I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 673 Two Characters That Straight to the Soul

Chapter 673 Two characters that directly hit the soul

Swords, swords, and swords crackled, and the shadow guards rushed directly to the vicinity of the imperial tent like an overwhelming wave.

Although the subordinates and apostles who were fighting in the dark were twisted into a twist, when they saw this situation, they immediately flipped over and disappeared into the night.

When they disappeared, they didn't even know if the two were separated.

Tangtang put her hand on the brow bone, looked around for a while, and said to Yan Gui: "Young Master Xiao's disciple, his skills are really amazing."

Yan Gui smiled softly: "The master of the realm is laughing, the strength of the subordinates of the Xiaoyao realm has always been obvious to all."

The two were speechless.

After the subordinates have finished fighting, is it the master's turn to start the battle?
The shadow guards did not find any clues in the collapsed imperial tent, leaving a few people to assist the imperial army to rebuild the imperial tent, and the rest swung their knives:
"Chase, don't let the assassin escape."

Tangtang quickly made a hand gesture: "There is no assassin, one of our own."

Qian Shuang walked over to salute with the saber in hand: "Did Your Majesty see someone?"

"Ah, the people from Xiaoyaojing and Youtanzong had some disagreements when they spoke, and then..."

Tangtang glanced behind her: "The house has collapsed."

"..." Qian Shuang showed an indescribable expression.

Tangtang thought she was stunned by the destructive power of a pair of old enemies, and was just about to express something when she continued to order people to chase in three directions.

Qian Shuang said in a low voice: "The assassins I mentioned are not subordinates of His Majesty and Young Master Xiao, but come from outside the city."

"The minister just counted the shadow guards, and Qianlongwei's deputy general caught two living dead from them. I didn't expect that the accomplices would arrive just after they committed suicide."

"They came from the direction of Qiangdu. They should be riding a small wooden kite. After being discovered, the abandoned wooden kite fled into the camp, so I led people to chase here."

Tangtang and Yangui looked at each other before asking, "How many people are there?"

"It's estimated to be within ten people, but I haven't found out if there are any other accomplices. Qianlongwei followed the trail and chased them."

Tangtang glanced at the flames that were rising and falling in the camp: "You go to find it first, and you don't need to make too much noise. If you find it, kill it on the spot."


Qian Shuang led the people away immediately, and soon merged into the night.

The camp on the other side was also noisy, Qianlongwei was leading people to search from tent to tent, even the night patrol officers and soldiers were not spared.

I have been looking for dawn, but I have not found any trace of them.

"During the battle between the two armies, surprise attacks and night attacks are also common tactics. Although there is nothing to be afraid of, you still have to cheer up and guard His Majesty day and night."

After the camp tour was over, Jiang Kai called all the generals together for a lecture, and by the way, he talked about the assassins last night:

"Tomorrow's battle is imminent, let alone take it lightly."

"I wait for those who kill on the battlefield. Orders and regulations are prohibited. Don't shrink back in fear of the enemy. Don't abandon the wedge and abandon the formation. Do you understand?"



With an order, the whole camp was busy again.

Jiang Kai walked up to the high platform holding the order flag, and saluted Tangtang: "Your Majesty."

Tangtang raised her hand: "General Jiang has worked hard."

"I dare not."

Jiang Kai quickly lowered his head: "Grand Yu, I will guard the rivers and mountains of Daliang even if I die. This is the meaning of the existence of the Xuanwu Army."

"Privately, I have the guts to watch His Majesty grow up. The whole Xuanwu Camp will never see His Majesty suffer any harm."

"General Jiang, don't be so nervous."

Tangtang laughed: "When I first arrived at Xuanwu Camp, I called you Brother Jiang Kai, and you even bought clothes for me."

"Yes Yes……"

She is also the empress of Xiaotuanzi, wearing the big coarse black robe he bought, running around in the Xuanwu camp, just like a little old man.

Thinking of this scene, Jiang Kai's shy whole body almost burned up.

Yan Gui couldn't help laughing at the side, and nodded Tangtang's head quietly: "Naughty."

Tangtang secretly made a face at him.

At this time, the direction of the camp gate suddenly became lively, and a soldier ran quickly to the platform: "Report!"

"Your Majesty, Young Master Xiao, General Jiang, the food escort has arrived."

When Jiang Kai heard it, his face immediately became happy: "Your Majesty has been snowing for days, and the food and grass cannot be transported in. This is the urgent need."

Tangtang was also very happy: "Okay, you can go and have a look with me."

A continuous stream of horses, horses and camels came in from the direction of the camp gate, and many soldiers were busy unloading the cars, and it was Su Chang'an, who was shining golden all over, who was in charge of handing over to the money and grain officer.

On a snowy day, I was still holding a gold-carved fan with two big characters "rich" that directly hit the soul.

Tangtang: "..."

Jiang Kai also showed an expression of doubting his life, but seeing that Su Changan had worked so hard to get there, he couldn't say anything:
"Thank you, Mr. Su, for generously donating money."

Su Chang'an waved his hand proudly: "General Jiang, don't be too polite. Don't say that the Su family is not short of money, even if they are short of money, they have to supply food and grass even if they sell everything."

Jiang Kai choked for a long time, and squeezed out a sentence: "Su Jiale is kind and generous, and his righteousness is as small as the sky, true, true..."

"Good talk, good talk."

Su Chang'an was not very old, and his tone was serious, he slapped his chest loudly: "General Jiang will order everything that is missing."

"Although Chang'an doesn't know where my uncle's treasury is, but Chang'an has the key to His Majesty's treasury, whatever..."

Then he saw His Majesty who was thinking, staring at him with "you are awesome".

Jiang Kai saw that the atmosphere between the two cousins ​​was a little strange, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, minister, minister, go and count the food and grass."

"Go," Tangtang flexed his wrist, "General Jiang, stay away, so as not to be accidentally injured!"

Jiang Kai ran faster than a rabbit.

Su Changan was so frightened that he couldn't even hold his fan: "I, I, and I will also go and count... Take it easy, auntie!"

Before he even took half a step, Tangtang grabbed his collar:

"Take my money as a favor, and want to run away, say, what have you been doing?"

Su Changan struggled a few times, and said angrily, "I didn't do anything! I'm innocent!"

"I work hard every day to help you take care of the small workshop, go through the wind and rain, and shuttle between Rong State and Liang State to mine ore and deliver oil."

"You, you, let me go, don't think that you are the emperor, you can do whatever you want."

Tangtang let him go and clapped her hands: "You are right, I am the emperor, I can really do whatever I want!"

Su Chang'an held back for a long time, and said, "What's so great, little monster!"

"Brother Su, are you here?"

While they were talking, they saw a horse team running in from outside the camp, led by Aslan with a bow and arrow.

He happily jumped off the horse, ran between Tangtang and Su Changan, reached out and beat Su Changan:
"I haven't seen you for a long time. Your body is still so weak. I don't know how Lingda fell in love with you!"

Seeing Su Changan's complexion change instantly, Tangtang immediately stretched out her little head and was very excited: "Ling, yes?"

(End of this chapter)

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