I was vying for favor with four big daddy

Chapter 838 The Concubine I Protect

Chapter 838 The Concubine I Protect
Yan Gui: "..."

Is my sister so straightforward now?

Seeing him completely stunned, Chen Yue suddenly realized what she just said, and covered her mouth shyly.

It's over, since the coronation ceremony, my nature has been exposed more and more thoroughly.

Master said, you have to wait until the raw rice is cooked before you can reveal your cruelest side.

After all, at that time, my brother couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

But now that the rice is not even in the pot, she has started the fire, so is there still time to take back what I just said?

Chen Yue covered her eyes, moved to Yan Gui's side, and whispered to him:

"Brother, can you pretend that you didn't hear what I said just now?"

Yan Gui also lowered his head and whispered to her: "No."


"Because my brother clearly heard what Ah Yue said just now, if he pretends he didn't hear what Ah Yue said just now, he is lying."

Chen Yue: "..."

She took her hand away with a "babble", clenched it into a fist, gave Yan Gui a blasting hammer, and said angrily:
"I heard it when I heard it. It is necessary to emphasize so many times, hum!"

Yan Gui laughed softly, held her hand, and put the chopsticks in: "Okay, okay, don't stress, shall we eat?"

Chen Yue turned her head arrogantly, facing him with the back of her head, but she still did not forget to stare at the food on the table from the corner of her eye.

When he saw something delicious, he swiped his chopsticks quickly, snatched all the food from Yangui.

Yan Gui just smiled dotingly, watched as she finished eating the food in her mouth, and then went to grab another dish for her to grab.

Chen Yue ate to her heart's content, and patted her belly with crooked eyebrows:

"I'm full... Hey, Nie Fu'an, what are you doing standing here, don't you want to eat?"

Nie Fu'an stood in the hall, like a lifeless log.

There was no expression on his face, but he could hear the gritted hatred: "Thank you Your Majesty for your concern, Fu An is full!"


Chen Yue blinked and blinked, then returned to Yan Gui's side, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what's wrong with Nie Fuan?"

Yan Gui fed her a cup of tea and said without raising his head, "He seems to have that serious illness."

Nie Fuan: "..."

You are sick, you are sick!
After Chen Yue rinsed her mouth, she sighed regretfully: "Ah, how pitiful, he is already so sick that he starts to roll his eyes."

Nie Fuan: "..."

Why do I roll my eyes, do you two have no idea?
However, people speak lightly and dare not reply at all, so they can only continue to maintain a noble and glamorous state.

Chen Yue looked at him silly.

Originally, Nie Fuan didn't feel anything except helplessness.

After all, they grew up together. In the past, the empress would chase after her older brother, but now she has grown up and knows how to measure.

Who would have thought that this measure was not for her.

The empress looked at him and smiled for a while, and he suddenly felt a murderous intent spreading throughout the hall.

Nie Fu'an felt chills behind him, silently looking for the source of the killing intent, and soon, he met Emperor Zun's eyes.

Have you ever seen a hungry wolf looking for food late at night?
Have you ever seen the look in the eyes of a hungry wolf whose mouth fat has been taken away?
If you don't know, just take a look at Emperor Zun.

Nie Fu'an subconsciously wanted to run out, but before his sanity collapsed, the role of the senior emperor's palace steward prompted him to salute:

"...Fu An is suddenly hungry, I'm going to eat now, Fu An is leaving."

Before Chen Yue could react, she saw him turn into a black spot and completely disappear outside Zigui Hall.

She opened her mouth wide in surprise: "...Ah, here, brother, what happened to Nie Fuan?"

Could it be something serious?

Emperor Zun, who was asked, shrugged innocently, with endless sadness in his eyes: "My brother doesn't know either."

"It's really hard to guess what the puppet is thinking. Maybe my brother is a difficult and annoying person. Everyone doesn't like me."

Chen Yue dared to put down the teacup, held his hand, patted his head and said, "How could it be?"

"Brother is the best person in the world, and it's not difficult to get along with at all. Ah Yue liked her brother very much at first sight."

"My brother looks good, his martial arts are also high, he is brave and resourceful, he is benevolent and loves the people, he is a good emperor who is astonishing in the past and the present."

Yan Gui was amused by her words of preference: "Really? Brother is really so good?"

"There are some."

Chen Yue nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice, and said very seriously:

"Nie Fuan is hungry, or he is tired from running errands. When he returns to normal, he will fall in love with brother again."

Yan Gui trembled inexplicably: "No, there's no need, brother, as long as Ah Yue likes it."

It's just between the two of them, why does that ghost Nie Fu'an keep being mentioned?
Yan Gui forcibly changed the subject: "I heard that you sent someone to deliver ten carts of medicine to the courtier's residence?"

"That's right, aren't they sick? They have to eat all the food they need to replenish their bodies."

Chen Yue repeated what Nie Fu'an said, and waved her hands fiercely:

"Hmph, if you don't give them some flair, it's really easy to bully my brother and Ah Yue."

Yan Gui couldn't help laughing, and patted her head comfortably: "Our Ayue will definitely be a good empress in the future."

Chen Yue patted her heart proudly: "Of course it is."

"As a good empress, the first thing is to protect my people, such as my brother."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help sighing again, and looked at Yan Gui very sadly: "Brother, you are just too gentle."

"Don't talk about those old and cunning ministers, even me, such a small and cute girl, wants to bully you."

Yan Gui: "..."


The more Chen Yue looked at Yan Gui, the more she felt pity, she couldn't help stretching out her two hands to pinch Yan Gui's cheeks and tugged at both sides:
"Well, from now on, Ah Yue will protect my brother. Tell me who bullies you, and I'll beat him up for you."

The fiancée is small, but courageous.

The more Yan Gui looked at her, the more cute she felt, and he couldn't help but nodded dotingly: "Okay, Ah Yue must protect her brother well."

"Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me later."

Chen Yue made a categorical promise, and even leaned over and took a bite on Yan Gui's neck, leaving two small tooth marks:
"In this way, everyone will know that you are my protector, Concubine Ai!"

The chopsticks in Yan Gui's hand were about to fall out of fright: "...Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is not good, is it?"

Chen Yue frowned in embarrassment, looked left and right: "What's wrong?"

"The mark of my bite is too shallow, but if I bite deeply, it will hurt you, why don't I bite again over there?"

Yan Gui felt his head hurting: "...after eating, bite again."

I think you just want to take advantage, sister.

"Okay, okay."

Chen Yue squinted her eyes with a smile, held the cup and licked her mouth, the more she looked at Yan Gui, the more delicious she felt.

The fluffy brother is really easy to bully!
(End of this chapter)

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