Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 141 I'm Not Going to Class 2

Chapter 141 I'm Not Going to Class 2
Ying!Don't mess around, what can you do without class?Illiterate and illiterate, you will have to live in a place like this in the future, maybe, maybe it’s not as good as here! "Li Hui was a little anxious when Xu Ying said that she would not go to school.

"Mom~ I know what the school teaches. If you don't believe me, you test me. I want to be busy with my own thoughts, but I promise not to do bad things and not delay my studies. I take all the exams every semester as usual, and there will be no delay! "

Li Hui believed what Xu Ying said about not delaying her studies. In the past two days at school, she also heard about the incident of her daughter entering the abacus class, but she didn't dare to take the risk!
Xu Ying saw that Li Hui was hesitating and did not completely refuse, which meant that there was still something to be done about it, so she hurried to strike while the iron was hot.

"Mom, if I delay my studies, then you just have to stare at me in class every day. You are in school now, and you can keep track of my situation at any time. I just want to arrange my time freely! Mom! You can trust me next time." !?" Xu Ying stared at Li Hui with a serious face.

"This..." Li Hui felt that if she agreed, it would be too irresponsible to the child. Should she agree to what a 5-year-old child said?But what Xu Ying did during this time, she had to think about this...

"Mom~ If I don't do well in the exam, you can just watch me go to school...I just want to make better use of my time. I don't want to waste...Mom~~Please~~~~" Xu Ying even acted coquettishly and shamelessly .Although I have a soul of several decades in my body, I still can't help but act like a baby in front of my mother.

"But... Even if Mom agrees here, the school doesn't allow it..." Li Hui actually agreed with Xu Ying's idea in her heart, but the school stipulates that if she fails to attend class for more than ten days a month, she will be penalized.

Xu Ying finally showed a smile on her small face.Hey, Mom, you don't know that I have been like this in school for a long time.This can be said to be cut first and played later!
"Mom, I'll tell Principal Duan and Teacher Huang that if they agree, you don't have to object!"

"Well! Alright! But, Xiaoying, if your academic performance is down, don't blame your mother for turning her face, and if your Uncle Huang disagrees, then it's not okay... and..." Li Hui agreed , I always feel that there are still many worries.

"Mom! I know! Anyway, I am free to control my time, and I am not under your nose! Don't worry! Xu Ying is already thinking about what to do next.

Li Hui was sitting in the small room with Xu Ying in her arms. The afternoon sun was rare in this northern city in winter. It shone through the window and sprinkled on the mother and daughter. The picture was very beautiful...,
(End of this chapter)

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