I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 806 My Sister Began to Be a Demon

Chapter 806 My Sister Began to Be a Demon
Nie Fu'an knew that Chenyue had taken out the phoenix bone, so he specifically looked at her reaction before continuing:
"But the princess feels that their purpose is not just to make alchemy, but also to harm Emperor Zun."

"However, she said that none of this has anything to do with the palace, it's those people who have ulterior motives, and the king of Jinzhou and the prince are kept in the dark."

Nie Fu'an looked at Xiao Yuwan who was staggering in the snow, and said hesitantly:

"Fuan doesn't know if she is the pathfinder of Jinzhou Palace, or if she really wants to remind Emperor Zun and His Majesty."

"Nowadays the situation is changing suddenly and the undercurrent is surging. It is impossible to say that there are still people in the palace who are alone."

Chen Yue smiled: "Then you still let her go?"

Nie Fu'an was taken aback: "Fu'an is afraid that if she stays here, it will be detrimental to Emperor Zun and His Majesty. What do you mean, detain her?"

Chen Yue nodded: "You don't need to be busy, I will do it myself."

After finishing speaking, she formed a magic circle and directly dragged Xiao Yuwan and her old mother back.

Xiao Yuwan was walking reluctantly, when she suddenly felt her body lighten up, and when she raised her head again, she saw Chen Yue in the carriage.

There was also Nie Fu'an who was standing on the side in a daze.

Then the four of them stared wide-eyed: "..."

Xiao Yuwan looked around, and then at Chen Yue, showing a look of horror, with "who am I and where am I" written all over her facial features.

Seeing her terrified appearance like a weak little flower, Chen Yue couldn't help laughing: "Princess, we meet again."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Not knowing whether it was cold or frightened, Xiao Yuwan held herself tight, her eyes widened, and she looked at Chen Yue vigilantly.

Chen Yue smiled with big eyes: "Don't be nervous."

"I saw you walking in the snow, and my heart ached. I invite you to have a cup of hot tea. Would you like to go?"

In Xiao Yuwan's view, the words that the Empress said were no different from asking "I invite you to drink a glass of poison".

She was trembling as she spoke in fear: "Many, thank you for your majesty's gift, but it's getting late, father will be worried about Yuwan."

Yo, who are you going to scare by moving King Jinzhou out?
Chen Yue tapped on the car window leisurely, and asked again with a smile: "You don't want to go?"

Xiao Yuwan's face turned pale, but she still plucked up the courage to say: "Yuwan is impolite, dare to ask Your Majesty to be a guest at the palace next time."

Chen Yue snorted, and pouted unhappily: "Go as soon as I tell you to go, and you dare to discuss it with me!"

Without waiting for Xiao Yuwan's reaction, she directly formed a magic circle and sent people into a palace, and the doors were all closed.

Everyone: "..."

Overbearing empress, robbing people in the street.

The carriage quickly arrived at Guan Xiao Yuwan's palace.

This palace was the original Zigui Palace, and after it was renovated, it became Chen Yue's temporary bedroom in Emperor Zun Palace.

Now in the main hall, Xiao Yuwan is trapped behind a seat.

Tea and snacks were placed in front of him, which seemed to be entertaining a distinguished guest, but this distinguished guest cried so much that he was very sad.

Seeing Chen Yue walking in, she couldn't help wiping away her tears, sobbing softly and asking: "Your Majesty, what did Yu Wan do wrong?"

Chenyue walked past her with a smile, walked up to the chief seat and tilted her head to look at her: "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then, why did His Majesty get so angry and lock Yuwan here?"

Chen Yue: "I am happy."

Xiao Yuwan: "..."

Chen Yue continued to tease her: "Why, you are not happy when I invited you to my bedroom as a guest, do you hate me?"

Xiao Yuwan quickly wiped away her tears, and forced a smile: "Yuwan dare not, but Yuwan is happy."

Chenyue also stopped embarrassing her: "Nie Fu'an told me about your entry into the palace today, please tell me about the group of warlocks in detail."

Xiao Yuwan looked at Nie Fu'an, then at Chen Yue: "Yuwan is here to tell Emperor Zun, and no one but Emperor Zun can tell."

Nie Fuan: "..."

Are you trying to kill me?

Chen Yue: "..."

Girl, you are really arrogant.

Xiao Yuwan also suddenly felt that she had said something wrong, and quickly added:

"Master Nie is a close minister of the emperor, and Yuwan has nothing to hide, so she told the truth."

Chen Yue nodded: "That's right, Nie Fu'an is the Emperor's close minister, and I'm still the Emperor's fiancee, you have nothing to hide."

Xiao Yuwan's face turned pale, and she murmured: "Jibeilu is different from Daliang, the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics."

Chen Yue: "..."

All right, another question.

She leaned lazily in the phoenix seat: "Is your father okay?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuwan's face was both white and red.

The king of Jinzhou has been fighting from death to life recently, but he is still asking for trouble. It is best to repay the medicine prepared for Emperor Zun on himself.

At first glance, it looks like Emperor Zun, ah, no, the handwriting of the Empress, I have never seen such a sinister and jealous woman.

Thinking of her father being humiliated and tortured, Xiao Yuwan didn't care about anything, and suddenly stood up: "Your Majesty—"

The loud voice and the arrogance made Chen Yue startled: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yuwan was so angry that her face was red and her neck was thick: "Yuwan has the audacity to ask His Majesty, is it possible that His Majesty sent someone to do his father's illness?"

Chen Yue dared to act and act: "It's me."

Xiao Yuwan burst into tears directly from her uprightness, tears streaming down her cheeks.

In addition to her weeping, there was also the chorus of the palace people in the whole hall: "The Emperor has arrived—"

"Squeak—" The door of the main hall was pushed open, and Yan Gui, who was dressed in fine clothes, strode in.

He raised his eyes slightly, and saw the little fiancée crouching in the seat, looking sleepy and lazy.

In Yan Gui's eyes there was a hint of pampering and distress, and just as he was about to walk over, he heard a soft call from his feet:
"Di Zun, Emperor Zun is in charge of Yu Wan, woo woo woo..."

Yan Gui's gaze froze, and everyone fell silent, closing their eyes with difficulty, unable to bear to look any further.

Xiao Yuwan didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, she took another two steps on her knees, looked up at him sadly:
"Di Zun, for some reason, the Empress angered her father and Yu Wan, and made her father and Yu Wan suffer so much, Di Zun help—"

Yan Gui moved his hand holding the saber, and the moment he was about to draw the saber, he heard another voice: "Di Zun——"

He trembled all over, and then looked at the little fiancee in the phoenix seat——

It's over, my sister has started acting like a demon!

Chenyue was carrying a handkerchief, and walked over three steps at a time, wiping the non-existent tears from her eyes while shaking:

"Emperor, Princess Lingyang bullied Ayue for some reason, you want to be the master for Ayue, blah blah—"

As soon as the words fell, Empress Mingde, who was strong enough to carry a tripod, tilted her feet and fell directly into the arms of Emperor Zun, crying sobbingly.

Everyone: "..."

It's over, it's over, Regal can't see the sun tomorrow.

Yan Gui's mind was buzzing, and he hugged and coaxed: "Okay, Ah Yue, don't cry, don't cry, tell brother what happened?"

Chen Yue didn't raise her head, she pointed at Xiao Yuwan: "She bullied me."

(End of this chapter)

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