Chapter 99
Xiaotuanzi held up the small spoon in a daze, then stretched out his claws silently, and touched Su Qingyun's forehead:
"It's not hot, um, rich dad is not sick, don't worry Tangtang."

Su Qingyun: "..."

The smile on Bu Chen's lips never disappeared.

Xiaotuanzi dug out two spoonfuls of porridge very seriously, put them into Su Qingyun's bowl, and patted his big hand like a grown-up:

"Rich daddy, be good, drink your porridge well, or Tangtang will spank your ass."

Su Qingyun: "..."

Bu Chen put his fist against the corner of his lips, and coughed twice: "Young fellow rich, be good, drink your porridge well, or senior brother will lift your spirit cover."

"roll roll roll!"

Su Qingyun was so angry that she almost smashed her fan.

The big one next to him secretly giggled, raised his fist and touched it lightly, thinking he didn't see it?

Dad is mad.

That nasty little ghost head, after eating, he has to take care of another father who is contained in a glass ball.

The glass ball filled with black ink is actually the tears of the sharks.

Tang Jiao was afraid of hurting Xuan Mo, so she put him in the tears of the shark after entering the water, waiting to marry him.

Who knew she was cheated, the hostages ran away, and Xuan Mo also ran away.

She followed the Immortal Doctor Valley all the way, staring at Xuan Mo covetously.

It's useless to run away, except for her, no one can open the Shark Tears.

Until the snow-white glutinous rice dumpling put her little hand on the shark's tears.

The Merman's Tears unexpectedly began to disintegrate, until it turned into a small teardrop, which melted in Tuanzi's small palm.

Xiaotuanzi was also very strange. Just now, he was still worrying about how to rescue the general's father, but he didn't expect that it was over?

The glass ball has become so small?

Like a drop of water.

She threw it casually, stretched out her claws, touched Xuan Mo's handsome face carefully, and called softly, "Daddy General?"

The general's father is warm, but asleep.

Xiaotuanzi held his chin, sat down on the small cushion, blinked and watched, when will the general's father wake up... Hey, what is the big shadow behind him?
She crossed her legs and moved around, moving her small body, is that beautiful badass mermaid?
Tang Jiao pushed back her hair, bared her teeth at Xiao Tuanzi, and spread her long nails to grab her.

Her teeth are pointed, very sharp, and they seem to be glowing coldly, and her nails are also silver, like knives.

Xiaotuanzi didn't show any weakness, he stood up from the ground, clenched his fists, and roared back:
"Big villain, don't get close to the general's father, Tangtang will beat people!"

The voice was grandma's, not deterrent at all, but Tang Jiao shrank back to the door suddenly.

It seemed that there was a scourge in the house, which made her very frightened.

Xiao Tuanzi didn't relax his vigilance because of Tang Jiao's retreat, he stared straight at her with big eyes, and guarded the general's father behind him.

Bu Chen, who came to see a doctor, heard Su Qingyun say this scene, and couldn't help laughing: "Xuan Mo won't lift your celestial spirit cap."

Su Qingyun waved her fan triumphantly: "Oh, my daughter is really promising...huh?"

After he was happy, Bu Chen had already walked into the room.

Then he heard his soft and watery voice: "Little Tangtang, Daddy is here to see a doctor for your General Daddy."


Those who sing in unison, who are they bullying?
Gong Ziyun rolled his eyes and walked into the room: "Little Tang, Daddy has come to see your general Daddy."

Tangtang: "..."

Bu Chen: "..."

What's the comparison? Why don't you come to treat the disease?
Xiao Tuantuan made room for Daddy Daddy, and lay down beside the bed, his big eyes turned darkly:

"Father Immortal, what kind of illness is General Daddy suffering from? How long will it take to wake up?"

Bu Chen stroked her little head: "The tears of the shark have a psychedelic effect. Your general father is having a very long dream right now, and he wakes up after sleeping for two or three days."

"Whoa whoa."

Xiao Tuantuan stretched out his paws to touch Xuan Mo's hand: "General Daddy, please rest well, Tangtang won't disturb you."

"Also, that villainous mermaid is always staring at you, but don't worry, Tangtang is not afraid of her and will beat her away."

In order to protect his father, the aggressive Xiaotuanzi sat at the door of Xuanmo's room.

I don't know where to find a big stick, hold it tightly in my hand, and poke it on the ground.

She ran out wearing a little red dress, and now sitting at the door looks like a New Year painting to ward off evil spirits, not to mention the Mermaid Princess, even ghosts and ghosts dare not get close.

Just like this stalemate, at night, when the moon rose, Tang Jiao was finally defeated.

She is a mermaid, and she has not been soaked in the water for a day, and her whole body is going to dry up, so she has to leave.

Xiaotuanzi, who stared at the two big eyes, immediately stood up and followed.

What is the badass shark going to do?
Did you think of some bad idea again, to snatch your father and get married?

Don't let her succeed!
Otherwise, what if the general's father will not have enough food and clothing, will be abused by her, and will do hard work?
Xiaotuanzi immediately handed over his sleeping father to the senior brothers and sisters in Medicine Valley to take care of him, and he ran out with Tang Jiao with his short legs, carrying a big stick.

After three turns and two turns, she got lost.

The Fairy Doctor Valley is really too big, and there are strange flowers and plants everywhere. Although they are different, you can't see anything clearly at night.

Xiaotuanzi dragged the big stick and scratched Xiaochao in embarrassment. How could he find this?

That's right, sharks live in water, so they should go where there is water.

Xiaotuanzi pricked up his little ears and listened in all directions. He even grabbed a little ant and asked it where there was a river or a stream or something.

After confirming the location, she ran towards the depths of Medicine Valley.

As I ran, my eyes suddenly opened up.

There is not only a stream in front of you, but also a tall waterfall, and the curtain-like water flow falls from mid-air, making a clattering sound.

Under the moonlight, it is beautiful.

There are real people in the stream under the waterfall.

The man was wearing a red robe, with long black hair hanging over his shoulders.

When the swimmer came over, the red robe was not tied up, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white muscles.

Xiaotuanzi was dumbfounded, who is this coquettish brother?

The alluring elder brother leaned against the shore, leaning on the big rock, his wet robe clinging to his smooth long legs, and his slender phoenix eyes cast a seductive wink at the silly little group:
"Am I beautiful?"

Xiaotuanzi trembled inexplicably.

She had never seen such a coquettish little brother.

The beauty of a fairy father is like a lotus flower in a snow mountain, the beauty of a general father is the arrogance of a superior, the rich father is suave, this little brother...

Well, the beauty of him and that villain Merman Princess are in the same style, so beautiful that it makes people afraid.

Could it be that he is the helper of the villainous mermaid?
Are you here to snatch the general's father and get married?

Absolutely no, he must be beaten away.

Xiaotuanzi exerted all his strength, and rushed forward holding a big stick: "Hey, big villain, eat a stick of Tangtang!"

(End of this chapter)

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