Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 198 Business Planning 5

Chapter 198 Business Planning 5
As soon as Xu Ying, Meng Tianyi, and Tan Ao arrived at the Dahua Hotel, they saw Cheng Jiaxuan and a man in his 40s wearing a finely tailored Chinese tunic suit appearing at the entrance of the Dahua Hotel.

"Hi, Xiaoying, you came on time!" Cheng Jiaxuan showed his signature smile as soon as he came up.

Xu Ying said coldly, "It's okay, let's lead the way?!"

Seeing Xu Ying's attitude, Jack frowned a little. Why did he talk to the young master like that?As far as her background is concerned... However, it seems that Master Xuan is not angry? !Jack glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan, still smiling, and then stood aside with his head down.

Cheng Jiaxuan ignored Meng Tianyi and Tan Ao beside Xu Ying.Xu Ying also automatically ignored Jack's unfriendly eyes on her.

"What? Who are you waiting for?" Xu Ying raised her eyebrows and looked at Cheng Jiaxuan who had been watching him without moving or speaking.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, your attitude towards me is really not very good!?" Cheng Jiaxuan moved his feet, but his face was a little unhappy.

Xu Ying rolled his eyes at him, cut, why should I be nice to you?Of course, Xu Ying just despised Xiao P's habit of being a child.

The five people arrived at the second-floor independent building next door in less than 5 minutes from the entrance of the Dahua Hotel.Xu Ying glanced at it. This house should be demolished in three or four years, right?But the important thing now is to take ownership of the house.While thinking, Xu Ying raised her eyes and looked at Cheng Jiaxuan who was a head and a half taller than herself.Humph.

It seems that the owner of this house has been waiting for Xu Ying, Cheng Jiaxuan and the others.The tea in the room is well brewed and still steaming.

"Um, Xuan..." The owner was a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a hunchback. When he saw Cheng Jiaxuan shouted a word, he was stunned by Cheng Jiaxuan's eyes and just bowed his head and bowed his knees with a smile.

After Xu Ying entered the floor, she had been thinking about how to decorate it, and she chose to ignore the landlord's behavior at all.It's not that the master himself doesn't need to go dogleg.Ah.

"How is it? Xu Ying, is the house satisfactory?" Cheng Jiaxuan sat down and asked Xu Ying who was looking around.

"It's okay, the lighting is not as good as I expected, and the floor is also seriously aged, hey!" Xu Ying was actually very satisfied. There won't be much sunshine in the northern cities after 5 o'clock, right?hey-hey.

After hearing Xu Ying's evaluation of the house, Jack twisted his mouth angrily.This girl can really open her eyes and talk nonsense!Cheng Jiaxuan raised his eyebrows and gave a meaningful look at Xu Ying, who was disgusted with the bad house.

"This is Lao Chen. He's an old acquaintance with my family. Just talk to him. I'm the matchmaker, so don't worry about me!" Cheng Jiaxuan seemed to say to Xu Ying, but actually his eyes glanced at the hunchback. landlord.

(End of this chapter)

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