Chapter 108
"Mom! What are you afraid of? Do you understand the truth that the body is not afraid of the shadow slanting? True gold is not afraid of fire. As long as you really speak well, no one will talk about you! The key is that you know!?" Xu Ying is really a little My mother is in this state of headache.But she understands that it's not her mother's fault, she has suffered too much and has been criticized too much!
Li Hui nodded.Looking at the villain in front of me, I feel a lot of emotion.Is this your girl?A few months ago, the child was peeing her pants, and she was still crying at home after being criticized by the teacher because of learning problems. Now, what she said, I am afraid that I didn't understand it.But it's great to have such a caring and sensible daughter.

Li Hui adjusted her mood and prepared to go to school the next day to register her daughter first, and then busy with her own affairs.

Over there, Huang Hai also found the principal Duan Qi for Li Hui's affairs.

Who can Duan Qi not know about the school?As soon as he saw the cautious and anxious Huang Hai entered the office, he smiled and said, "Old Huang, you are finally here. I thought you weren't going to look for me!"

Huang Hai was taken aback for a moment, and then his old face blushed in embarrassment after realizing it: "Principal Duan, I... hey!"

Duan Qi smiled and motioned Huang Hai to sit first, "Old Huang, you seem to be too irrational about this!" Duan Qi picked up the water glass and sat on the sofa next to Huang Hai.

"Principal Duan, I was a little caught off guard by what happened this time!" Huang Hai explained.

"Old Huang, we've known each other for so many years, you shouldn't be like this..." Duan Qi's words made Huang Hai's heart skip a beat.

"But I don't blame you for this matter. I didn't expect this Li Hui to enter the school like this. She should have no trouble with the school teacher! Then, there is only one possibility, she offended someone!" In fact, it is also very unexpected. The school I manage is usually very calm, but this time it is really strange that it happened suddenly.

"Principal Duan, look at what happened this time..." Huang Hai asked hesitantly.

Although the friendship between Duan Qi and himself these years has not been bad, but no matter how good the relationship between the leader and his subordinates is, there is always something wrong.So Huang Hai doesn't call Duan Qi old Duan or anything, he has always been a respectful 'Principal Duan'.

"Tomorrow, you arrange for Li Hui to join the job first, suppress those teachers who are troublesome first, and then arrange her to sit in with the class, and arrange her to give a trial lecture on the Friday afternoon of the first week. We have to do it in the early stage. As for whether she can do it or not, it depends on her. It's done!" Duan Qi's doing this can be said to be selling Huang Hai's face, otherwise she can ignore the matter of a new teacher.

But this matter involves Huang Hai, and Huang Hai is his right-hand man, so Duan Qi has to take care of this matter no matter what.This severance is really killing two birds with one stone!I don't know who is behind the scenes

(End of this chapter)

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