Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 150 [6 more] Promise to meet

Chapter 150 [6 more] Promise to meet

Ever since Li Kaiyan got frustrated with Xu Ying that day, Li Kaiyan has attracted a lot of students in the class and started to speak ill of Xu Ying.

Of course, the child can't say anything else, it's just that Xu Ying's family is poor, and Xu Ying cheated on exams, which caused countless ridicules.

But after Xu Ying didn't respond at all, as if the joke was not her own, the students gradually stopped talking.Children are like this, but there are almost no ones who can play with Xu Ying.

Except for my deskmate Su Qingbin.Although Su Qingbin has always been weird since his birthday.But Xu Ying didn't have so many ideas to guess the mind of the child.

"Hey, you haven't talked to me much since your last birthday!" After school, Xu Ying looked at Su Qingbin still with an unhappy expression.Can't help but ask.

I remember knowing him after rebirth, he always had a smile on his face, even if he scolded him, he would not become as depressed as he is now.

Su Qingbin stopped packing the pencil case.

"Xiaoying...I...!" Su Qingbin bit his lips habitually.

"What's the matter? Even if you're not friends, at least tell me why?" Xu Ying said.

"Xiaoying... I'll tell you in a few days..." Su Qingbin grabbed the pencil case and put it in his schoolbag, turned around and ran out.

After Xu Ying was reborn, she was never depressed about the problems between children, but this time she felt very uncomfortable.

Not only because Su Qingbin has always been the warm boy in her memory, but also because after the last birthday party, Xu Ying always felt that the distance between the two of them was estranged.Is it really because of my status and identity?Could it be that at such a young age, he and Li Kaiyan have already separated who is more important in his heart.

Seeing Su Qingbin's small figure disappearing at the school gate little by little, Xu Ying felt very sad.


After a week of English competition, the rest of the second English competition are representatives from each school, and now they are competing for the place to represent their province in the competition.

Because Xu Ying didn't need the so-called tutoring at all, Xu Ying took the time to call Meng Tianyi and ask him to come out.

Xu Ying originally planned to go to Meng Tianyi's shop, but because of what Meng Tianyi said when she called last time, Xu Ying still thought it would be better not to go.Be careful anyway.


4:[-] p.m. The Dahua Hotel in the city center is a place to receive foreign guests. It is a state-owned enterprise and the consumption is relatively high, so few people go there.

This is where Xu Ying and Meng Tianyi agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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