I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 633 Little Boyfriend and Big Boyfriend

Chapter 633 Little Boyfriend and Big Boyfriend

"That's my second brother's burqa."

Feng Tinglie recognized it immediately: "His Royal Highness hopes that the second brother and the third child can be gentlemen like Lan, and will embroider blue grass on the neckline and cuffs of their burqas."

The white snake dragged the robe into the shark's tears, gently placed it in front of Tangtang, squinted her eyes and rubbed against her shoulder as if asking for credit.

Tangtang picked up the robe, unfolded it, and it was exactly as Feng Tinglie said:

"So, is Second Brother in the Hundred Flowers Tomb? But there is sea water there, why does he stay there?"

The White Flower Snake shook his head, Xinzi licked her palm and hissed a few words.

Feng Tinglie got anxious and walked back and forth several times: "What did you say, snake? What happened to the second brother?"

Tangtang patted White Flower Snake on the head, and said to Feng Tinglie:
"There is no one in the Hundred Flowers Tomb. I don't know if Second Brother's robe was accidentally dropped there, or someone put it there on purpose."

Feng Tinglie snorted coldly: "You snake knows that the robe is deceitful, so someone deliberately lured us there."

Tangtang looked at the robe several times, folded it for Qian Shuang to put it away: "Then are you going?"

"Go." Feng Tinglie said without hesitation.

Tangtang smiled: "That's right, it seems that the young master of the fourth brother is right, the second brother should be in the tomb on land. Go in through the Baihua Tomb and find the exit."

The sunken ship was much smaller than the king's ship, so many people couldn't get into the small cabin, so Feng Tinglie decided to divide the troops into three groups.

He was in charge of guarding the place all the way, and hid in the cave on the land to prevent being attacked by those Chen people who made trouble.

Along the way, I took the flower corpse king worm in the water to guard the sunken ship, leaving a way out in case something happened.

The third route is him, Tangtang, Tsing Yi Granny and Qian Shuang, who go through the flower mound to find the Shen tomb.

There was a strong wind outside, and the merman's tears floated to the surface of the sea and were pushed to run fast.

Everyone finally found a shelter from the wind, and divided the remaining half of the pirates into it, as well as Tang Bi.

Before leaving, Tang Bi braved the wind and rain and ran out of the cave: "Your Majesty—"

His eyes were frighteningly bright, and he put something in Tangtang's palm: "This is my amulet, your Majesty must wear it."

With a wave of his hand, Feng Tinglie directly pushed the person into the cave: "Don't be so wordy, go in quickly, such a weak body can be blown away by the wind, so what protection do you need?"

Even though Tang Bi was not Feng Tinglie's opponent, he resisted vigorously and looked at Tangtang resolutely: "Your Majesty, don't forget."

"I can't forget, thank you Senior Brother Tang Bi." Tangtang's little head popped out from Feng Tinglie's arm.

Tang Bi blushed and saluted.

"There is a little white face in front, here comes another big white face." Feng Tinglie groaned, "Your Majesty is really lucky."

The lucky empress was still modest: "It's too much, it's not as good as the fourth brother, and he wants to take ten beautiful concubines."

Feng Tinglie stared: "I already said they are useful!"

"Then senior brother Tang Bi is also kind, what are you talking nonsense about?" Tangtang crossed her waist, pointed at Feng Tinglie with her little hand, looking aggressive.

Feng Tinglie refused to accept it: "I didn't see the good intentions, but I can see that he has a lot of crooked intentions. You only have strength but not brains."

Tangtang made a face at him: "Not only do you have no brains, but you also have no strength!"

Feng Tinglie: "..."

I don't know as much as a little girl's film!
Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Qian Shuang hurried over to smooth things over: "Your Majesty and Fourth Highness are arguing, and they are more and more like biological brothers and sisters."

"Who is his own!" The two shouted in unison.

Qian Shuang: "..."

I don't know if you are biological or not, anyway, I was raised by my stepmother!

Tangtang stomped her feet, leaned back on the rattlesnake, and quietly opened her palm, inside was a jade-carved lamb wearing a red string.

If I remember correctly, Brother Tang Bi is a sheep, hehe.

She happily wrapped the lamb amulet around her wrist, and the crystal clear lamb accompanied her into the sunken ship.

The sunken ship has long been filled with all kinds of things on the bottom of the sea, and it is extremely dark.

The cabin and the pillars are covered with fluffy seaweed, and small animals swim around.

The jellyfish was waiting for them in front, and when they saw the shark's tears squeezed in, they immediately ran forward along the narrow aisle.

They circled around along the winding aisle, ran into a cabin with a half-open door along the gap, Shark Tears then smashed the door open and rushed in.

A torrent slammed out from behind the door, washing away the Merman's tears vigorously, and his vision became blurred as a result.

Tangtang rubbed her eyes, formed a magic circle and pushed it out, quickly pushing the torrents to both sides of the shark's tears, revealing a glowing waterway.

There are many bubbles in the water channel going up and down, as if leading to another world, the jellyfish dare not go any further, and quietly ran along the way they came from.

As soon as the merman's tears entered the waterway, they followed the swarms of flower corpses and insects forward, walking through the red coral-like water, wobbling and not knowing where they were going.

"You said that the king worms are not there, why are they not like the worms near the sunken ship, bumping into things everywhere?"

Feng Tinglie looked at the swarm strangely, clenched his fists tightly, a vigilant movement.

Tangtang blinked: "There should be something in front of them that scares them."

"What will it be?"

As soon as his words fell, the swarm fled from left to right, and Yurenlei entered a waterless space.

The water flows meandering down behind him, and in front of him is a densely packed mountain like a beehive.

Each nest is transparent, and a large white shell is placed inside.

The mountain continues to stretch forward, as if it will never end.

"This is Shen Tomb?" Qian Shuang couldn't believe what she saw, "I'm afraid it can hold more than ten million people?"

Feng Tinglie looked around: "Could it be that the second brother is packed in some lair?"

When is this going to be found?

Tangtang accepted the shark's tears, and gave Feng Mingyuan's burqa to the two big snakes, letting them search for the smell.

Just look at two thick snakes swimming on the huge mountain wall, but they are as small as earthworms.

They finally stopped at a nest with a slightly dim light, and after repeated confirmation, they stayed there without moving.

"found it!"

Tangtang smiled, rolled her big eyes, and rushed over with a small skirt in her hands: "Here, Second Brother is here."

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

She was jumping and running fast, and the three people behind her were running fast, but when she looked up, she suddenly saw the rocks under her feet split to both sides.

The small figure suddenly fell into the deep valley, and everyone almost stopped breathing in fright.

At this critical moment, a dark blue figure quickly passed by the shadow of the mountain wall, and fell at an extremely fast speed along the deep valley where Tangtang fell.

(End of this chapter)

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