Chapter 857 Anecdotes about the Empress Dowager ([-])
Five wooden stakes were arranged in the shape of plum blossom petals, standing straight on the ground.

Then Tu Shanyun winked at Qian Shuang, and the two of them jumped onto the wooden stake and squatted.

The show girls present: "?"

If I remember correctly, what the Empress said just now was to stand on this pile for an hour.

When Xiu Nu saw Qian Shuang and Tu Shanyun flying up, she collapsed on the spot and was carried away.

Now there are about [-] left to hold on.

One of them was bold enough to ask: "Empress, may I ask the servants to stand up every day?"

"Yeah, isn't it very simple?"

Xiu Nu: "..."

Is there any misunderstanding between your understanding of simplicity and our understanding?
Chen Yue said with a smile: "Your bodies are too weak, and when the wind blows, you will suddenly float away."

"From now on, the deity will take you to strengthen your body every morning. The emperor likes strong women the most."

As she spoke, she turned her head and waved at Yan Gui: "Isn't it, Emperor Zun?"

Yan Gui: "Ah Yue, I don't..."

"Huh?" The Empress narrowed her eyes.

Yan Gui: "Yes, I like women who are as strong as emperors and empresses the most."

Nie Fuan: "..."

Do you dare to stand up?

Chen Yue was very satisfied, and continued to say to the shy Xiu Nu: "So don't be lazy, start tomorrow morning."

After hearing what she said, twenty more fainted on the spot.

There are still [-] people left to forcefully support the scene, but they are already trembling like little flower buds in the rain.

"Ah Yue—"

After sending Xiu Nu away, the panicked Di Zun was like a wolf cub abandoned by his master, circling around the empress.

Nie Fu'an and the others looked at the spicy eyes and left Jinbo Xiaozhu early.

Chen Yue lazily slumped on Yan Gui's body to tease the cat: "What are you doing?"

Yan Gui lowered his head and carefully stroked her black hair: "Are you angry?"

"Not angry."

Upon hearing this, Yan Gui felt even more uneasy, and hugged her tighter:
"It's your husband's fault, let them bother you."

Chen Yue said with a smile: "I let them enter the palace."

"Don't let them retreat in the face of difficulties. I don't know when I will ask my husband's elder brother to choose a concubine. My husband belongs to me alone."

Yan Gui's heart relaxed a little: "Yes, Ah Yue will always be alone."

Although he said so, Yan Gui was still quite nervous, tossing and turning all night.

At the beginning of Yin Shi, Chen Yue crawled out of the bed from his arms, and he was awakened instantly, and subconsciously touched her hand:
"Ah Yue, don't go—"

Chenyue Gonggong crawled back again, and touched his head and hands: "Don't go, I'm going to court, my husband, brother."

Emperor Zun began to play rogue: "Can you not go to court?"

Nie Fu'an, Qian Shuang, and Tu Shanyun who were waiting outside the dragon tent were able to keep their faces expressionless in the face of this situation.

Isn't it the domineering empress and her coquettish little husband, who hasn't seen it?
In other countries, the monarch wants to go to court, and the concubine is squeaky, but here we are all the emperor.

Awesome, chic, come and taste our ever-changing dog food!
After moaning for a long time, Xiaojiaofu was finally willing to release his domineering empress.

Then the little girl has to take care of the empress to freshen up, wear crown clothes, and baji baji and baji every day.

After a series of procedures, the emperor and empress could finally go to court, and the little lady went back to lie down.

Feng Yu came out of Luochuan Valley, and heard a soft yell in front of him: "Run, don't be lazy—"

"Leave if you can't hold it...Okay, lift one down, lift down two..."

When Fengyu passed by, there were only five scattered girls left in the morning.

These five people also take one step and rest two steps.

Chen Yue glanced at it and ordered: "Xiao Yun—"


Tu Shanyun directly cast a spell, moving five plum blossom piles in front of five beautiful women, and three of them fainted on the spot.

By the time Chenyue got off Feng Yu and was about to go to court, all the beautiful girls had been sent out of the Emperor Palace.

Everyone swore that they would never enter the emperor's house again in this life.

Chen Yue went up to court contentedly.

She didn't tell the courtiers about it either, after all such a big surprise had to be revealed by themselves.

After the prime minister was dealt with by the emperor, and the show girl was taken care of by the empress, the matter of drafting immediately entered a stalemate.

After the prime minister discussed with several highly respected veterans, he must hit the arrogance of the empress.

If you don't do anything, choose someone who is young and beautiful, with means and ability, and you don't believe that you won't be able to threaten the empress.

They secretly selected for three months, and finally picked out a southern border Gu girl from Shiwan Mountain.

This girl is seventeen or eighteen years old, and she has a coquettish and coquettish personality, and every frown and smile can make people's bones crisp.

The most important thing is that her voodoo skills are superb, and it is said that she is the candidate for the next girl in colorful clothes of Youtanzong.

After reading it, several senior ministers were quite satisfied.

After all, not everyone can grow up to look like an empress, and not everyone has the skills of an empress, let's choose a general from among the dwarfs.

So they sent this voodoo girl called Little Puppet into Emperor Zun Palace, and waited happily for the reaction of Emperor Zun and the Empress.

On the first day the little puppet entered the palace, she had dinner with the Emperor and the Empress, and presented dances and homemade sachets.

The veterans were very satisfied, and felt that the Gu girl from Shiwanshan had a solution.

The next day, the little puppet accompanied the empress to the Luochuan Valley, flew a kite, and reportedly wove a wreath for the empress to wear on her head.

The veterans were even more satisfied, and felt that the little puppet was very cunning, knowing that approaching Emperor Zun tactfully would not cause resentment.

On the third day, the little puppet had already become one with Qianshuang Tu Shanyun, and gave them a lot of pastries that he personally made.

The veterans were already grinning from ear to ear, and according to this progress, the little puppet would become a favorite concubine.

However, within a few days, the courtiers realized that something was wrong.

When the emperor came down to court, the little puppet was waiting at the gate of the temple, either delivering a cloak or breakfast, waiting for several hours.

People were almost frozen to death, and when they saw the empress, they burst into tears, which broke their hearts.

The empress summoned the ministers to discuss political affairs, and when the time came, the little puppet brought over the food he had cooked, and he couldn't go away no matter how loud he was.

Within half a month, Emperor Zun lost countless opportunities to be alone with the empress because of the existence of the little puppet.

When Emperor Zundi took a walk in the Emperor Palace, he could disperse the little puppets all the time; when he was boating on the lake, he could meet the little puppets falling into the water.

It was so easy to rest and take a bath, Emperor Zunlai was unwilling to get up in the arms of the emperor, so he heard the little puppet crying outside and knocking on the door:

"Empress, the little puppet is having a nightmare..."

Not to mention that the Empress had not received any threats, Emperor Zun was already going crazy.

It's fine for a man to grab the emperor, but now even a woman can't let his wife go?

He grabbed the prime minister's neck and lifted it up, gritted his teeth and said, "You and the puppet disappear, choose!"

(End of this chapter)

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