Chapter 786 It Was Just a False Alarm

The voice paused for a moment: "I am the evil ghost you buried in your heart, it is the heart of the earth that lets you know the secret you never want to face."

"Feng Chenyue, you are no different from ordinary people. After knowing your hypocrisy, you also resolutely deny it."

Chen Yue nodded: "I see, then what do you want me to do?"

The voice instantly became excited: "Kill Xiao Yangui, kill him, you will be completely free, don't you want to try?"

Chen Yue sneered: "I'm completely relieved, I don't have any troubles, what is relief? It's you—"

She looked around, but still couldn't find the source of the voice, so she could only say: "I thought you hated Xiao Zhanye, but now it seems the opposite."

"You hate Xiao Yangui so much, you want me to kill him so much, after killing him, what do you get?"

That voice seemed to have completely disappeared, and as Chen Yue's words fell, it didn't answer any more.

Chen Yue listened carefully to the movement around her, except for the sound of the wind and snow and the howling of the prisoner, she couldn't hear anything else.

It was as if the voice had never appeared at all.

Just like this sudden illusion, after fulfilling its purpose, it shattered and disappeared forever.

When leaving the illusion, Chen Yue still saw Feng Hanchu who was being tortured. He was in excessive pain, his head tilted, and he passed out completely.

For four long years, Feng Hanchu didn't mention it, and no one else would take the initiative to mention it. Buchen and Runze treated him, and they kept this past secret.

Chen Yue wanted to ask about it time and time again, but she was afraid of making Meiyan's father sad, so she forcibly held back and never mentioned it.

Now in the Yuren Kingdom, Chenyue can hardly bear to spy on something in this way, it is not someone else, it is her beautiful father.

The illusion disappeared from her eyes little by little, followed by a glass-like passage, and she returned to the heart of the earth.

After going through the painful pain just now, Chen Yue couldn't hold on all of a sudden, and unconsciously fell to her knees on the ground.

"Ah Yue—"

Yan Gui, who was waiting outside the illusion, saw her ecstasy suddenly interrupted by this sudden scene.

He flew over, caught Chenyue and hugged her into his arms: "What's the matter, is it hurt, or where does it hurt, tell brother?"


Chen Yue pointed to her heart, and said in a low voice, crying tremblingly, feeling extremely wronged.

Yan Gui's heart was about to break, and he hugged her even tighter: "Brother, hey, don't hurt anymore, don't cry anymore, good boy."

Chen Yue hugged his arm tightly, sobbing softly, and it took a long time to ease her fear and anxiety.

Yan Gui wiped her tears and asked cautiously: "Did something happen?"

"Don't be afraid of anything that happens, brother is here, here to protect you, good-looking Ah Yue is not afraid."

Chen Yue nodded blankly, and said nothing, whether it was taking the phoenix bone, or her beautiful father being imprisoned, she had to hide it from her brother.

She was already sad enough, and she didn't want her brother to be sad too. He had never done anything wrong, and he was the most pitiful brother.

But the more Chenyue didn't say anything, the more uneasy Yan Gui felt. He always felt that something must have happened in the illusion to make his sister so scared.

He gently patted Chen Yue's head: "Ah Yue, can you tell brother?"

"Brother has been waiting here. I am very happy to see you have passed two difficulties, but I am afraid that you will cry."

His trembling voice pierced into Chenyue's heart all of a sudden, the sourness and sadness made her unable to resist for an instant.

She lowered her head and murmured: "I saw the beautiful daddy in the ice abyss, he hurts so much..."

Yan Gui didn't wait for her to finish speaking, his face was already pale, thinking about what he said just now, it was like a resounding slap.

Liang Guo's daughter, Feng Chenyue, was raised and raised pampered since she was a child, and she was doted on in every possible way, and all the hardships came from the Xiao family.

Both the danger she faced and the hardships suffered by her family were all caused by Xiao.

To say that Feng Hanchu was forced to go to Emperor Zun Palace as a hostage, that would be an even more sworn hatred.

But he still dreamed of winning her heart, of being able to tie the knot with her and spend the rest of his life together. Is Xiao Yan his match?

Yan Gui didn't dare to touch her anymore.

It was as if his hands were covered with blood, and even he disliked him so much, how could he expect her to see him again.

He could no longer control himself, the severe pain in his heart almost crushed him, Yan Gui closed his eyes and forcibly suppressed his sadness.

"Ah Yue, my brother will take you back. If you still want to come here in the future, can my brother accompany you?"

If you want to come with someone else...

This sentence really hurt him so much that he couldn't say it at all. How could he just watch her spend her whole life with someone else?
Yan Gui stood up staggeringly, leaned over to hug Chenyue, wanted her to stand up, and then brought her back to Jiuyouyan, but Chenyue grabbed his hand unexpectedly.

She looked up at him, the tip of her nose was still red, and there were still tears at the end of her eyes, but her eyes were clear and firm:

"Brother, don't you want to know what I chose? Did you make your choice without listening to it?"

Yan Gui: "...I..."

In fact, as long as he calms down, he will think clearly, if Chen Yue is confused by the illusion, hates him, loathes him, how can he come out of the illusion?

This test will be declared a failure at the very beginning.

However, Yan Gui was already occupied by the fear in his heart and the helplessness of losing his sister, and he didn't think of this at all.

His current thoughts are completely led by Chen Yue, and her every move, every word and deed is in his heart, so she asked him to answer:
"Okay, Ah Yue told my brother, what is your choice, can I make my own choice after listening to my brother?"

Only then did Chen Yue nod her head, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said the entire conversation between her and the voice:
"...So, I'm not mad at you."

Yan Gui's entire body froze, standing where he was, without any reaction for a long time, even his eyes were straight.

After a long time, Chen Yue thought that something was wrong with him, so she quickly raised her hand and shook it in front of him: "Brother, why don't you speak?"

Only then did Yan Gui's soul seem to have returned to its place, leaning over with difficulty, hugging her tightly in his arms, like treating a lost and recovered treasure.

Just as Chen Yue was about to say something, she suddenly felt that her shoulders were wet, and the body of the person in her arms was trembling slightly.

Brother, are you crying?
She blinked, and suddenly felt a little sad, and couldn't help but tighten her arms around Yan Gui, so that her brother would feel more at ease and happier, right?

In this world, the most beautiful sentence is probably just a false alarm, right?

(End of this chapter)

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