Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 102 The Purpose of Doing Business with Children

Chapter 102 The Purpose of Doing Business with Children
Xu Ying walked back to the small yard she used to live in according to her memory. The mud road led to the place where her mother and father lived now. The house was at the innermost part of a row of bungalows. If the wall was kicked hard by a bodybuilder, it would probably collapse.

Pushing open the courtyard door, I saw the courtyard in my memory. Now that winter has just passed, the courtyard is still a little angry except for the chicken coop in the corner. There is nothing in the courtyard.

"Mom, we're back!" Xu Ying shouted at the door.

This feeling is great. I used to want to go back to this yard, but unfortunately I am no longer there. I want to play in this yard again, but unfortunately it will never be possible. But now, these are what I am doing.Suddenly like a dream ah!

"You're back? Director Wang didn't say anything, right?" Li Hui came out of the kitchen, took some hot water from the tap, and asked the two children to wash their hands and eat.

"Mom, you should go to the director's office to complete the formalities!" Xu Ying said while washing her hands!
"What? What's the procedure?" Li Hui was a little unresponsive.

"Transfer procedures, hurry up!"

After listening, Li Hui knew that her daughter would not be happy with her, so she wiped her hands and walked out.

"Mom! You haven't taken your apron yet!"

Li Hui hurriedly took off the apron.Just as she was about to leave, Xu Ying added another sentence: "Mom, we won't hand over this house!"

Xu Ying still wants to keep this small courtyard, and now she is still in the time when the unit collectively distributes housing. If this house is to be acquired in the future, besides, she wants to keep this house now. After all, she has too many memories. The relationship should survive.


"Auntie, why did you do business with a little P child today, and even signed a contract?" the woman named Doudou in Wang Faren's family asked Wang Faren after Xu Ying and Huang Haole had left.

"Then do you think this child looks like a little P child?" Wang Faren smiled coldly, and looked at the contract in his hand.

" doesn't seem like it's not, but she's still a child!"

"Speaking of your elm head, you are still. Think about it, if I have worked with her for a year, will I not know how she ships? In the first year, let her take advantage of it. When I know how she ships, I will kick her It's not easy to kick her away? Doudou, you contact Xiaozhi and ask him to help find this girl, and if you find it, keep an eye on it! A little baby dares to drive 2.8 with me, huh!"

What Wang Faren said was cold and cruel, causing the prospective daughter-in-law Dou Huan to shiver.

"Go and call Xiao Zhi, if there is nothing to ask him to come over, you haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Hey! Okay!"

As soon as Doudou heard that she called Xiaozhi, she walked happily into the back room where the phone was placed, twisting her fat hips...

(End of this chapter)

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