"Just ask me who in the twelve states refuses to accept me? I can kill you with one hand, you little girl, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Tangtang glanced at his hand: "Put your hand away, don't bite it off when you speak big words."

Feng Tinglie: "..."

He was very angry, but he couldn't say anything in rebuttal.

What she said was right, not to mention that there were countless people around her who gave their lives to protect her, even she herself, he couldn't beat her, and she couldn't beat her either.

She is the daughter whom the father cherishes dearly in the palm of his hand, and the younger sister whom the young master values ​​more than his life, but he is nothing.

His mother and concubine died early, his father didn't love him, his brothers and sisters were kind to him on the surface, but in private everyone stayed away from him, even the palace people secretly laughed at him.

When she was taken into the palace by her father, every prince and princess became a joke living in her shadow, and he was not even worthy of a joke.

Thinking of this, Feng Tinglie's face darkened even more: "I will prove it to you in my own way."

After speaking, he strode out.

"Fourth brother—"

Feng Tinglie's footsteps stopped suddenly, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "What else does the Empress want?"

A sweet voice came from behind: "You kneeled well last night, why did you run away in the middle of the night? I don't seem to have asked you to get up?"

Feng Tinglie: "..."

Afraid of you, just kneel down.

Looking at the officials under the scorching sun, Tang Bi couldn't bear it: "Your Majesty, there are hundreds of officials, big and small, if they get burned..."

Tangtang indifferently picked up a pen to review the memorial: "If it's broken, fix it."

"The hearts of the people..."

"They are more convinced of the 'Sea Dragon King'. To them, I am as far away as a star in the sky. As long as the Sea Dragon Prince can win the hearts of the people, all I have to do is to make him loyal to me."

Tang Bi's heart trembled, and he knelt down and bowed sincerely: "Your Majesty is wise."

The wise empress raised her hand to signal him to stand up, and stuffed two pieces of pastry into her mouth.

Officials from the twelve states finally went back to their homes after two days and two nights of kneeling as punishment.

Overnight, the entire twelve prefectures were in turmoil, and everyone from the officials to the common people had a taste of Empress Mingde's iron and blood skills, and the two groups were frightened.

In contrast, Sea Dragon King, who was able to solve problems and suffer hardships with everyone, seemed very approachable, so Twelve States convinced Feng Tinglie even more.

At night, holding Xiao Honghong's Tangtang to enjoy the cool air, looking at the people standing in the room in a daze, she was very dissatisfied and said:
"I'm trying my best to sing black faces to win people's hearts for you. I didn't let you break into my room in the middle of the night, fourth brother!"

Feng Tinglie's ears turned slightly red under the candlelight: "Old man, I rarely break into your house!"

"Your new love and that fish were fished out of the sea by my brother. It seems that they have a few days to live. Go and see... hey, run slowly!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Tang Tang rode on the Suan Ni Lion and rushed out.

On Feng Tinglie's king's boat by the sea, Tangtang inquired about the place where Yuji and Quan cultivated, and kicked the door open——

The room was buzzing with people, Yu Ji sat in the middle, surrounded by a circle of pirates, all of them looked dazed and laughed like a group of fools.

Tangtang stretched out her foot to push away someone who was in the way, looked at the dim-eyed Yu Ji, and waved her little hand: "Brother Yu Ji, are you singing again?"

"Happy! Sing!"

Yu Ji raised a handful of dried fish and threw it down like a goddess scattered flowers, and opened her mouth to continue.

Tangtang jumped over and blocked his mouth directly: "Hold it!"

Yu Ji, who was held down, twisted twice, and pushed her away: "Go away, Yu Ji wants a master, hug, you are not the master, Yu Ji has a headache..."

Tangtang: "..."

Will the shark demon sing himself as a fool when he sings, killing one thousand enemies and harming himself by eight hundred?
She gagged Yu Ji's mouth, then turned her head to look at Quan who was lying on the rattan hammock, she was deeply asleep, and her already pale skin was even more lifeless.

Tangtang yelled twice, and felt her pulse again: "It's nothing wrong."

"Yes, it hit the head."

Feng Tinglie ran in from outside out of breath, and gestured to their heads:
"There is a big bump on the back of the head, the position is exactly the same, two inches from the ear."

Tangtang touched it, and sure enough, she asked curiously: "Is there any explanation for bumping the head of Twelve States?"

"How did I know, I didn't bump into it!"

Feng Tinglie rolled his eyes: "Brothers went out to patrol the sea as usual at noon, and saw these two panting lying on the shore."

"What kind of fish, it sings as soon as it wakes up. My brothers in this boat are all fooled by him. Along the way, several boats capsized and they lost money!"

Tangtang waved his hand: "We'll discuss this matter later, it's more important to save people first."

Feng Tinglie: "?"

Bad debt No.1?
Yu Ji and Quan were carried back, and the injuries of the two people who hadn't fully recovered were added to the wounds, and Bu Chen also had a headache:

"When the lump dissipates, the person will recover after waking up. If the blood is congested in the head, it may be dangerous."

Tangtang blinked and asked, "Father Immortal, do you want to open their heads to loosen the blood?"

When the people around heard it, they trembled all over.

"This is not Yunwu Mountain." Bu Chen came over after cleaning his hands, "And Daddy doesn't have the superb medical skills like your master."

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be so. Both the king and the spring grow in the sea. What can hurt them?"

Tangtang held down Yu Ji, who was trying to sing, and put her small hand on his forehead. In an instant, overwhelming darkness swept over her consciousness.

Yu Ji's last consciousness stayed on a strange undercurrent.

The undercurrent suddenly appeared on the dark bottom and stunned him and Izumi; it followed them for a while, until they were pushed to the beach by the waves.

Tangtang found Feng Tinglie: "Where did your men find them?"

Feng Tinglie opened a topographic map of twelve states and circled an island: "Here, it's half a day's journey from Wangchuan."

(End of this chapter)

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