Chapter 113
When the other teachers saw that Wu Xiumei had turned the gun towards them, how could they remain silent?Both Huang Hai and Duan Qike will be here.This is not to drag yourself into the water.

Huang Hai manages educational affairs, attendance, salary, and promotion, which one does not go through his hands?Not to mention Duan Qi, she's the principal, and it's too late for her to behave well and flatter her, so what will happen to her?Is that possible?

"I said, Teacher Wu, don't look at me. I just said that this new teacher doesn't know how the teaching level is, but I didn't say that I don't want to ask her to come! Whether you can come or not depends on the leadership and organization's arrangements. !" One of the male teachers spoke loudly, first expressing his position.

Wu Xiumei couldn't hold back anymore, she walked up to a female teacher and said, "What about you, Xiaoli, tell me!"

This person named Xiaoli is also a person who is afraid of causing trouble at first glance.

"Sister Wu, let's just listen to the leader's arrangement..." Xiaoli's broken tone completely angered Wu Xiumei.

"Okay, you guys, I see you through!..." Wu Xiumei was a little out of breath.

"Okay! What a nonsense, follow me to the principal's office!" Duan Qi really couldn't stand this farce anymore.

After Duan Qi finished speaking, she opened the door of the office and went out, regardless of Wu Xiumei's reluctance behind her, and whether there was any reason.Li Hui and Huang Hai were naturally willing and followed them out.Only Wu Xiumei's face flushed with anger, her face convulsed and deformed, and she stamped her feet and followed her out.

"Ms. Wang, can I...?" Xu Ying pointed to Wang Ruihua's door where Duan Qi and the others left, signaling that she wanted to go too.

"Go, by the way, remember to come to school to pick up the books in the afternoon!" Wang Ruihua whispered.

Xu Ying nodded and followed Duan Qi's figure out.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, this kid and Mr. Wu?..." The meddlesome teacher will not fail to notice the conversation between Wang Ruihua and Xu Ying.

"Oh, this child is the child of the new teacher Li Hui!" Wang Ruihua didn't intend to hide anything.

"No wonder, I remember that this child is the student who made a fuss in the mental arithmetic class last time?"

"Oh~ that's right, I remembered, it's this child! Both mother and daughter have a lot to do!" The teacher named Xiaoli had a lot of conversations this time.It didn't have the pitiful look just now.

Wang Ruihua frowned, these people! "Don't talk about it behind your back. Maybe we will still be colleagues in the future. It's not good!"

"Tch~!" Xiaoli and the male teacher curled their lips.What are you pretending, Wang Ruihua is pretending to be serious, why didn't he speak just now?However, both of them shut their mouths knowingly, who told Wang Ruihua to be the leader of the grade group.

(End of this chapter)

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