Chapter 97
Xiao Tuantuan was a little happy, but also a little worried.

The happy thing is that after the general's father gets married, he can have a baby, so Tangtang will have younger siblings to play with, another soft little dumpling.

The worry is that the person who married the general's father is a villain, and taking the general's father away will not treat him well, and the general's father will have a very miserable life in the future.

Negotiated for a long time.

Su Qingyun asked, "Can you help me?"

Bu Chen replied, "Can't we help?"

Su Qingyun swallowed her saliva: "If Xuan Mo knows that his lifelong event has been decided so hastily, after the Yuren Kingdom is overturned, it's time to overthrow our spiritual cover."

Bu Chen smiled softly, and touched Xiao Tuantuan's tangled head: "Let's say you are rich, and Daddy agrees."


Su Qingyun: "Hey, hey, why did I agree?"

Xiao Tuantuan withdrew his claws from the water, blinked his big eyes: "Rich dad, don't you want to save the general's dad?"

Su Qingyun: "I, him, you..."

In the moonlight, Bu Chen smiled like a banished fairy: "Junior brother, take care of Tianling Gai."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Save his mother's weight!
Xiao Tuantuan turned his head, took a golden bead from the big catfish's mouth, and handed it to Su Qingyun:
"The merman said, I want to go to the water palace alone to replace the general's father, and when she comes up to worship, she will let you go."

"This water-repelling bead can hold your breath underwater for three days. Rich dad, bear with it. The three days will pass soon, and you can come out then."

Su Qingyun's mentality collapsed: "You, let your father and me be hostages?"

Daddy General and Daddy Immortal are daddies, what's the difference between Daddy Rich?
Xiao Tuantuan scratched his little head: "But Daddy Daddy can't see, what should I do if there is danger and swelling?"

Su Qingyun's heart was so cold: "Are you not afraid of danger from your rich father?"

It's over, his daughter's heart is crooked, and she started cheating on her father.

I hurt my daughter, I hurt my loneliness.

Xiao Tuantuan retracted her claws, pinched Zhuzhu, and said in a low voice: "Then, what should I do if it's swollen?"

Bu Chen knelt down and rubbed her little crotch: "Rich daddy is teasing you, look—"

Gong Ziyun was squinting his eyes at the obtrusive father and daughter, he didn't pay attention, and was pushed into the water by Bu Chen.

He thumped twice in panic: "I don't... Gulu Gulu..."

Bu Chen took the opportunity to flick the water-proof beads into his mouth, and he was immediately pulled away by the big catfish with a group of fish.

Xiao Tuantuan rushed to the water's edge on short legs: "Rich daddy..."

She turned her little head again, and looked at Bu Chen pitifully:

"Fairy Daddy, will Rich Daddy be angry that Tangtang threw him into the water without telling him anything?"

In fact, this is a solution discussed by Immortal Daddy and Tangtang.

The rich dad goes to the water to trick the merman first, and asks her to release the general dad, then the big catfish will sneak away the general dad, and the rest of the fish will sneak away the rich dad.

The fairy father stayed on the shore to save people.

In this way, the general's father will not have to live a very miserable life, and the rich father will not have to soak in the water for so long.

But Rich Daddy didn't know anything, so he was dragged away.

He will definitely be very sad.

Xiao Tuantuan was squatting by the water's edge, pawing the water with his paws, drooping his little face.

Bu Chen caressed, held her paw, and wiped it clean with his sleeve: "Don't worry, rich daddy won't be angry with Xiao Tangtang."

"Really?" Xiao Tuan Tuan stared.

Bu Chen nodded: "Well, because he is stupid."

Tangtang: "..."

Rich Daddy seems to be a not-so-bright Yazi.

Chased by Xiao Huanghuang, fell into the pit she dug, and fell from the sky by the general's father...

Xiao Tuantuan covered his grinning mouth, shhh, but don't let rich daddy hear it.

She held Daddy's big hand and waited anxiously.

Soon, there was the sound of rumbling water in Daze in the night.

As if it came from a very far and deep place, Xiaotuanzi stood up with a hush, and kept jumping with his little paws open:
"Is it Daddy General? Daddy General, Tangtang is here—"

She let go of her voice and shouted vigorously, hoping that the general's father would hear it sooner.

The sound of the water became louder and louder, and the ground under his feet was shaking, and then a thick water column suddenly appeared in the middle of the Daze, rushing straight into the sky.

Before anyone could see it clearly, they saw a large crystal clear glass ball smashed down from mid-air.

Those who searched nearby ran away screaming.


The big glass ball fell to the shore, rolled back and forth a few times, and stopped moving.

Xiao Tuantuan was terrified, tightly grasped Bu Chen's big hand, covered his little head with his big sleeve, and muttered:

"Can't see Tangtang, can't see Tangtang."

Bu Chen couldn't help laughing: "It should be your general father who was sent ashore, why don't you take him to have a look?"

Xiao Tuantuan opened his big sleeves, only quietly revealing half of his face, blinking his big eyes, looking at the glazed balls that are as big as ten candies.

Not moving.

It seems that there is a dark shadow in it.

It's Daddy General!
She became excited all of a sudden, and teased Buchen: "Yes, Tangtang took Daddy the Immortal to see, Daddy the Immortal, please walk slowly."

They soon arrived at Qiuqiu.

The glazed ball is translucent, but the unconscious Xuanmo inside can be seen clearly.

"Daddy General—"

Xiao Tuantuan jumped up and down anxiously, and even slapped the glass ball, trying to wake Xuan Mo up.

At this moment, the surface of the water was shaking again, and a column of water that was even bigger than before was slowly rising up.

"It's a shark, Xiao Tangtang, Daddy is pushing Daddy General, you lead the way, let's go quickly."


Xiao Tuantuan pulled Bu Chen, looked at the road around him with wide eyes, and looked back fearfully.

A beautiful sister appeared on the surface of the water. The skirt on her body was colorful, like the luster of fish scales under the moonlight.

It's really beautiful.

Her hair was red, and her missing half of her tail was also red. The moment she landed, she transformed into a pair of long legs.

The sharks lived in the water most of the time, and they couldn't walk fast when they landed, so they didn't catch up with them.

Xiaotuanzi led Buchen to the main road, when he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him.

Then the horses stopped around, and immediately they were all brothers and sisters in white clothes with a fairy air.

They jumped off their horses and knelt on the ground one after another: "Valley Master."

Bu Chen pushed the glass ball in his hand: "Handle it with care, and bring it back to the Valley of Immortal Doctors."


Bu Chen put Xiao Tuantuan in his arms and got into the carriage.

"What about the rich dad? Did he come out of the big swamp?"

Xiao Tuantuan sticks out his small head, and anxiously paws at the car door, his small brows are wrinkled, and his big eyes turn straight.

Look left, look right, there is no sign of rich dad on the road?

(End of this chapter)

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