Chapter 74
The Su family's horse farm is in the western suburbs of the capital.

Daliang is not far from Rong Kingdom, so there is a large grassland in the western suburbs, which used to be the royal paddock.

Later, the paddock was moved to a wider paddock in the northern suburbs, and the paddock in the western suburbs was bought by Su Qingyun as a private paddock. When he was free, he would come to run horses and hunt.

This time, taking advantage of Xuan Mo being trapped in the Xuanwu camp by him, he seized all the time to bring Tang Xiaoguai to relax.

That bastard Xuanmo took Tang Xiaoguai's brother Yangui away, and didn't care about Xiaotuanzi's sadness, how did he become a father?
Su Qingyun thought again, but it would be better to take him away, so that he would take Tang Xiaoguai around to play, and he wouldn't have to see that little follower Yan Gui.

Otherwise, Tang Xiaoguai would call Brother Yangui twice, and he would kill the little boy to silence him.

When we entered the paddock, it was almost noon.

Today's sunshine is particularly good, and it is warm on the body. The whole paddock looks like green grass, stretching endlessly, as if there is no end in sight.

In the distance, there are ups and downs, high mountains, small slopes and a large lake like a mirror.

Standing on the grass, Xiaotuanzi's eyes are not enough, look to the left——

Wow, there are deer grazing, the deer's horns are so big, but they don't look the same as the deer in Yunwu Mountain. Wow, the deer here have white spots.

Take a look to the right——

Hey, there is a big roe deer with a small roe deer, the little white butt is swaying, and when it hears the sound, it stares at Tangtang, how silly.

Look at the front again, it's a sheep and sheep, it's earthy yellow, the fur is so thick, it looks like a sugary fluffy quilt, will it be hot in summer?
Except for Yunwu Mountain and Xuanwu Camp, Xiaotuanzi had never been to such a vast place.

The entire pasture is like a huge blanket, spread from one side of the sky to the other side of the sky, no matter how she rolls and rolls, there is no end.

Xiao Tuantuan was so happy that he lay down on the grass and rolled down the small dirt slope, and rolled up another small dirt slope, and then rolled down again.

The snow-white little scholar's clothes were covered with broken grass, and her little face turned red from being scratched, but she didn't care, and the laughter like silver bells echoed throughout the grassland.

Su Qingyun slowly followed behind and watched her go crazy, her peach blossom eyes were full of satisfaction and happiness.

"The head of the house—"

A servant brought over a cup of rose water.

Su Qingyun took it over, and called the looming Xiaotuanzi in front of her: "Little Tang, do you want some water?"

"No~ drink~ la, thank~ thank you~ Uncle Su, Tangtang will continue to be a ball, roll over, oops——"

The little dumpling bumped into a lamb and knocked it down.

She got up in a hurry and went to catch the sheep.

The little yellow sheep bleated twice, lying on the ground playing a rascal but refused to get up.

Xiao Tuantuan was furious, rubbing Maomao again, and pulling his tail to scare it.

Seeing such a cute villain, the servant's heart melted, and his face was full of smiles: "Dare to ask the master, this lady is..."

"Su Clan, little Patriarch."

The servant froze for a moment.

The Su family is rich and famous in the seven kingdoms, and even Emperor Zun looks at the Su family with admiration. Is the owner of the Su family going to hand over the future of the Su family to this smart and cute little girl?

Since you are the little master, you can't be negligent: "Yes, the villain will inform everyone."

Su Qingyun didn't take this seriously, he was just such a girl, wouldn't everything in the Su family be Tang Xiaoguai sooner or later?

Xiaotuanzi, who finally pulled the little yellow sheep up, ran back tired with his tongue out, his big eyes widened, and his little hat ran away.

Su Qingyun squatted down and wiped her small forehead: "Thirsty? No water to drink."

Xiao Tuantuan hugged the empty jade cup, glanced at it eagerly, then put it back in his hand, twisting his body with his deflated mouth:

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. Then Uncle Su will take Tangtang to see the horse."

"Let's go."

Su Qingyun picked her up, flew onto the horse, tightened the reins, and the horse started to gallop.

Xiao Tuanzi hugged Su Qingyun's big hand tightly, watching the tall and big trees, as well as flowers and plants, slipping past his eyes like flowing water.

She patted her claws excitedly: "Little red horse, rush to the duck!"

The horse neighed and ran faster.

Xiaotuanzi's two crows were about to fly up, flew over the big lake, and passed through a green forest.

Below the soil slope in front of you, there are groups of horses grazing leisurely, flicking their tails, brown, white, black, and maroon like the little red horse.

Xiao Tuantuan's little feet kicked straight: "Uncle Su, TangTang is going to find that little red horse."


Su Qingyun patted the horse, flew up, and immediately landed on the little red horse, which carried them all the way towards the sun.

The little red horse may be the leader of this area, and when it moves, all the surrounding horses start to run.

For a moment, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and the two hundred horses were closely chasing after the little red horse, running on the vast grassland, like waves rising and falling one after another.

Sitting on the horseback, Xiaotuanzi was immersed in the sea of ​​horses, waving his two little fists high and high: "Everyone follow Tangtang, rush to the duck!"

All the people watched the thrilling scene, the snow-white glutinous rice dumpling stood on the horse king's back, leading the horses in the whole pasture to run wildly.

They ran all the way to the edge of the paddock, then back again.

Xiao Tuantuan's round face was flushed red, he jumped from the horseback to the ground, and turned around to support Su Qingyun:

"Uncle Su, be careful, your injuries are not fully healed yet."

Su Qingyun grabbed her little paw: "Or else, little boy Tang, you carry me behind your back?"

Xiao Tuantuan blinked and hugged his little head in embarrassment: "Tangtang hasn't grown up yet, he doesn't have the strength to carry Uncle Su on his back."

In order to show that she was just a thin and weak little group, she took two steps with difficulty on her short legs, and fell down in the grass.

Su Qingyun: "..."

You are so cunning, does your father know?
He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and crossed his hands to look at the naughty little dumpling: "Don't get up again, there's no meat to eat."

"No, Tangtang wants to eat meat!"

A lot of servants in front had already roasted the meat, and the aroma was already wafting over. Xiao Tuanzi rushed over like a small windmill, ignoring his red hands.

After eating two plates of meat, Xiao Tuanzi, who was paralyzed on the ground, patted his stomach contentedly, burped, and fell asleep sweetly with his fists clenched.

The small mouth was still slightly grinning, revealing a small piece of missing tooth.

Su Qingyun shook her head helplessly, picked her up and sent her back to the sedan chair.

Xiao Tuantuan, who was lying in his arms, turned over and hugged his neck: "Rich daddy..."

Su Qingyun froze for a moment.

The blood in my body was about to stop flowing, I couldn't believe my ears, and asked in a trembling voice:
"Tang Xiaobai, what did you call me? Call me again!"

"Rich daddy."

(End of this chapter)

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