Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 124 Participating in the Birthday Party 3

Chapter 124 Participating in the Birthday Party 3
Each household in the provincial party committee compound is an independent villa-like household, with each household being one household.There are lush green plants on both sides. This is the first time Xu Ying can see such green plants in the north this season.

However, these plants decorated the entire municipal committee compound, and the morning sun was very strong, so the villa area with mottled tree shadows looked like summer.

The car stopped in front of a house in the middle of the villa group.

Seeing the figures in the house, together with the sunlight and shade, Xu Ying didn't know why she suddenly felt very uncomfortable!

After Zhao Cheng parked the car and knocked on the door, Xu Ying felt more uncomfortable.

The door opened, and it was Su Qingbin who opened the door. When he saw Xu Ying coming, his two big eyes lit up with joy.

"Xiaoying, come in!" Su Qingbin naturally reached out and pulled Xu Ying into the room.

A lot of people have come to the living room. After all, it is the son of a high-ranking official who celebrates his birthday. There are so many people here on this child's birthday. The living room on the first floor is about 60 square meters, and the sofa is already full.

The layout of the entire hall is a bit like the buffet style spread all over the country in the late 90s. It can be seen that the owner has stayed abroad or has some knowledge. (At that time, ordinary people did not know about buffets).

Su Qingbin pulled Xu Ying straight to a man sitting on the sofa in the middle of the living room.

"Dad! This is the Xu Ying I told you about!" Su Qingbin happily took Xu Ying's hand and introduced it to his father.

Su Wanhe was talking to some of his colleagues, and when he saw his precious son dragging a black and thin little girl to run in front of him, and introduced him solemnly, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Who is Su Wanhe, a high-ranking official, who has been in the political circle for so many years, it is too easy to deal with a little P child.

Su Wanhe immediately smiled and said, "Binbin, since I'm your good friend, I'll treat you well, do you hear?" Su Wanhe didn't even look at Xu Ying carefully at the end of the whole sentence.

Su Qingbin was obviously dissatisfied with his father's attitude. After staying in front of his father for a long time, the child naturally knew which kind of coping and which kind was serious when his father spoke.

"Dad! Didn't I tell you a lot about her last time..." Su Qingbin pulled Su Wanhe's shirt sleeve in a coquettish way.

What's wrong with this kid, can't he see his own attitude?Usually, I only need to say such suggestive words, Su Qingbin knows that it is time to go away and play by himself, today...

(End of this chapter)

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