Chapter 88
"Hee hee, Brother Immortal praised Tang Tang, happy."

Xiao Tuantuan stretched out his paws to touch the green buds of Brother Shenxian: "When Brother Shenxian blooms, he must be stronger than Tangtang."

Bu Chen smiled slightly: "Xiaotangtang likes epiphyllum? Uncle has a valley, and there are many flowers planted in the valley. If you like it, I will take you to see it when uncle blooms."

Xiao Tuantuan's big eyes were wide open, and his little claws were excitedly clenched together:
"Really? Now, are there peonies, lotuses, and chrysanthemums? There are so many on Yunwu Mountain. Tangtang likes it."

"Then let Xiao Tangtang bloom peonies in spring, pick lotus in summer, and enjoy chrysanthemums in autumn, okay?"


Xiaotuanzi's paws were clasped together, his eyes were full of starlight: "The fairy brother... Uncle must hurry up, wow, Tangtang wants to go to the valley with you to play."

"Okay, uncle promises you."

Hey, why did Brother Immortal suddenly call himself uncle? It sounds very old.

Is it because the leaves have grown too much, like the beard of a fairy brother?
Xiao Tuantuan annoyed pawing at Xiao Yacha, controlling his claws not to touch the tender green buds.

The gardener grandpa said, if your hands are too hot, the buds of the fairy brother will wither.

"The fairy uncle, you should sleep, Tangtang will watch over you, and work harder to grow leaves."

Xiao Tuantuan stretched out his fat claws enough to move the flower pot to a relatively shady place. The noon sun is so dazzling... Eh, who is quarreling with Brother Shenxian to sleep?
Under the tree not far away, four young scholars in luxurious clothes blocked Xie Jingyun again.

"Xie Jingyun, don't think you'll be fine if Xiao Budian repays the money for you. You owe 200 taels for a month, and the interest hasn't been paid yet. The total is 400 taels."

Xie Jingyun tightly clenched his small fists: "At the beginning you lent me to redeem my brother, you didn't say any interest."

The fat scholar gave Xie Jingyun a push: "My lord said yes, so pay back the money, otherwise you will use two arms and two legs in exchange!"

"You're bullying brother Jingyun again, big villain."

call out--

A group flew to Xie Jingyun's face, spread its claws like an angry little chubby eagle, and firmly protected the little brother behind him.

The fat scholar gave her a disdainful look, and stretched out his hand to push her: "Little Master, don't hurt your old man... huh?"

Just look at a group, Baji sat on the ground.

Burying his little head into his little arms, he kicked his little feet aggrievedly: "Wow, someone bullied Tangtang."

Xie Jingyun was terrified, and hurried forward to hold her paw: "Sister Master, are you injured?"

"Yeah, Tangtang's butt broke into several pieces, and her ears hurt from being yelled at by them. Is Tangtang sick, woo woo woo..."

The little scholars nearby who heard the commotion rushed over, holding hands and protecting Xiaotuanzi behind him.

The fat scholar was also terrified when he saw so many people, and pointed to the ball on the ground:
"You, don't talk nonsense. I just touched you lightly. If you dare to wrong me, I will tell my father."

Xiaotuanzi did not show any weakness, and raised his small fist: "Tangtang also tell the fathers!"

Fat scholar: "..."

Fighting father?

The fat book was very angry: "Do you know who my cousin is, Princess Jincheng... Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the fat head, and when he looked back, he was as scared as a sick cat: "...Master."

Headed by Mrs. Zheng, the other masters rushed over in a mighty way, and hurriedly picked up Xiaotuanzi:

"Little Master, is everything okay, does it really hurt?"

Xiaotuanzi covered his little face with his paws and murmured, "They bully brother Jingyun, Tangtang protects brother, and they push Tangtang."

Three of the young scholars immediately took a step back, pointing at the fat scholar: "The disciples didn't push, it was him, the bullying little master."

Fat scholar: "..."

The masters immediately divided into two groups, one group left to educate the fat scholars, and the other group stayed to coax the two bullied gangsters.

When Su Qingyun received the news that her daughter was being bullied, she rushed there on a flying horse.

Tuanzi, who was admired by all the masters, saw the rich daddy, and rushed up holding the little flowerpot, and the aggrieved little milk voice came out: "Rich daddy."

Su Qingyun's heart was broken, she held her daughter in her arms and coaxed her for a long time: "Tell Dad, which bastard bullied you?"

Little Claws pointed at them in a row, and the four little scholars who had just been scolded bloody, froze for an instant.

Su Qingyun sneered, and ordered her followers: "Go and investigate, whose family are all bastards! If you dare to bully the little Patriarch of the Su family, you will die!"

"Send a letter to the Xuanwu camp and the general's mansion again, and say that the four blind dogs are provocative, and let General Zhenxi and General Xuan take care of it."

Masters: "..."

As far as the children are playing and making noise, Mr. Su, are you too nervous?
Little scholars: "..."

Is there still time to kneel down and call daddy?

Gong Ziyun tossed his robe domineeringly, and walked away with his daughter in his arms.

Xiaotuanzi, who was being carried on his shoulders, finally opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and shook his head at the four little scholars who were frightened into a pile of quail:
"A little bit..."

Before the Su residence arrived, the servants sent a message:
"Patriarch, the four families who bully the young patriarch, the young son of Zhoujun Wang's family is the leader, the other three are the second son of Wang Shilang, and the young masters of the Li family and the Wu family of the imperial merchants."

Su Qingyun waved her fan: "Leave the brats surnamed Zhou and Wang to Xuan Mo."

"The remaining two bastards, let them get out of the capital tonight, and if they dare to enter the capital in the future, they will be beaten once."


The servants hurried to do business, and no one can bully the little Patriarch if they bully anyone in the future.

After Su Qingyun finished giving her instructions, she finally felt a little more relaxed, and touched Xiao Tuantuan who was sleeping soundly in her arms:
"Little thing, why don't you let dad feel at ease?"

Even though he said so, Gong Ziyun's face was full of happiness and pampering.

After getting out of the carriage, he carefully hugged Xiao Tuantuan, and then carried her baby Pidaohua, and walked gently into Su's residence.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the little stupid donkey sitting upright in the living room, holding the teapot nervously in his little paws, pouring tea very gracefully.

Looking to the side, Cheng Qingshuang was wearing a pink dress.

Su Qingyun rolled her eyes, she was really haunted.

Cheng Qingshuang moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked out slowly: "Uncle Su, Qingshuang is here to ask Sister Tangtang about the spring outing in Yanshan on behalf of her sister, Princess Jincheng."

"Asleep, come next time, the door is there, don't send!"

See off guests in one go.


Cheng Qingshuang lowered her head in embarrassment, and said aggrievedly: "Qingshuang knows that Uncle Su is angry with Qingshuang because of what happened last time, but Qingshuang really has a good intention..."

Su Qingyun didn't answer, but Su Changan spoke:

"Chang'an knows that Sister Qingshuang wants to help Uncle, but Sister Qingshuang, you really did something wrong. You lied to that little one and let her be taken away by the bad guys."

Cheng Qingshuang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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