Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 221 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 13

Chapter 221 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 13
Li Hui didn't expect Li Liying to agree to testify for herself so readily. She looked at Li Liying gratefully, but when she was excited when she told the story just now, she began to cry again. Now she was sobbing and said, "Woo...thank you, Sister Li !"

"Thank you, it should be! Your Xiaoying..." Li Liying almost said it, the words of your Xiaoying's favor made a circle around her mouth.

Li Hui looked at Li Liying blankly, Li Liying picked up the chopsticks to rest her mouth, and then said: "Your Xiaoying is smart and well-behaved. I like this child just by looking at it. I can't harm this child, right..."

Xu Ying raised her head and smiled cutely at Li Liying.

Huang Haole curled his lips aside, why does it feel like this guy is scheming?
After the meal, Li Liying packed a meal for Li Hui and Xu Ying for Aunt Zhao in the hospital.Xu Ying and Li Hui hurried back to the hospital.

Aunt Zhao’s eyesight has just recovered recently, but her vision is still a bit blurry. In addition, she is not feeling well, and her intraocular pressure has been high. So it has been a few days since the operation, and she is still hanging a saline bottle in the hospital.

Aunt Zhao was still talking about Li Hua, which caused Xu Ying to feel restless for no reason.I found an excuse and went home first.

As soon as Xu Ying got home, she received a call from Tan Ao: "Xiaoying, I have something to tell you."

When Xu Ying heard this, her heart sank. On this day...

"Hello, Xiaoying?!"

"Well... I'm here, what's the matter, Brother Tan?" Xu Ying responded.

"Hmm...Xiaoying, everything about the house decoration is almost done, take some time to take a look!" Tan Ao said.

"Well, I'll go there when I have time these few days, anyway, it's not far from the school!"

"Well, I've also recruited employees. The wages we give are suitable, and we are rushing to do the work. I will keep smart and beautiful children according to your wishes!" Tan Ao continued to report.

"Well, you can figure it out, but in the end you have to teach them anyway!"

"Eh..." Tan Ao still had something to say, but he didn't have the nerve to speak.

Xu Ying still knows Tan Ao well, he is not someone who takes credit, so the previous few things that have been done are nothing serious!
"Brother Tan, what are you talking about directly!" Xu Ying was a little anxious.

"Xiaoying, I haven't been able to get that business license, and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau keeps refusing to accept it..." Tan Ao said in a hoarse voice, it seems that this matter is really difficult.

Xu Ying squeezed her brows, "Brother Tan, don't be in a hurry for this matter, do other things first, let me think about this matter, and I will tell you later, I have troubled you recently..."

After hanging up the phone, Li Hui hadn't come back yet. Xu Ying lay on her back, looking at the scratched ceiling, her mind went blank...

(End of this chapter)

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