Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 210 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 2

Chapter 210 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 2
In the afternoon, Li Hui went to Huang Hai's office after class, and said, "Teacher Huang, you're here!"

Huang Hai saw that it was Li Hui, and said, "Xiao Li, come in, what's the matter?"

Li Hui smiled embarrassedly, and said, "This kid insisted on installing a phone in the morning, and said it was your suggestion. Let me ask, and see if Mr. Huang thinks it is necessary..."

Huang Hai was taken aback for a moment, and the girl used herself as a shield again: "Well, indeed, there was a suggestion!" Huang Hai didn't know what Xu Ying said, so he had to follow Li Hui's words.

Li Hui was a little surprised by the answer, she just thought that maybe the child called Huang Hai out of vanity, but she didn't expect...

: "Um, then do you mean to install a phone? Actually, I think that the phone is only for office use by leaders, and we ordinary people don't need to install it..." Although Li Hui heard Huang Hai's acquiescence, she still said it. one's own thoughts.

Huang Hai probably already knew what Li Hui meant, but...: "Xiao Li, the telephone is a trend. First of all, you have to know that it is not a thing for classifying, but a convenient communication tool. It's just that the situation in our country is not yet It’s just popular, but sooner or later it has to be installed!”

Li Hui listened and nodded.It seems to be so reasonable.

After hearing this, Li Hui felt that maybe her own thinking was too narrow!Li Hui is not like in the past, after all, she is a teacher, no matter how she is surrounded by an educational atmosphere every day, thinking about problems will not be like in the past.

Seeing that Li Hui was relieved, Huang Hai added: "Xiao Li, Xu Ying, you can't treat this child like ordinary children. Although I'm an outsider, I don't think you can tie her hands and feet because of regular education. , understand?"

Li Hui was taken aback, this is... Li Hui didn't have time to digest it, so she just nodded blankly.


"Xiaoying, how much does the Ann phone cost, have you asked?" Li Hui decided to install the phone after thinking about it all afternoon, even though money was an issue.

Xu Ying knew that her mother must have looked for Huang Hai in the afternoon.

: "Well, I don't know about this either, Mom, do you decide to pretend?" Xu Ying suppressed her joy.

"Well, Mom has thought about it and thinks what you said is right, so let's pretend!" Li Hui said firmly.

"Then I'll ask Brother Meng to do it tomorrow!" Xu Ying said.

"Then when will we give the money to others?"

"Well, let's install it first, and then give it to him at the end. Mom, get a copy of your ID card and household registration book ready, what do you need!" Xu Ying urged.What kind of money, mother, I have already given it...

The phone call arrived after a week, which seems to be the fastest speed, usually it takes three months... It is really easy to have an acquaintance...

PS: Recently, there are a lot of words added to each page. I don’t know if you who read the book will find out... cough cough.

(End of this chapter)

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