Chapter 831

At this time, the Confucian scholar who persuaded the fight came over and saluted Chen Yue and Qian Shuang:
"It was a misunderstanding. I dare to ask you two female Confucian scholars who are also going to Beijing to rush for the exam. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Qian Shuang frowned, looked him up and down: "Who are you?"

The Confucian scholar smiled again: "My surname is He, my first name is Jiuzhou, and I am from Anyang Prefecture. After entering Beijing, I worshiped under Tang Shizhong's disciples."

Qian Sang snorted: "Mr. He's name is very impressive."

He Jiuzhou smiled proudly: "It is the name given to me by Tang Shizhong, and I hope that my name will be full of Kyushu."

Chen Yue muttered: "Tang Bi's disciple?"

"It usually looks normal, why did you find a student who is glib and muddled, really!"

He Jiuzhou hurriedly said: "This little junior sister, if you are angry, feel free to vent to He, and He will never complain."

"Just don't slander Tang Shizhong, Tang Shizhong is the minister of Liang, with great dignity, if you blame him..."

Chen Yue snorted: Against you, Tang Bi!

Qian Shuang glanced at He Jiuzhou with disgust: "You let him try to blame him? And you, where did you come from, go back where you came from, get out!"

He Jiuzhou's complexion was suddenly not very good: "This girl is careful, don't cause trouble for yourself at the feet of the emperor."

"Hey, who are you fighting with?"

General Qian Shuang, who had always walked sideways in the capital, was so angry that he had a headache.

Growing up so big, it was the first time he was threatened not to make trouble. If he didn't want to implicate Lu Banruo, he would give him a slap in the face.

He Jiuzhou said arrogantly: "Miss beat up someone's younger brother today, and then uttered nonsense here, what should I do?"

Qian Shuang laughed angrily, holding the sword and squinting at him: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

He Jiuzhou said: "Seeing that you're a girl, I won't make things difficult for you. I'll leave 100 taels of silver as a consultation fee. In addition—"

Qian Shuang raised her eyebrows: "?"

Is there something else?

He Jiuzhou turned his head and pointed at the one who was slapped in the face: "Miss, go and kowtow three times to the younger brother, and this matter will be over."

Qian Shuang: "..."

Brother, do you have nine heads, are you so desperate?
Lu Banruo on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and reached out to stop the two of them: "He Jiuzhou, don't bully people too much!"

"It was you Confucian scholars who insulted our Confucian women first, and Miss Qian came out to fight the injustice, and didn't hurt your junior brother."

"It's obvious that your junior brother is weak and can't stand up. What's the matter with Miss Qian? What kind of compensation and kowtowing? You're going too far."

The other Confucian women also said sharply: "You obviously just think that this young lady and Miss Qian are easy to bully, which is against the way of a gentleman."

He Jiuzhou pushed Lu Banruo away, looked at Qian Shuang and said, "If you don't apologize, someone from the yamen will punish you."

"When the time comes, don't blame us for not being merciful, and let you go to jail and suffer."

Qian Shuang: "..."

You are so arrogant, does Tang Bi know?

Before she could react, more than a dozen Confucian scholars rushed up behind He Jiuzhou, aggressively:

"Losing money, apologizing, or going to the police, or going to jail! You choose!"

Qian Shuang: "..."

It's on my head, hey!

She couldn't bear it anymore, before she started, she wanted to signal Chenyue to stay away, and looked back, good guy——

The empress had dragged Lu Banruo and other female Confucian scholars to another place long ago, and gathered in a circle to watch the excitement.

Chenyue saw her turn her head back, and raised her fist deliberately: "Sister, one counts as one, beat her hard!"


Qian Shuang smiled slightly, looked at He Jiuzhou and said, "You know Tang Bi? That's amazing!

"I'll tell you the truth, I still know the Empress. Don't be afraid, accept the trick!"

She picked it up with one hand, and threw He Jiuzhou out holding his neck. She didn't even draw her sword, and she passed by and fell down.

The Confucian scholars, headed by He Jiuzhou, lay on the ground in disarray, moaning and moaning, and the rest curled up into a ball, trembling.

Chenyue just started to watch the excitement, but found that the excitement was over, and regretfully asked Qian Shuang who came over:
"It's over?"

Qian Shuang nodded, twisted her neck, twisted her wrists, with a look of unfinished thought: "It's over."

Chen Yue sighed, and looked back at Yongning Terrace, okay——

Everyone didn't intend to come over to help, and stood in a group to watch the fun.

She was so dissatisfied, she tilted her head and glanced at the dozen or so maggots on the ground:

"Is it still called Tang Bi? If you want to call it quickly, I'm still waiting to see the light, He Jiumaggot!"

He Jiuzhou was about to be pissed off by her, covering his face that looked like a pig's head after being beaten:

"You, who the hell are you, you dare to call Tang Shizhong by his name so directly, aren't you afraid of death?"

Qian Shuang rolled her eyes, walked over and kicked him, and said viciously:

"One more word, I will pull out your tongue and send it to the Duke Protector's Mansion as a meeting gift."

He Jiuzhou lay on the ground obediently and hummed distortedly, not daring to reply a word.

Chen Yue finished watching the excitement, and beckoned two shadow guards:

"The dozen or so lying on the ground, ask for their names and ancestry, don't leave any one behind, and don't come to the future imperial examinations."

"Go to the Duke Protector's Mansion to pass a message. I'll wait for Tang Bi to give an explanation tomorrow. What kind of shit is this group of people with such poor moral character?"

Seeing that the empress was unhappy, the shadow guard quickly agreed to come down to do some business.

After tidying up the pile, Chenyue stood up, took out a card from her sleeve, and took out a card for Lu Banruo after a long time:

"This is the token of the Confucian Scholar Association. If you take it with you, you will be taken care of by the poor Confucian scholars, and you will not be bullied again in the future."

Lu Banruo took it over gratefully, but was stunned when she held it in her hand: "Small, Miss..."

Chen Yue was about to leave, when she heard her speak, she turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Banruo looked at the cards over and over several times, and asked in disbelief:
"This, this is the token of the leader, miss you..."

When she said this, Chen Yue was also stunned, meeting the leader?
Before leaving the palace today, she heard that there was a poetry meeting here, so she deliberately found out the token that Xie Jingyun had given her, and took it with her.

I originally planned to rely on this to sneak into the poetry club and pick out whether there are suitable talents, who knows that this kind of thing will happen.

I gave Lu Banruo just now to give her a care, but who knew it turned out to be a token of the head of the Confucian Scholar Association.

This thing was given by Xie Jingyun in the weapons workshop before the imperial examination four years ago, as a gift in exchange for the puppet.

So, at that time, Xie Jingyun was already the leader of the meeting?

Chen Yue asked, "Are you sure?"

Lu Banruo nodded affirmatively: "Banruo is sure."

"Before Banruo came to Beijing, he got the travel expenses from the guild hall. Banruo went to the guild hall to thank him. The leader of the guild was there at that time."

"However, Banruo didn't see the head of the meeting with his own eyes, but only saw the magnolia card that is exactly the same as this token."

"My classmate said that seeing the Magnolia card is like meeting the leader. There are two in the world, one for the leader and one for a very important person."

(End of this chapter)

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