Chapter 92
Xiao Tuantuan was in a panic, grabbed it with two little hands, and grabbed the servant's uncle's sleeve: "Did the rich daddy crash it? Hurry up and take Tangtang to see."

The servant hurriedly said: "Miss Tangtang, quickly follow the villain."


Xiao Tuantuan tried her best to follow behind with her short legs, but as she ran, she gradually slowed down.

There seems to be something wrong.

Xiao Tuantuan stopped running and stayed where he was: "Uncle, wait."

The servant holding the book immediately turned around, looking very anxious: "What's the matter, Miss Tangtang, let's go quickly?"

Xiao Tuantuan took a step back, and held the little paws tightly together: "Where did the rich dad hit someone, and who did he hit?"

The servant patted his head: "It's an old woman, just in front of the Su residence, the young master was also injured in order to save the old woman."

Xiao Tuantuan's eyebrows were frowned tightly: "Is it where there are stone lions? Where did the rich dad hurt?"

"That's right, that's right there," the servant took a step closer to her, "I hurt my arm, and there's blood everywhere."

"You lied to Tangtang!"

Xiao Tuantuan's face turned red in an instant, and her cheeks bulged: "You still curse rich daddy, you are not from the Su family at all, you are a big liar."

The servant was stunned for a moment, quickly threw away the book, and strode over, the smile on his face became a little strange:
"The villain didn't lie to Miss Tangtang, the villain is really from the Su residence."

Xiao Tuantuan waved his small fists: "Everyone in the Su residence calls the rich daddy the patriarch, and Tangtang the young patriarch, it's not Mr. Su and Miss Tangtang."

"There is also a very large Su Mansion. The door with the stone lions will take a long way to get to the Chongwen Hall. The rich father always starts from another door."

The whole group soon turned into a little puffer fish: "Did you take the rich daddy away, you big villain!"

That person didn't expect to be spotted by a little baby so quickly, and his expression immediately turned grim: "Damn, the little bastard is quite slippery, I don't see..."

call out--

"Ah, it hurts me to death."

Before the man had time to run in front of Tangtang, an arrow shot from an inexplicable place pierced his arm.

The whole person fell to the ground and kept rolling.

After hearing a loud whistle nearby, they shouted one after another: "Protect Miss—"

"Protect Miss—"

"Protect Miss—"

From the high wall of the Chongwen Hall, three strong men in black clothes suddenly jumped down, holding swords, and stood behind Xiaotuanzi.

After one of them confirmed that Xiaotuanzi was safe, he immediately held down the person on the ground.

The grocer carrying a load in front of the door also suddenly pulled out a dagger from the load, with a sharp cold light in his eyes, watching everything around him vigilantly.

On the opposite side of the teahouse and restaurant, a dozen men with knives and sticks rushed out, and quickly cleared the street.

In the blink of an eye, the twenty or so dark guards of the General's Mansion tightly protected Xiao Tuantuan behind the heavy human wall.

Just like that, the guards from other places rushed over one after another when they heard the whistle. Soon, not even a sparrow could fly past the gate of Chongwen Hall.

The streets are empty, and the hidden guards are waiting.

After a while, there was another whistle, which meant that the alarm was lifted.

The hidden guards dispersed quickly, changed their appearance, and hid themselves in the crowd, so that no one could see it.

There were only five people left, two of them were responsible for taking away the person who tried to hurt Xiao Tuanzi, and the remaining three picked up the books, picked up Tuanzi and rushed to the general's mansion.

On the way, I happened to meet Su Qingyun's horse.

When he saw the dumpling tightly hugged by the dark guard, Gao Xuan's heart relaxed, and he flew directly from the galloping horse to the dark guard's side, and took the child:

"It's okay, sweet boy, daddy is late, daddy is not good."

Xiao Tuantuan kept tightly clenched his fists, curled up in his arms, and the little milk said aggrievedly: "Rich Daddy, don't you want Tangtang anymore, woo..."

Su Qingyun's heart was about to break: "Rich Daddy loves Tang Xiaoguai the most, and he will never want you. Don't cry, don't cry, Daddy is a villain, and Tang Xiaoguai is sad."

Xiao Tuantuan hugged his little head, and his little ears could droop down: "Why didn't the rich dad come to pick up Tangtang, Tangtang was almost taken away by the villains..."

Su Qingyun's peach blossom eyes were full of hostility, she glanced to the side, and saw the man who was tied up to a bloody mess.

In order to prevent the child from being harmed again, he went to the house and coaxed the child well before going to the interrogation.

That person was almost silent after being beaten, and he confessed that Zhou Junwang asked someone to kidnap Tangtang in order to avenge Xiao Shizi, just to frighten her.

Su Qingyun swept over with a fan, killing half of his life: "Who is Duke Zhou, dare to touch her?"

He commanded the people: "Give this son of a bitch to the gate of the county prince's mansion!"

"If someone dares to collect his body within three days, my son will take the evidence of Duke Zhou's corruption, sue the emperor, and copy his palace."

The servants dragged this out, outside the old general Xuan and Xuan Ning came in, and brought three more people:
"This is a fish that slipped through the net, and one escaped."

Su Qingyun was furious: "The son of a bitch dares to push even Tang Xiaoguai, and now he dares to kidnap someone. I think he's tired of work. I stole his den of thieves!"

Old General Xuan said: "I'm afraid it's not just people from the county prince's mansion. Aning has fought with them, and he is a wild way in the world."

Su Qingyun frowned: "You mean, it's the red robe again?"

Xuan Ning said: "He was kicked out by you last time. If you don't catch Tang Bao'er, he won't dare to go back. He's trying to startle the snake again. He must be doing something from the county palace."

"No, no, I have to go see Tang Xiaoguai."

After walking two steps, he shouted again: "Get ready the criminal evidence from the county prince's mansion."

Didn't Bu Chen want to go back to the Valley of Immortal Doctors, just to show these clues to the emperor, for the sake of his daughter's safety, he can't think of some crazy idea not to go back, can he?
If he doesn't care about Tang Xiaoguai's safety, he won't let Tang Xiaoguai recognize his father!

Just ask him, son-in-law, who was he afraid of?
He strode into Xiaotuanzi's room, but before he saw the little figure, he was almost blown out by a roomful of silver-winged butterflies.

Dozens of silver-winged butterflies lined up to read the letter for Xiaotuanzi.

The terrified Xiao Tuantuan, who was crying just now, is now lying on the chaise longue, with his little feet raised, swaying, his big eyes bent into small crescents:
"Master replied to Tangtang's letter, there are many, many letters, rich daddy, come and take a look."

Su Qingyun's stomach gurgled sour water.

It took more than a month to write back to you, so you can be so happy?
Tch, what's so great about Master?

Your father still talks to you every day!

(End of this chapter)

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