I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 65 The Little Tuanzi is in Danger

Chapter 65 The Little Tuanzi is in Danger (Revised)
"Sister Sugar Sugar."

Hearing this sound, Xiao Tuantuan, who was half asleep and half awake, completely pulled the book onto his little face, buried his little head, and fell asleep soundly.

Cheng Qingshuang walked to her side, saw her snow-white scholar's clothes were wrinkled in a mess, and there was a lot of grass and dust on her body, she couldn't help frowning.

Look at the book in Tangtang's hand again, there are three words on the cover, she doesn't know any of them.

It wasn't the Four Books and Five Classics that the young scholars read, it must be that she played truant while her master wasn't paying attention, and read some messy books.

How did such a naughty child make everyone in the general's mansion happy?

I don't know how many sweet words and lies I told, but I must send her to the Su Mansion, otherwise everyone will be deceived.

Thinking of this, Cheng Qingshuang couldn't help squatting down, and took off the grass on her little hat:
"Sister Tangtang, Uncle Biao is here."


The open book slid down from the little face, revealing Xiaotuanzi's big watery eyes.

She jumped up from the grass all at once, slapped the grass on her body, twisted left and right to see if there was any dust, and only after tidying up could she go to see the general's father.

Cheng Qingshuang smiled and helped her tidy up.

Xiao Tuantuan inadvertently saw her eyes, and was a little suspicious: "No, the general's father should be in court at this time, why did he come to see Tangtang?"

Cheng Qingshuang's smile froze for a moment, and she pretended to be sad and said, "Did you bully Su Changan just now?"

Xiao Tuantuan pursed his mouth: "How do you know that he came to find Tang Tang, did he go to sue Uncle Su, and the general's father came here?"

Cheng Qingshuang nodded.

"Hmph, this naughty little golden ball, wait for Tangtang."

She squeezed her small fists, turned around and said to Yan Gui: "Brother Yan Gui is waiting for Tangtang to come back. Tangtang will go to clean up the little golden ball first."

"Brother is with you."

Ever since Cheng Qingshuang appeared here out of nowhere, Yan Gui became suspicious.

Su Changan did run away crying, and it is very likely that he will file a complaint. In this way, he will not be able to judge whether what Cheng Qingshuang said is true or not.

Cheng Qingshuang agreed without even thinking about it.

Su Chang'an has already summoned all the friends from Xixue, and when Tangtang appears, they will push her out of the dog hole together.

As for Yan Gui, he is just a crippled servant, a useless burden.

So Cheng Qingshuang led the two small groups out of the academy.

After leaving Dongxue, Tangtang felt more and more wrong as he walked.

She doesn't know the way, but she can recognize the nearby trees and grass, and this is the road to Goudongdong.

The vigilant Xiaotuantuan stopped: "Sister Qingshuang, you lied to Tangtang, the general didn't come at all, did he?"

Cheng Qingshuang panicked a bit: "Here we are, right in front, let's go."

Xiao Tuantuan took a step back: "Tangtang doesn't believe you, Tangtang wants to go back..."

Before the words were finished, the little glutinous rice dumpling groaned and lay on the ground, with its big eyes tightly closed, and two small fists still clenched, held on both sides of its small head.

Cheng Qingshuang was also terrified, she just wanted to bring Tangtang to the dog hole, she didn't do anything.


A sharp knife rested on Cheng Qingshuang's neck, causing her to scream and fall to the ground.

Yan Gui in front of him seemed to be a different person, like a ghost: "What did you do to Tangtang?"

"No, no, I didn't do anything..."

Her face turned pale, and she kept crawling backwards, shrinking back, but the knife was still on her neck.

When Yan Gui was about to make a move, he suddenly felt a strong gust of wind in his ears, and as soon as he turned his face away, several gusts of wind rushed over from around him.

He was entangled by those winds, and retreated while blocking, getting farther and farther away from Xiaotuanzi lying on the ground.

Cheng Qingshuang, who was trembling all over, didn't forget to drag Tangtang along when he ran away.

It just so happened that Su Changan's classmates from the West School rushed over, put together a few pairs of little hands, and carried the unconscious Xiao Tuantuan to the dog cave.

No one noticed that a young scholar hurriedly retreated from the crowd of people carrying people, and ran to the master's school in a hurry.

In less than a while, the entire kindergarten resounded with the sound of the long ringing bell.

When the long ringing bell rings, it means that there is danger in the Chongwen Museum.

After the masters restrained the young scholars, they all ran out of the academy: "What happened?"

"Su Chang'an took a group of little bastards from Western studies, and carried away the junior uncle, and the junior uncle fell into a coma."

"Where did he go? What is he going to do? Hurry up and look for it."

The juvenile school was all messed up in an instant, but after searching all the places, Tangtang and Yangui were not found.

Only by the dog hole under the willow forest wall, I found Su Changan and a few young scholars from Western studies, all lying on the ground, and two adults lying on the other side of the dog hole.

Master Zheng was about to lose his temper, picked up Su Changan, and slapped him awake: "Where did you get little uncle, huh?"

Su Changan was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground in a large lump, crying non-stop.

The juvenile school and the Chongwen Hall were almost dug three feet deep, but the two children were not found.

"Report to the officer immediately."

"There is also the General's Mansion, let General Xuan go find the little uncle."

Everyone got into action.

In the dark night, a small white and tender hand moved, then slowly lifted it up, covering the little face, and said in a childish voice:

"Daddy General, is it still not dawn?"

No one answered, only the sound of gurgling water.

Xiao Tuan Tuan immediately sat up, hugged his head with his little hands, stared at the dark surroundings with wide eyes: "Oh, Tang Tang's head hurts so much, where is this?"

The little claw stretched out and touched carefully. There was a stone, there was water under the stone, and a soft mass on the surface of the water...

Yeah, it's a person.

She was so frightened that she immediately retracted her little paws, hugged her head, curled up, and pressed her short legs under her body: "Daddy General, Tangtang is afraid..."

However, the limp person seemed to be warm and still breathing.

Xiao Tuantuan looked at it for a long time, then stretched out his claws hesitantly, squeezed his little mouth and touched the person's face, then turned over all of a sudden:

"...Is it Brother Yangui? Brother Yangui, what's the matter with you, wake up."

"Brother Yangui, you have a lot of blood on your body, wake up quickly, don't scare Tangtang."

Xiaotuanzi's big eyes couldn't cover Jindoudou, and they rolled down one by one.

"No, Tangtang can't cry, I have to save Brother Yangui."

She sniffled her little nose, exerted force, force, and force with her two small arms, and dragged Yan Gui from the water to the shore.

Yan Gui clutched the knife tightly in his hand, felt hot all over, and fell into a coma.

Why is my brother in this strange place, my brother's wooden chair?

Xiaotuanzi looked blankly at the dark place, holding Yangui tightly in his little claws, whimpering like a little beast:

"Daddy General, where are you, Tangtang needs you..."

(End of this chapter)

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