Chapter 871 Anecdotes about the Empress Dowager ([-])
The three pairs of eyes looked at each other, murmuring, and instantly filled with countless questions about each other's lives.

After all, the child was still young, and after a short stalemate with his father, he couldn't hold it anymore, and started fighting with his upper and lower eyelids closed.

However, the two little groups resolutely refused to admit defeat, and opened their eyelids with four little hands, staring at Yan Gui.

Yan Gui: "..."

Chenyue watched the father and son fight, and couldn't help laughing, so she quickly patted the little group:

"Relax and sleep, father and mother are here, don't move you away, be good."

The little groups looked at Yan Gui cautiously, and asked sleepily: "Father, the mother will not move Mu'er/Xiao Wei, and you will not move either."

Yan Gui sighed, hugged the two little balls tightly: "Okay."

With their father's assurance, the two little groups finally fell asleep with a peaceful smile on their lips.

Chen Yue shook her head helplessly, and said in a low voice: "Who is this kind of suicide style that hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts oneself a thousand?"

Yan Gui looked at the sky speechlessly: " like me."

Chen Yue smiled: "It makes sense."

But the confrontation between father and son can't go on like this forever.

The little group boiled their father like an eagle every day. After a long time, the father and son were collectively depressed. It looked so pitiful.

After negotiating stalemate and then negotiating a compromise, Yan Gui and the two Xiaotuan finally took a step back.

If it is the father's turn to go to court, the little groups will sleep with the queen mother; if the mother goes to court, they will be with the father.

If it's Xiumu, the mother and queen belong to the father alone.

Regarding this proposal, everyone has no objection, and the "jealousy" between father and son has finally come to an end.

The little groups also asked Nie Fuan to make two small books, one for each of them to carry in their pockets, and to hold them every day.

The book was handed back to Nie Fuan at the end of each month, and the day to sleep with the queen mother in the next month was marked in advance, and no one was allowed to renege on the account.

Nie Fu'an arranges the "favored" days of the emperor and empress once a month, and often laments that the world is so big and full of wonders.

I have lived so long that I can see everything.

However, he felt that this matter should not have passed so easily.

After all, for Emperor Zun, as long as there is no result of victory in anything, it is a failure for Emperor Zun.

How can a man allow himself to fail?

What's more, the arrangement of this day greatly shortened the time he spent with the empress.

If you don't fight back, it's not Regal.

Sure enough, within a few days, Emperor Zun quietly made a move.

After all, the one who robbed him of his wife was his own regiment, and he had an agreement with them, and it was obviously not a competent father to openly repent.

However, Emperor Zun has never been an individual, and he does not do personnel affairs.

When a child is too young, it is easy to be blinded by family affection, thinking that a father who has made an agreement and abides by it is a good father.

So under Xiao Xiaotuan's negligence, Emperor Zun started his plan silently.

He often invites other small groups to Emperor Palace, first of all Su Dai and Su Nan from Su Changan's family, and keeps them to stay.

The children played and played together, ate and drank, and fell asleep wherever they were tired.

Yan Gui didn't ask anyone to bring them back, and asked the palace people to choose interesting and interesting places to let the children go out to play.

In this way, he was the only one who won the favor of the empress for three to five days.

After the children came back, in order not to make Xiao Xiaotuan suspicious, Yan Guihui occasionally expressed his miss for them.

The little groups were coaxed by the sweet words occasionally revealed by their always cold father, and they didn't realize that it was a trick at all.

They are immersed in the joy of playing with their partners.

Another time, brothers Wu Muri and Hariti of Aslan's family retrieved a litter of wolf cubs.

After Yan Gui heard about it, he quietly told the news to the two little groups.

Mu'er and Xiaowei didn't realize their father's sinister intentions at all, and clamored to play on the grassland.

This walk is almost another half a month.

In this way, this family ran, and that family ran, and sometimes the four grandpas took their horses and falcons to sea.

Soon, the original agreement to sleep with the queen mother became a decoration.

Until one day, Xiao Wei realized something was wrong, flipped through the little book and began to settle accounts with her fingers:
"Nie Fu'an, why did my brother and I only sleep with the queen mother for three nights in four consecutive months?"

Nie Fuan: "..."

Because your father respects him not a thing.

Of course, this cannot be said in front of the child.

Nie Fu'an smiled and said, "Your Highness, think about these four months, have you been going out all the time?"

"Let's say that I went to sea last month, and it took more than 40 days before and after. Of course, the number of times I saw the emperor and empress was less."

Mu'er closed the notebook and said to Xiaowei: "Sister, we won't go out in the future, and we will stay in the palace with our father and mother."

Xiao Wei nodded: "Yes, I have to get back what I suffered."

Nie Fuan was very excited, is he finally going to declare war?
He waited and waited, and before the horn of war was sounded, the flags died down, because Emperor Zun found a master for the two little groups.

The little groups have also reached the age of studying.

Although the elders are teaching them every day, it is the first time to seriously study with a teacher.

Yan Gui originally planned to invite Saint Xun out of the mountain, but the old master is almost eighty.

Although he walked birds and teased dogs in Qianji Pavilion every day, and was chased and beaten by his wife all over the mountains and plains when he was drunk, he was getting old after all.

The living sages are almost withered, and the few remaining ones have already lived in seclusion, and their traces are unknown.

When he and Chenyue were looking for wives for the children, Runze sent a message, wanting to bring the two groups back to Yunwu Mountain.

There is a fairyland in the world, no matter studying literature or martial arts, there are the most outstanding masters.

So Yan Gui and Chen Yue went to ask Mu Er and Xiao Wei for their opinions.

At that time, two Tuan Tuan were sitting in their own palace, one was working as a mechanism puppet, and the other was practicing the Heart Gu Formation.

After listening to the father and mother's words, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and Mu'er said:
"The Yunwu Mountain is too far away, and the master will not let the disciples who have not completed their studies go down the mountain. Mu'er and younger sister will not be able to see their father and mother for a long time."

Yan Gui asked, "Don't you have confidence in yourself?"

Xiao Wei said arrogantly: "Learning too quickly will hurt the face of the master, but Xiao Wei will not compromise, and only give him three years at most."

"Three years can't learn much for ordinary students, but it's more than enough for brother and Xiaowei."

"However, although it is more than enough, after more than 1000 days and nights without seeing father and mother, it is also very long, and Xiao Wei doesn't like it."

Mu'er also clenched her fists: "Sister doesn't like it, and Mu'er doesn't like it either."

Yan Gui and Chen Yue looked at each other and smiled, the two children had excellent bones, and their self-confidence was also natural.

Chen Yue asked: "Does that mean you don't want to beg your master?"

Mu'er said: "When it comes to reading and literacy, no one can compare with Xun Shengren; when it comes to learning martial arts, Father Zun is the most powerful."

"Let's talk about spells and Gu skills, the queen mother is the No. 1 in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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