I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 657 Slightly Redundant

Chapter 657 Slightly Redundant
After the two female generals finished speaking, they turned around and ran away. The gods fought, and the little devil suffered. If you don't run, you are a fool.


Ming Wuci trembled when he heard the sound, slipped down, and slid straight down the stairs, thump, thump——

The whole person sat on the first floor, holding the food box upright in his hand, and smashed the little mice carrying the food away in a row.

"Your Majesty—"

Tangtang stood at the stairs and looked at her, twisted her hands and asked her strangely:

"I just want to ask if you have any wound medicine on your body. Just now you accidentally returned Yan to brother and injured you. Why did you run so fast?"

Mingwu Ci: "..."

Am I not afraid of being hurt?
Tangtang gave Yan Gui the medicine to stop the bleeding, and even smoothed his heart with his little hands, saying distressedly:

"Brother, Tangtang will never touch you in the future, even if you beat Tangtang in the future, Tangtang will never fight back."

Yan Gui smiled weakly, and was about to say something when his nose bleeds again, and he even choked on himself.

Tangtang hurriedly wiped it off.

Qian Shuang looked at Mingwu Ci: Is there something wrong with them?

Looking back at Mingwu Ci: what did they do right?
Qian Shuang: Why don't we go, it's a bit redundant.

Mingwu Ci: I shouldn't have come up just now.

Just as the two were about to slip away again, a huge black shadow appeared behind them, and the two heads turned back silently——

Tangtang looked at them inexplicably: "What's the matter? I'll go with you."

Qian Shuang and Ming Wuci stepped aside together, and gave way to the stairs: "...No, please, Your Majesty."

Tangtang turned to look at Yangui: "Brother, rest well, Tangtang will come to see you tomorrow, don't run around, be careful that the guards will catch you."

Yan Gui smiled and nodded, and gave her the cloak in his hand: "It's windy outside, and it will rain tomorrow, so don't rush."

Tangtang smiled sweetly: "I know."

Ming Wu Ci poked Qian Shuang, and whispered, "It's windy and rainy outside, so it's cold."

Qian Shuang picked up the food box without looking sideways: "Frozen to death."

Tangtang, who was standing on the first floor, tied up her cloak happily and wrapped herself into a ball: "I'm not cold."

Mingwu Ci: "..."

You're the only ones with long mouths, blah blah!

Yan Gui watched the three girls leave, the smile on his lips gradually faded.

He looked at the window of the attic and said coldly, "Have you heard enough?"

Quan slowly emerged from the shadows, leaned against the wall and looked at him: "Your life is very good, I envy you very much."

Yan Gui slowly raised his eyes: "Is this the reason you want to replace me?"

"Do not."

Quan shook his hand casually: "I don't bother to replace you. You are the young master of the Emperor Palace's Xiao family, and I am the patriarch of the Hai clan."

"You and I are two different people."

Yan Gui raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled inexplicably: "You occupy my consciousness, and you want to separate yourself from me."

Quan Man looked away indifferently: "Thank you so much."

"You gave me all your selfish desires and secrets that you dare not reveal. I am very grateful to you, Xiao Yangui, for giving me a reason to live in this world."

Yan Gui's expression suddenly turned cold.

On the contrary, Quan seemed to have discovered some secret, and smiled triumphantly:

"Are you angry? It's okay, it's just a small fight now, you can't get it... What, do you want to kill me?"

He looked down at the hand that was strangling his throat, and then followed the hand to look at Yan Gui's bloodthirsty eyes:
"I'm dead, and your memory and the last ray of consciousness will be gone. Xue Hairong has spent half his life making up for what you lack. How long can you use it?"

The strength on the neck only increased, and Quan felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe: "I am a shark, invulnerable, do you think you can kill me?"

Yan Gui stared at him: "I'm not going to kill you, I just want you to experience the feeling of dying, after all you won't get what you want."

Quan laughed softly: "You are jealous and afraid, so you threaten me? Don't you always think that I am you, so what I can't get, you can get?"

Yan Gui let him go: "I will hand you over to Tu Mengyan."

Quan nodded happily: "I will also become her most powerful weapon to help you realize your plan."

Yan Gui said coldly: "That's really true, thank you very much."

"There is no way, who told you and me to communicate with each other, I will help you complete the plan, kill Emperor Zun, and then..."

He leaned close to Yan Gui, said something in a low voice, and when he looked up, he was satisfied to see Yan Gui's face suddenly changed.

"I'm leaving, the food is getting cold."

Quan patted Yan Gui on the shoulder: "Don't waste her heart."

Ignoring Yan Gui's eyes that wanted to kill him, he went downstairs gently, opened the door, and met Tangtang who was standing in the wind and rain.

Quan's face didn't even have time to calm down.

He turned his head and looked upstairs, and at some point, Yan Gui disappeared.

Quan smiled: "Interesting, Young Master Xiao really knows how to play with people's hearts."

Tangtang wrapped her cloak and looked up at him: "Why don't you pretend?"

Quan took her hand, and after waiting for a long time, she didn't show boredom or struggle, which made his plan come to nothing.

Tangtang also picked up his hand and shook it: "Do you think I will shout 'Don't touch me', so that I can stimulate Brother Yangui?"

Quan said, "It doesn't look like it can."

Tangtang snorted: "You are really naive."

"When did you find me?"

Quan's heart ached, and for some unknown reason, his voice softened, which was a bit unbearable.

Tangtang thought for a while: "Probably, I was a little suspicious when I was in Shiwanshan."

Quan was surprised: "So early?"

"Yeah, people's eyes can't lie, remember Tianchi?"

Tangtang looked at him with a smile: "You look very disdainful and hostile when you see Brother Yangui's life, and even pretended to be sick without letting me read it."

"If you say that you have no grievances, who would believe it?"

Quan nodded: "So later on, you have been lying to me?"

Tangtang said in surprise: "Your ability to turn black and white is much better than your ability to pretend to be stupid."

Quan was indifferent, and his heart ached more and more: "You are waiting here to tell me these things?"

"Of course not." Tangtang looked at the increasing rain, "I'm going to negotiate with Tu Mengyan, you come with me."

"In what capacity?"

"Xiao Yan returns."

Quan's smile didn't reach his eyes: "This is really great."

Tangtang looked at him with crazy eyes, suddenly worried about Yangui's plan, would such a crazy puppet really not bite when released?

However, the two senior sisters are about to go down the mountain, so there must be a way to clean up the puppets they made themselves, right?

Before that, the army must be arranged. Everyone has been deployed in the twelve states for long enough.

Empress Mingde wants to personally conquer Xiping Prefecture, waiting for the emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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