I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 69 Feed Uncle Su Breakfast

Chapter 69 Feed Uncle Su Breakfast
The clear sound of small milk flows through the early morning medical hall.

Su Qingyun's eyes lit up, who was leaning against the bed, she slid into the quilt, half of her body was wrapped in the medicine cloth, and the other half was still in the hands of the doctor who changed the medicine for him.

The white-bearded doctor who was almost brought down: "..."

A debtor is coming?

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw a pink and tender little dumpling stepping over the threshold.

Holding a food box that was almost as tall as hers in two small hands, she stood on tiptoe with her short short legs and approached little by little.

The two little claws on the head were shaking, the glass-like black eyes were wide open, the small mouth was grinning, and wheezing.

The doctor's heart was melted, and he knelt down to touch her little head: "Little guy, you came so early."

"Yeah, hello grandpa doctor, Tangtang is here to deliver delicious food to Uncle Su, is Uncle Su awake?"

Xiaotuanzi was still bouncing his little feet, stretched his little head to see Su Qingyun on the hospital bed——

Hey, Uncle Su couldn't breathe anymore, and the quilt didn't even move.

Langzhong coughed twice: "...Not yet, Mr. Su's injury is serious, but grandpa will heal him, don't be afraid."

Good guy, I almost missed Mr. Su's scene.

Only then did Xiao Tuantuan laugh again: "Well, thank you Grandpa Doctor, TangTang will come to see Uncle Su every day."

Su Qingyun, who was lying on the quilt, grinned almost to her temples.


Tangtang put down the two food boxes, walked over in a patter, looked at the medicine cloth in the doctor's hand, and asked in a low voice:

"Can Tangtang help to bandage the wound? Tangtang has already learned how to bandage wounds from Master. Tangtang is very good."

The doctor gave her the medicine cloth.

Xiao Tuantuan hugged the medicine cloth with one paw, and lifted the quilt with the other, and frowned involuntarily:

"Uncle Su is injured so badly, he should be in a lot of pain, will two boxes of breakfast be enough for him?"

Worried, she lay down beside the bed, bandaging him.

In the end, he cut off the medicine cloth, tied a bowknot on his heart, stretched out his claws and patted lightly: "Okay... Hey, why is Uncle Su's heart beating so fast?"

Could it be that Tangtang used too much force just now and hurt Uncle Su?

Xiao Tuantuan became anxious, pressed her lips together, kicked off her little embroidered shoes and climbed onto the bed.

Stretching out her little claws, she rolled over Su Qingyun's eyelids, nose and mouth, and carefully observed the bandaged arms and chest.

No, everything is fine.

She gently grabbed Su Qingyun's arm, and then pressed her small ear to Su Qingyun's heart -

It's over, why is Uncle Su's heart beating faster and faster?

Why is the body still shaking?
Xiao Tuantuan was terrified, slumped on the bed, opened his claws, and looked at Lang Zhong helplessly:

"Grandpa Langzhong, is it because Tangtang's hands are too heavy, it hurts Uncle Su, he is shaking."

Seeing that Su Qingyun, who was pretending to be in a coma, was about to clenched his fists white, the doctor almost laughed out loud: "Well, Mr. Su might be waking up."

"is it?"

Xiao Tuantuan pouted her little butt, crawled and crawled, and crawled to the side of Su Qingyun's face, pursed her mouth and blew at his eyelashes: "Uncle Su, are you awake?"

Su Qingyun: "..."

Your father has to wake up if he doesn't wake up.

He moved his eyes pretending to be innocent, his eyelids trembled and trembled for a long time, he opened them in a daze, and looked around blankly:

"Who am I, where am I, what is this place?"


Lang Zhong almost stumbled.

This is too much to pretend.

A quarter of an hour ago, Mr. Su had scolded several accountants who came to deliver the account books, and he became a fool in a blink of an eye?

But Xiao Tuantuan didn't know wow, his big eyes widened in fright, and he waved his little claws left and right in front of Su Qingyun:

"Uncle Su, don't you remember Tangtang?"

Su Qingyun imitated her and blinked her eyes twice: "You are... Whose child, you look quite cute."

Xiao Tuantuan raised his claws and hugged his little head, turned his face in a wooden way, and looked at Lang Zhong pitifully:

"Grandpa, has Uncle Su's brain been broken?"

Doctor: "..."

I don't know if it's bad or not, but I can't cure it anyway.

Grandpa Lang Zhong hesitated to speak, could it be that Uncle Su's brain is really hopeless?
Xiaotuantuan's Xiaojiao was about to droop down, lying on all fours with big eyes, stretched out her paws and patted Su Qingyun's head:

"Uncle Su, can you really not remember who Tangtang is?"

Su Qingyun's face twitched uncontrollably, as if she was in pain, but she was actually holding back her laughter.

In the end, he couldn't hold back anymore, he stretched out his evil claws, and shook the little hand on his head: "You, do you know me?"

Asking cautiously, Tao Hua's eyes were full of anticipation, Xiao Tuantuan's heart was about to break when he saw it, and he nodded his head desperately:
"Tangtang knows you, you are..."

"You are a slave of the general's mansion. You were so poor that you sold yourself to bury your father. My aunt bought you for a penny, and you still don't want to roll over and kowtow to my aunt."

Xuan Ning strode in with a whip in his hand, watching Su Qingyun play tricks on children with a sneer.

This stinky shameless.

Su Qingyun was so angry that she almost jumped up from the bed: "You bitch, I don't know how to write poor characters in this life..."

As soon as the voice fell, I felt a cute fierceness.

It was broken, and Tang Xiaoguai saw through it.

Su Qingyun forced out an embarrassed smile, turned her head, and sure enough, she saw a little ball that was about to turn red with anger.

Xiao Tuantuan put his paws on his hips and stomped his little feet fiercely: "Golden Uncle Su, you lied to Tangtang, you clearly know who Tangtang is!"

Hey hey hey, why is it so golden again?

Su Qingyun sniffed sadly, and pulled her paw to stick to her face: "Uncle Su was in too much pain just now, just, forget about it."

The medicine cloth he was wearing was too deceptive, Xiao Tuantuan scratched his face suspiciously: "Really, does it hurt?"

"It hurts, it really hurts, Uncle Su can't breathe in the pain."

He directly leaned his face on Xiao Tuantuan's small shoulder, raised one eyelid, and observed Tang Xiaoguai's reaction.

Xuan Ning: "..."

Heh, I see you're so cheap you can't breathe!

The naive and ignorant Xiaotuantuan was fooled, and raised his little paws and moved him back to the pillow to lean against: "Then Tangtang feeds Uncle Su, and it won't hurt when he is full."

She jumped to the ground, put on her little embroidered shoes, ran out to wash her hands, and came back to pour a cup of tea:

"Uncle Su rinses his mouth first, and Tangtang will feed you breakfast."

Su Qingyun's eyes widened with a smile.


Xuan Ning said angrily: "Surnamed Su, don't go too far."

Su Qingyun took a sip of tea triumphantly: "This is a touching father-daughter relationship."

Xuan Ning: "..."

Why didn't you choke to death.

Xiao Tuantuan took the teacup and opened the food box: "Whatever Uncle Su wants to eat, Tangtang will pick it up for you."

"As long as it's caught by Sweet Boy, it's fine."

Su Qingyun was so beautiful that she was blown away.

Xiao Tuantuan blinked his eyes, picked out a small steamed bun with thin skin and big stuffing, and blew with his small beeping mouth:
"The bag is relatively soft, but it has soup, Tangtang feeds you, Uncle Su opened his mouth wide, ah—"

(End of this chapter)

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