Chapter 843

Tang Bi moved closer to the imperial chariot and whispered, "Lu Rusheng said that he intends to ask His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor to be accompanying ladies."

"She has no relatives in her family, and she has no intention of getting married. She is willing to be His Majesty's female officer for the rest of her life."

This reason was something Chen Yue didn't think of.

Lu Banruo's performance in the literary examination was outstanding, and it also attracted criticism from many officials.

Tang Bi and Xie Jingyun made the decision and brought Lu Banruo's examination papers to the early court for the courtiers to circulate, which convinced everyone.

Later in the palace examination, Lu Banruo was also generous, answering questions fluently, and behaved elegantly and dignifiedly.

Feng Hanchu and the examiners combined her various performances to give her the No. [-] female prize.

Who knows that she is not willing to be an official.

Chen Yue was puzzled: "Is it the purpose of her coming to the imperial examination to be a female official for me?"

Tang Bi shook his head: "I also asked Lu Rusheng carefully. She seems to have other reasons, but it is not convenient to tell me."

Chen Yue said: "I won't go to court in the future, you take her to Qinyuan, I have something to ask her."

"Yes, I retire."

Chen Yue thought about it, but couldn't think of Lu Banruo's purpose for doing this.

Confucian scholars take the imperial examinations, as the common people say, "learn literary and martial arts and sell them to the emperor's family".

If you don't plan to be an official, you will be like a reclusive Confucian, teaching poems and books to his disciples, and composing poems and fus with friends.

No matter which one, there is no such thing as Lu Banruo, who won the first prize in the examination, but only wants to be an unknown female official.

"Is that really what you intend in your heart?"

Two days later, Chen Yue squatted in the peony garden watering the flowers, looked at Lu Banruo who was kneeling beside her and asked.

Lu Zhuangyuan was the first female champion in Daliang, and she was in the limelight for a while.

I heard that people from all sides almost trampled down the inn where she lived temporarily, and none of them saw her in person.

Now she is kneeling and sitting by the flowerbed, with a frank expression and an elegant smile: "Your Majesty, the daughter of the people only wishes to accompany His Majesty."

"Don't give up on a bright future, and become a female official who can't get married or become famous. What are you planning?"

Chen Yue looked at the woman who was as beautiful as a flower, and felt very sorry.

Lu Banruo said: "The daughter of the people plans to build a great plan for people, and the plan is to share the worries of Your Majesty."

Chen Yue raised her eyebrows: "Tell me about it."

"Everyone in the world knows that His Majesty has traveled to the Extreme Northern Continent to rule the world with the Emperor, and His Majesty is not that kind of mediocre monarch."

"Your Majesty strongly advocates women's study and imperial examinations, and the women think that your Majesty will still carry out this idea after going to the Extreme North Continent."

"The Minnv is the first female champion after His Majesty presided over the New Deal. With the Minnv, Your Majesty's New Deal in the Extreme North Land will be smoother."

Lu Banruo kowtowed: "Giving books and educating people is a merit that will last forever. In the eyes of women, it is more heartbreaking than being a butcher for officials."

"There are no relatives and friends in the family of a civilian girl, and there is no marriage contract. She is alone, and she is the best choice for a driving female officer."

"In the past, the status of a civilian girl was low, but now that she has won the first prize, she will not humiliate her status as a driving female official."

She looked at Chen Yue sincerely: "I hope Your Majesty will help you."

Chenyue smiled, and continued to water the flowers: "Then if I don't agree, will you be an official?"

"The daughter of the people dare not refuse to accept the order, but she will still submit her wishes to His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor to watch—"

She was very resolute: "Until His Majesty decides who will accompany you, and leave the capital after the wedding."

Chen Yue looked at her and laughed.

Who would have thought that the woman who was caught at the Nan'an Poetry Fair and exposed her identity would have such ambitions.

Regardless of the gain or loss of fame and fortune at all, he identified what he wanted in his heart and moved forward bravely.

This is also the reason why she was able to take part in the imperial examination and win the first place in one fell swoop, right?
Chen Yue has always admired such a self-reliant and self-reliant woman, but appreciation is her appreciation, and she can't choose a female officer to accompany her at will.

"Get up, I know what you mean."

Chenyue looked at her and said, "But you should understand that after I marry in Jibeilu, the forces in Daliang and Jibeilu will be in turmoil."

"The female officer I need is one who can help me with all her strength and be my arm, not just a hot-blooded reckless man."

Lu Banruo blushed, bowed her head and said, "Minister understands."

"You are not deeply involved in the world, and you don't understand the ups and downs of the officialdom and the treachery of people's hearts. The success of the New Deal cannot be achieved by relying on solitary courage."

Chen Yue said with a smile: "I like your temper very much, like an unsharp sword, there is still a lot of room for polishing."

"Do you understand what I mean, Lu Zhuangyuan?"

Lu Banruo hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed again: "Banruo understands that Banruo will do her best and will not disappoint His Majesty."

Then, she said very quickly and in a very low voice: "I won't let myself down."

Only then did Chen Yue become happy: "It's good that you understand, there's no need to go back today, just stay in Qinyuan for dinner."

After that day, Lu Banruo never brought up the matter of being a driving lady again, and she accepted the order to go to the banquet.

Then actively met with people from all walks of life, and in a short while, the reputation of the female champion with long sleeves and good dances spread.

"I didn't expect that she would change her temperament so quickly."

At the Yanshan Qionglin Banquet, Xie Jingyun and Tang Bi talked about Lu Prajna, and it was inevitable that they admired:
"Such a person is most suitable for officialdom."

Tang Bizheng looked at the scenery below the mountain, and when Xie Jingyun talked about Lu Prajna, he couldn't help turning his head to look——

The female number one scholar in a red robe is beckoning friends at the banquet.

He frowned: "I don't like people like her."

"If you go the right way, you will be a generation of powerful ministers. If you go the wrong way, you must be an out-and-out sycophant."

Xie Jingyun held the wine glass and toasted Tang Bi, but smiled and said nothing.

Tang Bi looked at him strangely: "What do you mean by Mr. Xie?"

Xie Jingyun smiled: "When Jingyun first entered the officialdom, Mr. Tang also commented on Jingyun in the same way. It seems that I am not a good person."

"Who is not a good person?"

When the atmosphere between them suddenly became awkward, a pair of big black eyes appeared from behind.

The two immediately turned around and saluted: "Your Majesty."

Chen Yue waved her hands with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I didn't eavesdrop on your conversation, it's too noisy over there, come and have a seat."

Tang Bi and Xie Jingyun immediately gave up the middle seat, asked her to sit down, and talked about what happened just now.

Chenyue held the flagon, poured herself a glass, and then poured them a glass:
"Lu Banruo is indeed what Senior Brother Tang Bi said. If that's the case, why don't you give me advice, you two, don't hide your secrets."

Tang Bi and Xie Jingyun quickly said: "I dare not."

Chen Yue looked at the spring scenery of Yanshan Mountain with a smile: "There must always be a chance for others."

"Back then, when I was a child, I, sister Wuci, and brother Jingyun let the big bee kite fly, and stood here—"

"Who would have thought that we are in such a status now?"

Thinking of that time, even Mr. Xie, the unreasonable Tongzheng Envoy, softened:
"Yeah, His Majesty was only six years old at that time, so small, it seemed..."

Some words could not be spoken before, and there will be no chance in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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