Chapter 78

Tangtang came out of the kindergarten with a small book in her arms, and immediately saw the general's father sitting on the blast.

Xiao Tuantuan rushed forward with his short legs: "Daddy General——"

The small mouth was grinning, the small claws were raised high, bouncing around to be hugged by the general's father, the big eyes were bent into small crescents.

Xuan Mo lifted her onto the horse's back with one hand, and one curled up into a ball and arched it into his arms: "Where is the general's father, Tangtang misses you so much."

"miss me?"

Xuan Mo squeezed her hat: "The golden villain has become your father, and lived in the Qinyuan he bought for you. Is that why you miss me?"

"Hey, the general's dad has become a jealous dad again."

Xiao Tuantuan wobbled in circles in his arms: "Tangtang really misses the general's father, yes, Tangtang even drew pictures for the general's father."

She took out a stack of papers from the small book, and showed the general's father one by one:
"The general's father is busy in the Xuanwu camp. He didn't see the big fireworks last night. Tangtang has drawn them all. Daddy can see them here."

Although the painting on the drawing paper is very immature, you can see the general shape and scene of the fireworks in mid-air.

Xuan Mo's heart couldn't help softening, he hugged Xiao Tuantuan and pinched her little cheek: "You take the paintings with you?"

"That's right, Tangtang didn't know when the general's father would come back, so he took the painting with him to ensure that he could see it as soon as he came back."

Xuan Mo's phoenix eyes were slightly bent, and his heart was healed immediately: "Small things can make people happy."

"Hehe, Tangtang will not only make the general's father happy, but also give him a big mouthful... Hey, general's father, why is the corner of your mouth swollen?"

Not only is it swollen, it's also a little red, was it beaten?

Who is so bold that even Tangtang's general father dares to bully him?
Bainuo Xiaotuanzi suddenly became a small ball of fire, and arrogantly raised his small fist:
"Daddy General, is someone bullying you? Tell Tangtang, Tangtang will beat him up for you!"

Xuan Mo quickly squeezed her little paw: "Okay, no one, Daddy accidentally touched it."

Su Qingyun's grandson, relying on his own lightness skills, unexpectedly attacked him?

But how could he embarrass himself in front of his daughter, he definitely couldn't admit it.

Xiao Tuantuan withdrew his angry little fist, blinked his big eyes: "Really?"

Could it be a fight with the rich daddy, broke it?

No, you must not let the general's father lose face.

Xiao Tuantuan immediately changed his words: "The general father must be careful about shouting in the future, and can't touch the rich father's fist."

Xuan Mo coughed lightly: "...Daddy brought you a gift, let's go back and have a look, shall we?"

"Okay, let's go!"

The little head lay next to Gaifeng's ear and whistled twice, Ma Wang kicked off his hooves triumphantly and galloped.

Su Qingyun was already waiting for her daughter at the door, and she flicked her golden sleeves from a long distance: "My daughter, come quickly to Daddy's place."

Xuan Mo's face darkened, and he hugged Xiaotuanzi, determined not to let him succeed.

The eyes of the two fathers met in mid-air, and there was a thunder and lightning; even when they entered the door, they refused to give in to each other, they squeezed side by side tightly on the door, and neither of them would take a step back.

Xiao Tuantuan rubbed his face silently, and said to the housekeeper, "Uncle housekeeper, please ask someone to widen the gate, so that fathers will not be stuck when they come in again."

The housekeeper almost laughed out loud: "Yes, little Patriarch."


The door, which was already relatively fragile, cracked a gap in an instant.

Xuan Mo: "..."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Xiao Tuantuan stretched out his paws, and took one father to the left, and the other father to the left: "Daddy General, rich dad, come here quickly, the gate is about to collapse."

Su Qingyun was not convinced: "Why did you call him first?"

Xuan Mo rolled his eyes: "Could it be possible to call you first?"

Tangtang: "..."

"Daddy General, don't you have a present for Tangtang to see, Tangtang can't wait, hurry up."

Xuan Mo was dragged by his daughter, he still didn't forget to turn around and challenge Su Qingyun: "How?"

Gong Ziyun is not immune to this cowardice: "I also gave it away. Did you see that the whole garden was given to my daughter by me, and there are three days of fireworks."


"Your truth, it's an eye-opener for Lao Tzu, what kind of a bird did you give me!"

The two fathers didn't let anyone else, each held onto one of Tuantuan's paws, and strode into Xiyuan.

There is a row of rooms in Xiyuan, which are specially used for displaying expensive gifts. Now there is a huge sealed glass box on a big table in the middle.

Under the transparent glass are mountains and hills piled up with loess, city walls and cities. There are small tile houses in the city, flowers and birds.

Outside the city walls, there are forests and grasslands made of green grass and branches, as well as waterfalls and rivers simulated by mercury, stretching endlessly.

This is the sand table of the entire Daliangjiangshan land, almost occupying the entire room.

Xiao Tuantuan's eyes became straight: "It's so beautiful, it's such a big place, does Tangtang live here?"

Xuan Mo pointed to one of the places: "Yes, this is the capital, the general's father's house is here, and Tangtang's garden is here."

"Then, is Tangtang now in Qinyuan, with the general's father and the rich father?"

"so smart."

Xiao Tuantuan excitedly circled the huge sand table, then pointed to a place covered with dense jungle and said, "Then this is Yunwu Mountain, and Master lives here."

Xuan Mo's phoenix eyes are full of surprises: "My Tangtang is really smart."

"Hee hee, Tang Tang really likes the gift the general's father gave Tang Tang."

Paji, a ball fell into the arms of the general's father.

The young master who stood aside and couldn't get in the way said sourly: "Hmph, what's so special, Daddy, I have prepared a big table of delicious food, do you want to go?"

Xiao Tuantuan's eyeballs lit up: "Go, Tangtang's belly is hungry too, General Daddy, play with Rich Daddy."

The two fathers took a ball and sat around the big table.

After washing his hands, Tuantuan brought the bowls and chopsticks to the two fathers, put them away, and finally jumped on the stool, waiting for dinner.

The table was soon filled with delicious food, and Xiao Tuantuan almost stood up from his chair, attracted by the aroma, staring at every tempting food with big eyes.

Xuan Mo picked up a meatball for her, blew it, and put it into her small bowl: "Your favorite food, be careful not to burn it."

Not to be outdone, Su Qingyun took a piece of pastry: "It's so hot, don't you get tired of eating meat? It's delicious to eat a piece of pastry."

Xuan Mo glanced over coldly: "You don't even know what TangTang likes to eat, how can you be a father?"

Su Qingyun patted the table: "I don't know why, I've had several meals with my daughter."

The group, in a dilemma, silently took a bite of the meatball, another bite of the cake, and then sighed: "Brother Immortal, the fathers are arguing again."

The tit-for-tat fathers asked in unison: "Who is Brother Immortal?"

(End of this chapter)

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