Chapter 827

Chen Yue opened the small box that Fenghuang had pushed: "This is... Fenghuang Ling?"

The phoenix feather is the most beautiful feather on the phoenix. It is said that it is not afraid of water and fire, and it is invulnerable to all poisons. It is a rare treasure.

People who practice magic arts or martial arts are all proud of getting a phoenix plume, and if they get it, they can ascend to immortality.

Of course, these are all legends, no one has ever seen Phoenix Ling with their own eyes, let alone Phoenix.

Chenyue was holding the big box, and looked at Fenghuang in surprise: "Brother Fenghuang, did you pull out your own hair?"

"You've pulled out so much, you'll be bald, let Tangtang take a look, is your head and back okay?"

Hearing what she said, Fenghuang put his head into her embrace shyly, swayed, and neighed a few times.

Chenyue patted its head, and hugged it in her arms distressedly: "It hurts to have only a few pieces, Tangtang will give you a whirr."

"Brother Fenghuang is still young, and it's normal for Fenghuang Ling to not have grown up. Then eat more pearls and jade and work hard to grow up."

Phoenix nodded obediently.

I was very happy to give my sister a precious gift. It soared into the air, circled a few times in front of the hall, and then returned to Wutong Garden.

Chen Yue sent the Phoenix away, and then ran to Tang Jiao: "There are a total of one hundred Phoenix feathers here."

Tang Jiao stood up in surprise, and didn't dare to take it: "Your Majesty, this, this is..."

"Brother Fenghuang and his mother's treasured phoenix feathers were given to my brother and me to be used as decorations for the wedding."

Chen Yue cherished the box and put it into Tang Jiao's hands: "When you and Brother Yu Ji are making wedding clothes, remember to embellish them."

Tang Jiao took it over respectfully, like taking over a heavy mountain: "Yes, don't worry, Your Majesty."

The costumes were co-produced by Yuren and Yuyao Kingdom, and the rest of the ritual utensils, horses, gold, silver and soft goods were handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for preparation.

The busiest ones were all the shops of the Su family, which were not closed even during the Chinese New Year, and were nervously preparing for the wedding ceremony of the little Patriarch.

On New Year's Eve, Chenyue got up early, put on a beautiful new gown, and went to the Yizheng Hall to ascend her seat.

After the civil and military officials gathered, they said a lot of auspicious congratulatory speeches, and then rewarded the dishes from the imperial dining room one by one.

The officials received the rewards, and then accompanied Yu Jia to watch the flowers blooming in the snow, and Chen Yue picked out a lot of rewards.

At the end of the flower viewing banquet, I suddenly heard someone singing outside the imperial garden: "The Emperor has arrived—"

Everyone hurriedly knelt on both sides of the royal street to salute: "Long live the emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Yan Gui came after attending the reward banquet in the Extreme North Continent, he raised his hand to signal for everyone to calm down, and ordered Nie Fu'an to distribute red envelopes.

The emperor came to present a happy event, and the ministers were overwhelmed by the flattery, and all of them received the reward and went back to the manor with a happy face.

Chen Yue rushed to Yangui's imperial chariot in a hurry, lifted the jade beads in front of the crown, and stretched out her small hand:
"Red envelope, red envelope, brother, my red envelope is bigger than theirs."

Yan Gui propped his chin, stretched out his hand and tapped her palm lightly: "Yes."

Chen Yue pouted: "Why is Emperor Zun so stingy? Everyone has it, but I don't. I'm not happy."

Yan Gui sighed regretfully: "I can't blame this deity, my private money is all used to marry the empress, I have no money."

Chen Yue's eyeballs rolled around: "I have money, I can lend it to you, but I will pay you back with interest, okay?"

Yan Gui thought for a while: "How much profit? If it's too high, I don't want this deity."

"Don't have to!"

The empress was quite arrogant, and ordered Qian Shuang: "Bring me my purse, and take 1000 taels of silver note to Emperor Zun."

"Tomorrow, the principal will bring a profit of 2000 taels, and the next three days, Emperor Zun should not default on his debts."

Yan Gui smiled: "...General Qian Shuang doesn't have to go, I can't afford it."

Chen Yue hummed: "If you can't afford it, sell the emperor to me, Qian Shuang, go."

Yan Gui raised his eyebrows: "Qian Shuang is back. I am going to marry the Empress, and my body and mind will return to the Empress. I am afraid that I will disappoint the Empress' favor."

Qian Shuang: "..."

Don't bring innocent people along with you young couple flirting and cursing, thank you!

Chen Yue held Yan Gui's hand arrogantly: "I don't care about the empress, you are now my man, with me... ah—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Yan Gui grabbed her wrist and carried her into the imperial chariot.

Yan Gui even wrapped his arms in a robe and told Nie Fu'an: "Let's go back to Chenyue Hall."

Nie Fuan was frightened by Emperor Zun's fierce operation, and almost got the wrong direction.

A banquet had already been set up in Chenyue Hall.

Unlike the seats facing each other at the palace banquet, here is a huge round table surrounded by high-backed seats.

"Brother, come here quickly." Chenyue changed into a new skirt and put on a playful ponytail.

Seeing Yan Gui, she jumped up and down to hold his hand, the tassels jumping on her hair made her look weird:
"After the meeting, I'll sit here, and my brother will sit next to me."

Yan Gui had never seen such a banquet before, so he couldn't help but wonder: "This is, are there going to be many guests?"

Chen Yue introduced with a smile: "That's right, everyone will come to have the New Year's Eve dinner."

"Grandfather, grandma, grandparents, brother Jingyun and elder brother Pang Cheng are going to see Daddy Meiyan, and they will be here in a while."

"The general's father is in the camp and only enters the palace at night. Xiao Jinqiu is looking for wine with the immortal father and the rich father. Wait a minute."

She introduced it again, and counted on her fingers with a smile: "Tomorrow, there are other family members coming."

"Aunt Ning and Mr. Changling are going to bring Amu and Ayan. The day after tomorrow, sister Gugu and brother Aslan will come to visit."

Chen Yue thought for a while, blinked her big eyes and asked Yan Gui: "Brother, do you want to visit somewhere?"


Yan Gui curled up his fingers a little awkwardly. He had never seen such a lively New Year's Eve since he was a child.

Emperor Tianhong was afraid of being assassinated, so he rarely had large-scale gatherings, and even his heirs could not be trusted, so there was no New Year's Eve and Mid-Autumn Festival.

Not to mention someone like him, the thorn in Tianhong Emperor's side, in the past 20 years, he has never felt the festival of ordinary people.

Now that it was the first time to observe the New Year's Eve, Yan Gui actually felt panicked.

For the first time, he avoided Chen Yue's warm gaze: "I, I follow my sister, everything is fine."

Chen Yue stretched out her arms, hugged him distressedly, and touched his head: "Brother, don't be sad."

"In the future, I will always be with my brother, spend every holiday with you, and make up for all the regrets you have had for so many years."

"Ah Yue's family is also brother's family, they will treat you very well, don't be afraid, and don't be lonely."

Yan Gui's heart was overwhelmed by her few words, and all the emotions rushed to his mouth in an instant.

He wanted to say something, but felt that nothing was enough to respond to his little fiancée's wishes.

With the heartbeat of his little moon next to his ears, Yan Gui gently closed his eyes and said, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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