Chapter 867
Su Qingyun patted the table: "That's your problem."

Bu Chen: "?"

"You have been living in Emperor Palace to take care of Tang Xiaoguai these past few months, and you have taken care of the child like this, what do you think should be done?"

Three pairs of eyes looked over silently.

Bu Chen: "..."

Is it because I can't hold the needle anymore, or are you drifting away?

It seems that you really have been away from Liang Palace for too long, and you all dare to break ground on Tai Sui.

Just as Bu Chen wanted to teach this ignorant junior a lesson, he caught sight of Yan Gui's expression which was not quite right:

"What happened to Emperor Zun?"

Everyone looked back.

Yan Gui's face was pale, the veins on his forehead were bulging, he was sweating profusely, and he bent over weakly.

Bu Chen hurried over to check the pulse: "Why is the pulse condition so chaotic, the breath in the body is wandering around, it doesn't seem to be poisoned."

Xuan Mo frowned: "Could it be that the previous Gu poison has flared up again?"

"Impossible. Little Martial Uncle didn't say that Emperor Zun's body is already healed, even if the remaining poison is not cleared, it won't be like this."

Feng Han raised his eyes to look at Nie Fu'an: "" What happened to Emperor Zun recently, who...

"Emperor, Your Majesty—"

Feng Hanchu hadn't finished speaking when Qian Shuang came running out of breath, "The empress is about to give birth!"

The four fathers stood up abruptly, and asked in unison: "Is it really going to be born?"

Qian Shuang was both surprised and delighted: "Yes, yes."

"Just now when the empress was drinking water, she felt something was wrong with her stomach. Granny Tsing Yi felt her pulse and told her to lie down, and she was about to give birth."

The four fathers were overjoyed, and just wanted to go to Jinbo Xiaozhuwai to wait for the news, but the situation of Yangui here became more and more serious.

Qian Shuang also found out, and her smile froze on her face: "...Di Zun, what's wrong with Di Zun?"

Yan Gui closed his eyes and clenched his fingers with all his strength: "My lord, it's fine."

He stood up supporting Bu Chen's arm, his whole body was soft and weak.

Bu Chen said: "Where does Emperor Zun's dragon body feel uncomfortable? How can it be supported by walking like this?"

Yan Gui took a short breath, and said again: "My lord, it's all right, let's go."

Everyone didn't dare to move, and looked at him eagerly.

"His Majesty--"

At this time Nie Fu'an spoke: "It's a life contract."

"At the beginning, the emperor and the empress made a life contract, the emperor became the life master, and the emperor was the life slave."

"All the injuries and pains of the life-lord are borne by the life-slave. The empress gave birth to a young master, and the pain of giving birth to a child is borne by the emperor."

Qian Shuang patted his head: "Yes, I was wondering just now that the Empress did not respond at all while lying on the bed."

"She even took Chen's hand and said, why is it that childbirth doesn't hurt at all, Tsing Yi's mother-in-law is also surprised, Chen, I'll go and talk about it now."

After reporting the letter, she ran back in a hurry.

Only then did everyone turn their gazes to Yan Gui.

Feng Hanchu came over and saluted Yan Gui: "Thank you."

Yan Gui was in so much pain that he could hardly bear it, and his eyes were still determined: "No need, Ah Yue is the wife of the deity."

Bu Chen supported Yan Gui, and said to the three fathers, "Go first, and let us know when the baby is born."

Yan Gui shook his head: "This deity is going to accompany, accompany Ah Yue, we are a family of three, we want to be together."

The four fathers couldn't resist him, so they half supported and half hugged him and sent him to Jinbo Xiaozhu.

The servants in the palace were all terrified, and gathered around in a crowd: "Di Zun, Emperor Zun can't enter, there will be a bloody disaster."


Yan Gui frowned: "I am going in and out of the mountain of corpses in the sea of ​​blood, what kind of bloody disaster is I afraid of!"

He staggered a step, stabilized his figure, pushed the door open a gap with trembling hands, and walked in.

In the depths of the dormitory, there were occasional urgent voices: "Tang Bao'er, be obedient, use more strength."

"Little Xueqiu can't be distracted, and she can't shed tears. She has the energy to have a baby. This can't be delayed."

Soon, Chen Yue's low voice came out: "Where is the emperor, how is the emperor?"

Granny Tsing Yi said impatiently: "You don't care what he does, a man can still die of pain, you are at a critical moment..."


She suddenly felt that her breath was not right, she raised the crutch in her hand, and when she turned around, she saw Yan Gui:


"Brother Husband?"

Chenyue on the bed was sweating all over her head, her red eyes were watery, when she saw the pale Yan Gui, she couldn't help stretching out her hand:
"You, why are you here?"

Yan Gui quickly walked in front of her, knelt down, gently wiped her sweat, and said softly:
"Husband comes to accompany you, is it painful or tired?"

Chen Yue shook her head, tears fell one by one: "It doesn't hurt, Ah Yue doesn't hurt, but the heartbeat is very, very fast."

"Brother Husband, I know all about it. Now you are hurting instead of me, right? You hold Chenyue's hand when you feel uncomfortable."

Yan Gui wiped her tears while shaking her head with a smile:
"Husband is only in a little pain. Let's hold hands, so it won't be uncomfortable."

Chen Yue nodded, and nodded obediently like a kitten: "Yeah."

She held Yan Gui's hand tightly, feeling her heart beating faster and faster, as if her body didn't belong to her.

The big round belly seems to be getting smaller, but the feeling of tension and suffocation has not subsided at all, and it seems to be getting more and more intense.

Her head began to ache, her vision began to blur, and she vaguely heard Yan Gui whispering in her ear:
"Ayue, don't sleep, Ayue, the baby in my stomach hasn't been born yet, can we go to sleep after giving birth?"

Two more eager voices were calling: "Tang Baoer, use more strength—"

"Wow, wow..."

"Little Xueqiu, it's a male doll!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Zundi, there are people in Sheji."

"Congratulations to Emperor Zundi, and welcome to the young master!"

Immediately afterwards, an old voice said hurriedly: "Stop shouting, there is still one in my stomach, hurry up—"

Chen Yue was taken aback, and just about to ask something, she felt that her eyelids were extremely heavy, and she couldn't open her mouth.

Yan Gui's voice became weaker and weaker: "...Ah Yue, there is still a baby, and my husband will accompany you to finish the birth."

"I'm giving birth, I'm giving birth, don't rush, don't rush!"

She was very angry and sleepy, and wanted to sleep. She thought, what a naughty baby, why did it take so long?

But everyone recognizes that the one who was born first was a boy, so it shouldn't be an egg.

Then she and her husband's brother don't have to squat on the egg and incubate for three years to see the baby's appearance. Thinking about it this way, they won't be angry.

She thought happily for a while, and suddenly felt her body sink, her heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly, and her breathing was choked.

"It's a little princess, congratulations to the emperor!"

Immediately afterwards, several court ladies ran out to announce the happy cheers.

Chenyue just felt noisy, and took Yangui's hand into her arms: "Brother Husband, let's go to bed, Ah Yue is so sleepy."

A soft voice gently soothed her heart: "Okay, Husband is with you."

(End of this chapter)

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