Chapter 639
Quan no longer followed Tangtang so blatantly, but he would not stay too far away from her either.

No matter when Tangtang turned his head, he would look at her not far away.

Perhaps Quan was injured and moved slowly. At first, he would hide in a panic when he was discovered, running embarrassingly and sadly.

Later, he himself gave up and hid behind any door, behind the pillars and behind the tall guards.

No matter when, there would always be such a piece of blue clothes in Tangtang's sight.

From Pearl Island to Dongzhou Capital, and then to Southwest State Capital, the same is true for four state capitals, and Quan has become a dispensable person.

Sometimes people around me think about it and ask, why is the patriarch of the Hai Clan so uncommon? Did he go back to his hometown?
At this time, everyone will remember that Quan no longer follows the Empress as closely as before.

Sugar didn't respond.

Every day, I still discuss with the generals about the defense, review the memorials, continue to inspect the state capital, and implement the New Deal.

The first academies and women's academies were established in the state capital of martial arts, as well as the martial arts academy.

In addition, imitating the Dongxi market in the capital, the scattered market trade and businessmen from other state capitals are concentrated in these two large markets.

Labor offices were also set up on the fringes of the bazaar, gathering together those who needed work and men.

In the place where the refugees gathered, Buchen joined hands with the immortal doctor Gu Langzhong to open a charity workshop, which was responsible for receiving the refugees and solving many of their survival problems.

In addition to these, he also worked with state officials to build bridges between neighboring state capitals to avoid the trouble of commuting.

After the officials stepped down, Tangtang called Mingwu Ci: "Where is Tang Bi now?"

"In the past two months, Mr. Tang has been walking on an unknown island in the Twelve States. Half a month ago, he was on a deserted island in the northeast, where he sent a group of refugees to dig charcoal."

Tangtang said: "I remember that many people who were struggling to earn a living were recruited to work. Since then, has there been no letter from him?"

"That's right," Ming Wu was afraid of misremembering the words, so he specially invited the shadow guard to ask, "Master Xiao Tang probably ran away again."

Tangtang nodded: "There is no reply in three or two days, send someone to ask, there are too many remote islands, don't run into danger."


After Ming Wu Ci went out, the apostle who was serving Tsing Yi Granny came to invite Tangtang: "Master, Grandma's Gu formation is complete, I invite you to go and have a look."

Tsing Yi's mother-in-law retreated for two months, it was the first time she took the initiative to ask someone to watch the battle, Tang Tang happily ran over.

The heart-pulling Gu formation is no longer as fierce as it looks in Shiwanshan, it's just like a small jujube pit lying in the palm of your hand.

The blood-red glow, twinkling and shining, vicious and gorgeous.

"Don't say that the old lady is not dedicated, but I took my living soul to sacrifice to the grand formation!"

Granny in Tsing Yi's hair was completely white at the roots, and she was already emaciated, and her whole body was like a dead grass in the cold wind, crumbling.


Tangtang received the Gu array, memorized the driving method, and reached out to help her.

Granny Tsing Yi grasped her wrist: "Little guy, you must never forget what you promised the old woman!"

"If I hold my breath, the Gu array can be used. If the old lady dies, this Gu array can swallow you first."

Tangtang nodded: "Don't worry, mother-in-law, I will tell Master when he comes out of Emperor Palace..."

Granny Tsing Yi seemed to be scared, and whispered:

"If he doesn't come, it's okay, I can go to see him; it's good to see him once, just one glance, the old lady will go to the young master to confess the crime."

Tangtang didn't understand: "Is it really worth it?"

"Little guy, you are still young, remember, in this life you will eventually meet such a man who makes you yearn for and dream of, like an old woman."

Granny Tsing Yi held her hand tightly: "If it is possible, old lady, I hope you will never meet her in your life."

Tangtang looked at the slightly trembling hand on her wrist: "Then Master won't marry you, and won't see you, don't you still miss him, mother-in-law?"

Tsing Yi Granny shouted: "What do you know, what do you know?"

When Tangtang left, she heard her whispering: "You don't understand, you don't understand, in fact, I don't understand either..."

She fell powerlessly in the corner, a crystal teardrop flowed from the corner of her old eyes.

Tangtang scratched her head and walked out.

Ming Wuci stood outside and walked anxiously, seeing her coming out, almost fell over when she ran over: "Your Majesty—"

Tangtang asked: "Are you also suffering from love?"

Mingwu Ci: "..."

Suffering from love?
for whom?Feng Mingyuan?Who would scam corpses and arrest people if they had nothing to do?

Bah, what is this all about?
Ming Wu's words were distorted by sugary words, and he finally remembered what he was here for:
"It's not bitter or not, so what, Tang Bi is back, covered with injuries, pried out of the shell by the servants of the Xiaoyaojing."

Tangtang: "... let's go, let's go."

When they returned to the palace, the three subordinates were tired and carried the big moon-white shell, seeing Tangtang grinning ferociously:

"Master, the subordinates found a big pearl inside, and they are going to pry it out for you to inlay on the crown."

Tangtang swallowed, and quietly tugged at Mingwu Ci's sleeve: "The pearl they are talking about is not Brother Tang Bi, is it?"

Ming Wuci dragged her into the palace expressionlessly: "There is only one shell in a shell, so go and see Master Tang."

Bu Chen treated the wound methodically, while Tang Bi lay on the couch with a veil in his mouth, sweating profusely from the pain.

Singing "Your Majesty is here" outside, he immediately changed his face, with an attitude of "It hurts me so much, I won't change my face", which directly frightened the maid who was wiping his sweat.

Tangtang came running and jumping in: "What happened?"

Tang Bi endured secretly for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I seem to have encountered a living dead."

As soon as these words came out, the room instantly cooled down, and the power of Jiuyue's granting clothes had finally come.

Tangtang hurriedly sat down in front of him: "Tell me carefully."

"It's those people digging charcoal in the coal mine," Tang Bi clenched his fists and said with pain, "When I first came here, I felt that their expressions were not right."

"They only listen to the leader. He does what he says. They seem to be unable to think. Originally, I thought it was just the refugees struggling to make ends meet that would be so desperate."

Ming Wu Ci immediately said: "Those people know that there is work and money to earn, don't mention how happy they are, you are not talking about the same group of people as I met, right?"

Tang Bi said: "I also asked the guards who sent them here earlier. They mentioned Pearl Island, and these people seemed to have lost their souls."

"The time when the problem occurred was probably around Baihua Island. At that time, there was a storm and they hid in the cave to rest. It was like this after one night."

Tangtang vaguely thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Is that the cave where the pirates hid before?"

(End of this chapter)

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