Chapter 231 Mirror Image ([-])

Things like domains are far away to Ji Fei now, but they are definitely not things that he can't figure out at all.

If I have to say, the best domain power or the deepest domain that Ji Fei has mastered right now is the lazy domain of Cthulhu Douluo. This domain is really suitable for Ji Fei. Others may need to deliberately However, Ji Fei's words mean that he is practicing at any time, and there is no need to deliberately practice at all.

The field of laziness is exactly the same as the first two words of these four words. As long as one is used to laziness, one can gradually accumulate it. Ji Fei has even figured out a set of special cultivation methods, that is, talking less or even not talking and not moving. What kind of brains must use absolute strength to crush the opponent in battle, and the speed must be fast or even reach the level of a spike, so that there will be no waste of physical strength, and maintain a high-cold state at all times, um, just Just like when they and Immortal Douluo met Evil God Douluo for the first time, his haughty appearance was like this.

"Xiao Fei? Why are you still here? Don't you hurry up? Huo Rou? Jian Xing, you two? What's wrong? Is there still this thousand-year-old soul ring?"

Well, Ji Fei admits that it is impossible for him to keep silent all the time, and his position in the team does not allow him to maintain such a silent state for a long time.

"Pfft, Ji Fei, don't think about how to become lazy, my code name is lazy, you should learn to collect treasures and other things with Teacher Immortal."

Ye Lanshan's words alerted Ji Fei, but Ji Fei didn't feel that way, how could he love money?Wouldn't it be enough to spend gold soul coins or something?Does it need to be like an undead Douluo? Wherever you go, it will be nothing?It will never reach that level.

"It's okay, I met a thousand-year-level poisonous bat, but it doesn't matter if I have already dealt with it. If Huorou and Jianxing are both injured."

"Third sister, you really didn't keep up. I just noticed, who are you worried about when you go back in such a hurry?" Ye Lanshan teased slowly from the side.

That's right, it was Hu Liena Xieyue and the three of them walking quickly in the mist outside. Judging from the state of the three of them, it seemed that there were no poisonous bats chasing and killing them, or those poisonous bats had been completely captured by them. Solved it.

"What? You said that you encountered a thousand-year-level poisonous bat? And you wiped it out? Isn't that right? Things like poisonous bats will definitely block your sight and then attack you, right? The words of poisonous bats You don’t need to see that you can react quickly just by feeling, right?”

Xie Yue looked incredible. It was already very difficult for them to deal with those ordinary poisonous bats, but Ji Fei actually dealt with such a thousand-year-level poisonous bat. Isn't it too terrifying?It seems that they still underestimated Ji Fei's level of strength.

Ji Fei actually wanted to say that it was actually made by his martial soul. The chaotic villain was stimulated by his own words, so he directly hacked the thousand-year-level poisonous bat to death with his sword. Others offer a more complete view.

Before Ji Fei could reply, Hu Liena on the side said, "Brother, have you forgotten? The sixth brother's misty soul skill can provide vision for himself and his teammates, so if I guessed correctly, it should be It must be that the sixth brother released such a soul skill and then provided vision for others and killed the poisonous bat with force. It must be like this..."

"am I right?"

"Also, Lan Shan, I'm worried that my brother and Yan are stupid enough to wipe out the group of poisonous bats alone..."

Hu Liena looked at the comatose Huo Rou and felt a little helpless, isn't this really unlucky?Of the seven people, only Huo Rou and Xu Jianxing were injured, and it seemed that the group of poisonous bats had been chasing Xu Jianxing and Huo Rou.

But this is quite normal. After all, among the seven people, only Xu Jianxing and Huo Rou are relatively weak in terms of fluctuations in their soul power. The group of soul beasts are only a little brainy, so naturally they will attack them first. Think weak guys, after all, the fixed idea of ​​the soul beast is to deal with weak guys like this first.

"I have encountered so many dangerous things just after entering this cave. I don't know what kind of dangers I will encounter after I go deep into it? It seems that Teacher Undead has really prepared an extremely difficult trial for us this time."

Ji Fei nodded and said: "But there is no way around this. Even if the trial is extremely difficult, we can't choose to give up. Otherwise, how can we become stronger? Poison bats are restrictions, limiting our full strength, then the next step It may be a counterattack, and it must be more difficult to counterattack."

Ji Fei's guess is very correct. The current situation is a situation where all their strengths are suppressed. If they continue to move forward, the difficulty of the trial will continue to increase.

"Then let's wait for Huorou and Jianxing to recover for a while before moving on..."

Others naturally agree with Ji Fei's proposal. After all, all of them are a little tired at this time, especially Xie Yue and Yan. Long-term consumption of soul power to attack is a kind of pressure on their own consumption. It would be a very stupid idea to keep going like this and move on to the cave.

"It doesn't matter, the group of poisonous bats in the back seems not to dare to approach this way. We were wondering why this was before, but looking at it now, it may be because there is a thousand-year-level poisonous bat here that they dare not approach. Let’s walk this way, but this is also good, why provide a rest time, let’s recover your own state quickly.”

The fog dissipated slightly, and everyone else sat on the spot and adjusted. Ji Fei didn't consume much, but he also liked the time to rest. take a break.

At the same time, consider the next route and the situation to deal with. No one knows what will happen next and what situation they will encounter, but the only thing that is certain is that it will definitely not be easy. beast group.

Especially the appearance of the millennium poisonous bat made Ji Fei feel unprepared. This kind of soul beast is very special, and this kind of environment is suitable for this kind of soul beast to fight. If it wasn't for Ji Fei's nightmare soul skill, this The poisonous bat is completely invincible in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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