I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 636 Shouldn't You Cry Louder?

Chapter 636 Shouldn't You Cry Louder?

Feng Tinglie, who had accumulated countless grievances in the tomb just now and couldn't find an outlet, can finally make trouble now.

He said to the gloomy Tang Bi: "I think you should be like him at this time, one, two, three, cry."

Tang Bi: "..."

"Look at his forehead band, which is not good for anything, he can cry so loudly." Feng Tinglie said earnestly.

He pointed to the lamb on the red rope again: "Your amulet looks more valuable than a forehead belt, and it has a meaning. Shouldn't you cry louder?"

Tangtang on the side waved his fist: "Fourth brother, do you want to relive the battle four years ago?"

Feng Tinglie rolled his big eyes: "...I don't want to."

Tangtang then turned her gaze back.

Quan Zheng looked at her... fist in horror, probably thinking that he was about to be beaten, so he held back his tears and hiccupped.

Tangtang put down her fist silently, and warned herself: Don't get angry, don't get angry, little Amu is much more mischievous than Quan.

She untied the forehead strap from her waist and put it back on Quan:

"It's useless to tie it to my body, and you won't look good without it, so wear it obediently."

Only then did Quan calm down, his eyes fixed on the outside in a daze.

Everyone rested temporarily in the cave, and when it was dawn, they took a boat back to Pearl Island.

Nestling against the fire, Tangtang turned her head and asked Quan quietly: "Your injury hasn't healed yet, why did you come out?"

Quan's eyelashes trembled twice, tugged at her sleeves, and pointed at her: "I'm afraid."

Tangtang thought for a while before asking, "Are you afraid that I'm in danger?"

Izumi nodded, looking at her worriedly.

"I'm fine, you saved me, it's amazing." Tangtang gave a thumbs up and looked at him with a smile.

The corners of Quan's eyes were red, and he couldn't help rubbing the fingers holding his sleeves lightly.

Tangtang asked again: "How did you know that I was in danger, and the wind and rain were so strong, how did you come here?"

Quan didn't seem to understand, after a long time he took Tangtang's hand and placed it on his forehead.

Tangtang closed her eyes, and a swarm of insects and a mountain wall appeared in Quan's consciousness.

Completely different from what they experienced, those swarms were still, like a huge amber pillar, but the mountain wall was moving.

Every hive was opened, and there were people coming and going in and out, densely packed, looking like countless ants from the bottom.

It was too far away to see what they were doing. Anyway, the ancestors of the twelve states would not be moving by themselves.

In addition to these, Youquan quietly boarded the dragon boat, sneaked into the king boat in the evening, and followed them quietly all the way.

Perhaps because of his experience in sneaking here before, he was able to avoid the swarms of insects quickly without resorting to shark tears.

If Tangtang hadn't fallen into the abyss, he would still be hiding in the dark, and no one would find out.

After Tangtang finished reading, she looked at Quan's cautious eyes and felt her nose sore:

"Why don't you show up? It's so dangerous. You've already been knocked unconscious by the swarm. What if..."

Quan pulled her sleeve and shook it: "Don't be angry."

Tangtang shook her head: "I'm not angry, I'm worried about you, you were seriously injured, and now the injury is even worse."

Quan was very happy, pointed at himself and shook his head, "No, I'm afraid."

Then he pointed at Tangtang again: "No, I'm afraid."

Tangtang said: "I'm not afraid, but you have to promise me that you won't do such a dangerous thing in the future."

Quan thought about it seriously, but shook his head: "Protect, protect."

"Protect me?" Tangtang looked into his pure eyes, "We've only known each other not long ago, why are you trying so hard to protect me?"

Quan lowered his head in embarrassment: "Marry, you."

Tangtang: "..."

Why do you have to talk so much?

"What I said about marrying and marrying before was just a joke. I only have my 12th birthday in a few days. I haven't reached the age yet, so I can't marry."

Quan nodded: "I, wait."

Tangtang: "..."

Are you and little Amu the same master?

Tangtang felt very tired and didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, so she fell asleep with the rattlesnake in her arms.

Quan blinked for a moment, then looked up at the rattlesnake.

Rattlesnake carefully avoided his gaze, and wrapped Tangtang tightly, looking terrified.

On the other side, Feng Tinglie, who was looking after Feng Mingyuan, saw that everyone had fallen into a deep sleep, and the guards outside did not notice the cave, so he slowly got up.

He walked up to Tangtang, pulled a coral jade bead from the pendant and placed it in front of her, whispering:

"If it wasn't for the sake of you risking your life to save your second brother, I wouldn't have given you such a precious bead, hum!"

He got up and took two steps, then turned his head abruptly, it was fine, he was all asleep, no one noticed him.

Only then did Feng Tinglie return to his original position contentedly, and continued to guard Feng Mingyuan.

Tangtang slightly opened her eyelids, and there was a flower-like rosy-colored jade bead on the stone at hand, the natural patterns inside the jade bead were like marigolds in full bloom.

There is such a coral-colored stone in Chenyue Hall, it is said that one may not be able to find one in ten thousand years, it is extremely precious.

Tangtang quietly curled up the corner of her mouth, hooked the jade beads with her fingers, and put the jade beads into her pocket.

Early the next morning, she pinned the jade bead in her hair and deliberately passed by Feng Tinglie: "Thank you fourth brother, I like coral jade very much."

Feng Tinglie smiled triumphantly: "You're pretty smart."

But on second thought, how did she know?
He followed up with a sentence: "Don't think that if I treat you with a pleasant face, you will be happy and can't find Bei. This is a thank you gift for the second brother, don't think too much!"

"A little bit—"

Tangtangpa pulled his eyelids and made a face at him, then swayed onto the king boat.

The pirates are hoisting their sails, in full swing.

Tangtang glanced at it, and felt that this person looked very familiar, so familiar that she rushed over to beat him up right now.

The subordinate who sold the little brother slipped over with small steps: "Master of the realm."

Tangtang rolled her big eyes: "You are quite flexible, a brick in Xiaoyaojing, where does it need to be moved?"

The subordinate was silly and happy, and then became serious again: "Master, there is news from the north that the star array has moved."


Tangtang immediately stood up straight: "So the evil army has already dispatched?"

"The bad is here."

The subordinates were full of sadness: "The brothers guarding the extreme northern land and the disciples of the Youtan Sect have not found any traces of the evil spirit army's dispatch at all, and they don't know where they went."

Tangtang frowned: "What does this mean? The national teacher sent them away with a magic circle?"

The subordinate shook his head: "Impossible, if the national teacher uses the magic circle, the subordinates will not miss it."

Then how did these evil spirits leave the Regal Palace? After leaving, there must be a battlefield that needs them?
Are all the things in Quan's consciousness true?

(End of this chapter)

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