Chapter 873 The Finale
Runze took them to see a doctor for lambs and calves in the village, helped farmers pick and sell grain, lit a fire to cook and sent it to the fields.

According to Mu'er, he will be the one who can cook and chop wood best among the princes, and he will be the prettiest among those who can cook and chop wood.

The only thing my younger sister Xiaowei has to do is to become the most beautiful little princess, and she can just play around in a sedan chair carried by a puppet.

Yan Gui and Chen Yue would sometimes go out of the palace in low clothes to watch their brother and sister work.

One works in the field with the loess behind and the sky, and the other drives the puppet to carry water on the field ridge to irrigate the field.

Yan Gui found it very interesting: "Has Ah Yue ever planted land before?"

Chenyue nodded: "Master said that you don't know the price of food, and you don't know the hard work, so it's better to eat dirt."

Yan Gui smiled: "In the future, when Mu'er ascends the throne, he must be a master who can understand public opinion."

Chen Yue shook his hand: "Everyone says that Xiao Wei looks like her husband's brother, but I think Mu'er's mind is the most like her brother's."

Yan Gui patted her head: "Mu'er is lively and active like you, and also likes you in terms of comprehension in spells, so protect your weaknesses."

Chen Yue said proudly: "This is similar to my brother and Ah Yue."

After all, in Mu'er's heart, there is nothing wrong with her sister.

If one day my sister is really bad, it is because the world treats my sister badly.

While talking, the younger brother of the sister-in-law ran over shaking his head and tail: "Father, queen mother, look, this is the radish planted by Mu'er."

Like offering a treasure, he held up the white radish that was still covered with mud: "Isn't it very big?"

Chen Yue patted his head: "Mu'er is really amazing."

"Mu'er wants to stew fish soup with radish, and drink it with his father, mother, queen, and younger sister."

Yan Gui glanced at Nie Fuan who was accompanying him.

Nie Fuan understood: "Yes, Fuan will order the dining room to prepare fish."

"no, I'm fine."

Behind Mu'er, a small group came rattling, and behind the group was a puppet that looked like a small tail.

Xiao Wei jumped into Chen Yue's arms with her skirt in her hand: "Mother, Xiao Wei's puppet caught two big fish, let's eat together."

Chen Yue picked her up and said, "Okay, Queen Mother scrapes off the scales of the fish, and you eat like that."

Xiao Wei pouted: "Hmph, Xiao Wei wants to eat cooked fish, only the second father eats raw fish."

Yan Gui: "Cough."

Xiao Wei tilted her head, blinked and looked at him: "Hey, Father, are you sick?"

"Father is weak, don't come here to blow air in the future, brother and Xiaowei will be fine with mother later."

Yan Gui, who was arranged clearly: "..."

He pinched her little cheek: "Naughty and mischievous, just like your mother when she was a child."

"Was the queen mother very beautiful when she was young?"


Xiaowei pointed her fingers together: "It's good that Xiaowei looks like the queen mother."

Chen Yue rubbed against her outside: "Father was born so well, our Xiao Wei is already a beautiful little princess, what else do you want to be beautiful?"

Xiao Wei turned her head arrogantly: "If you praise Xiao Wei, you should praise Xiao Wei, please don't show your mother's affection."

Chen Yue: "..."

Yan Gui: "Xiao Wei, you are already six years old, haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

Xiao Wei:"……"

She looked at Mu'er aggrieved, opened her mouth and silently called for help: Brother, help.

Mu'er held the big radish and shook her head: "I can't help, even if I can't beat my father, I can't beat my father."

Xiao Wei was so angry that she buried her head in Chen Yue's arms, mumbling: "Father is bad, bully Xiao Wei."

Yan Gui: "Oh."

The family of four talked and laughed and returned to Emperor Palace.

The dining room boiled a pot of radish and crucian carp soup.

Mu'er and Xiaowei shared several bowls and gave them to Nie Fu'an and Qian Shuang Tu Shanyun. The cold Emperor Palace was instantly warm.

After sharing the food, Mu'er ran to sit between Chen Yue and Yan Gui with her short legs:
"Father, Queen Mother, can Mu'er invite friends to the palace to attend the moon feast? They are all friends from the village."

"It's in the palace of Mu'er and younger sister. We won't run around and disturb the guests of our father and mother."

Yan Gui nodded.

The next day, the two small groups happily ran to inform their partners.

"I thought Brother Husband would refuse."

After the mid-autumn moon feast, Chenyue took Yangui's hand and climbed up to Qinghe Tower, the tallest building in the Emperor's Palace.

The full moon in the sky was right in front of them, as if they could touch it with their hands, and they nestled in the moonlight.

Not far away, the brightly lit palace belonged to two small groups, and they were having fun with their friends.

Yan Gui tilted her head and kissed her gently: "You are here, I am no longer afraid of people's hearts, Ah Yue."

Chen Yue murmured: "Yes."

that is good.

After a long time, Yan Gui reluctantly left her: "When I was the age of children, I couldn't see the moon."

"But I'm not afraid. I'm happy with every day I live, because I'll see you soon."

"I don't know what you look like, and I don't know if you will hate me like that, but I'm still full of expectations."

until that day.

His little moon pushed open the tent door, stuck a small head in, and shouted, "Sister Yanling, Tangtang is here to play with you—"

Yan Gui could no longer recall how he felt at that time.

I just remember that he smashed the medicine bowl in a panic, and then scolded Yan Ling in a low voice, how could she let her see himself like this so quickly.

Thinking about it now, Yan Gui thought it was a bit funny, and asked Chen Yue: "I remember you were afraid of me, why aren't you afraid anymore?"

Chen Yue said: "Maybe, I was moved by your face."

Yan Gui: "..."

Chen Yue grinned: "Otherwise, why else?"

"It's the first time I've seen a child about my age since I went down the mountain. If you weren't good-looking, I really think you are a bad person."

Yan Gui: "..."

Well, it was really fierce back then.

Chen Yue rubbed her arms into his arms again: "But I know you are not, you have treated me well with your life, so naturally you will use your life to repay you."

"Ah Yue—"


Yan Gui hugged her and closed his eyes contentedly: "Your life is the best reward for me."

"But later, when I grew up and my heart grew bigger, I thought, if you can stay by my side for a long time, that would be good enough."

"Now that I have you, I'm still not satisfied."

The moon in the sky, his sweetheart, he has endless extravagant wishes.

Yan Gui said: "I always want to be with you from life to life, even if I experience the suffering of this life thousands of times."

"not good."

Chen Yue straightened her waist and pressed her forehead against his forehead:

"In the next life, my husband and brother will be my wife, and Ah Yue will be my husband. I don't want my husband and brother to suffer any pain. We will grow old forever."

Yan Gui closed his eyes: "Okay, let's grow old forever."

There is love in the heart, and there is no day or forget it.

The Qinghe Tower soars into the sky, and the emperor's crown and phoenix crown are particularly conspicuous in the night under the bright moonlight.

The complicated robes are laid out on the steps, and the dragon and the phoenix are entangled with each other, creating a scene of love between the two and the full moon.

(End of this chapter)

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