Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 160 Uncle is Coming 3

Chapter 160 Uncle is Coming 3
Xu Ying remembered that the uncle's daughter in front of her came here when she was in the third grade. Could it be that these things have changed because of her rebirth?
After Li Hui finished speaking, she saw Xu Ying standing there in a daze for a long time, thinking that her daughter had agreed by default.

"Brother, why don't you tell Xiaoxia to come over? This place is wronging her now!" Li Hui said as if she owed Li Hua.

When Xu Ying came to her senses, her mother had already told her to call Li Hua's daughter.Xu Ying has a big head.

This Li Hua's daughter is called Li Xia, and it can be said that Xu Ying's memory is also very deep.

When Li Xia first arrived, she carried a torn net bag with a few shirts in it. At that time, everyone around her, including Xu Ying, thought she was a hardworking and simple girl from a farm family.

But after staying in the city for more than three months, Li Xia began to ask Li Hui for money to buy creams, lipsticks, and even cheated grandma's money to perm her hair. In short, she asked for money to satisfy her vanity under various excuses. Heart.

Even when Li Hui signed up for Xu Ying to learn dancing at the Children's Palace, she asked Li Hui to sign up for her too.Li Hui couldn't bear it anymore and went to ask someone to sign up.

In the end, she left because she stole more than ten yuan from her grandma one day after staying for a year. When Aunt Zhao asked about the two, she said it was Xu Ying.As a result, Xu Ying was beaten by Aunt Zhao with a broom. Xu Ying was not at a disadvantage at that time. At a young age, she asked Li Xia to go out, and she just slapped her hand.

As a result, Li Xia was unwilling after being beaten, and insisted on leaving after arguing.In fact, the real reason is that Li Xia knows that people who live in cities are not necessarily rich. Aunt Zhao, Li Hui actually doesn't have much money.Rather than being angry with this kid here, it's better to go out to work early.Many years later, I heard that she married a farmer in a suburban county of Beijing.Days are not bad.But will this world be any different?
Now that her mother had already spoken, Xu Ying didn't say anything.I was reborn and met many people, and changed a lot of things. I wonder if my life will be deviated because of what I do now?In fact, this has always been Xu Ying's worry.

If this Li Xia is bound to appear in my life according to my memory, she will come sooner or later.Xu Ying also didn't want to argue for someone who was sure to appear in her life.

After saying these things, Li Hua laid out a mattress and clothes on the floor and fell asleep.The sauced elbow that Xu Ying specially packed also went into Li Hua's stomach.

Li Hui looked at Xu Ying suspiciously after seeing the sauced elbow in the packaging bag of Dahua Hotel, but didn't ask any more questions.This dish cost at least 30 to [-] yuan. Where did Xu Ying go and who brought this dish back? In front of Li Hua, Li Hui held back these questions.


Dividing line oh~~~~
PS: It is also very necessary for coonin to write these chapters. Let me ask a grassroots girl what to start a business. If she is so awesome, she can do whatever she wants, then the previous 100 or so can be discarded, and she can directly write another article. The president is handsome.Someone asked me if I was tall, rich and handsome, and if I had a male protagonist, it must be, but the first thing Xu Ying, who is now 5 years old, must do is to improve and consolidate her money and status.The writing is realistic but certainly not very hard, this is the positioning of this article.If some friends really feel that there is no enthusiasm, cooNIN can only say sorry, the next article will open this kind of theme, and I hope you can support it.This novel is COONIN's first. I just want to finish writing this story and write it well.Finally, thank you to everyone who came in and read this passage.No more words of thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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