Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 129 Participating in the Birthday Party 8

Chapter 129 Participating in the Birthday Party 8
Xu Ying smiled inwardly, what's wrong? , What's the situation, I've been despised?Can you tell from Li Kaiyan's disgusted expression?obviously.

Xu Ying has never paid attention to her clothes. Now she will take a closer look at what she is wearing. Well, the cotton trousers are made of good material, and they are all hand-sewn. Grandma's eyes are not very good, and there are some lines on the trousers.Clothes are also the most common clothes.

Let's take a look at the clothes of the children in the room. Su Qingbin didn't pay attention to it just now. Gu Gu was planning how to attract Su Wanhe's attention. Only now did Xu Ying realize that the children were wearing crossed overalls with a cotton shirt inside. It looks good in texture, plus there is a bow tie on the neckline, staring at a pair of shiny black leather shoes...

Li Kaiyan is wearing Nizi's pleated skirt today, a small pink sweater on her upper body, and some pearl-like decorations, and a shiny head flower in her hair.

The other children were also equipped with similar equipment, and they all wore high-end clothes. At first glance, they looked like they were dressed for a banquet.

The corners of Xu Ying's mouth twitched a bit. I was really blind just now, and I didn't notice these at all. No wonder, these are actually normal in Xu Ying's eyes. In the future, trendy people and kids will see a lot of trendy clothes, but Now this time is different.

Not to mention, compare, I really look like a beggar in this outfit... However, we made it by hand, and it is clean, the most important thing is that handmade ones will be more expensive in the market in the future...Of course this is Xu Ying comforted herself, women are born to care about their appearance, and they will be so disgusted by others, they are still depressed to death!

Xu Ying didn't speak, nor did she show any expression. What did she say?What I wear is not good.

The room was very noisy just now, and now there will be the sound of Tetris failure, nothing else, they are all waiting for Su Qingbin, the young master of the room, to speak.

Su Qingbin was stunned by Li Kaiyan's words, and then turned his attention to Xu Ying's clothes and pants.And the last time I went to Xu Ying's house, everything flooded into Su Qingbin's mind...

Seeing Su Qingbin biting his lip and thinking about something, Xu Ying couldn't help but feel extremely cold, don't you, don't be such a snobby, you know, after so many years, I can still remember that The figure I saw in the afternoon wiped those harsh words in front of the dado, it was warmth, if you do the same, that warmth will no longer be...

Li Kaiyan didn't speak when she saw Su Qingbin here.The surrounding children also looked at Xu Ying, and the air in the room became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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