Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 230 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 22

Chapter 230 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 22
Cheng Jiaxuan nodded, motioning for Jack to continue.

"The doctor in charge said that he might not be able to wake up, or be in a vegetable state..." Jack's words were like a big rock hitting Xu Ying's head.

'Can't wake up,' 'vegetable'... Xu Ying's head hurt a little when these two words hit her.

Cheng Jiaxuan turned to look at Xu Ying, her little face had turned pale...

"Go and call the attending physician over..." Cheng Jiaxuan ordered in a cold voice.

Jack is cold, every time the young master speaks like this, it means that he is already angry...

Within 2 minutes, Jack brought the attending doctor in front of Cheng Jiaxuan, "Master Xuan, this is Li Hua's attending doctor"

"It's useless for you to take me out. Half-old children still behave like this? Tell you that this is a society ruled by law, you..." The doctor was still chattering through the thick glasses, unaware of the gray hair and gray pupils here The child already looked angry.

"Jack, is this the useless doctor?" Cheng Jiaxuan asked in a more indifferent voice than before.

Jack has already left a drop of cold sweat, this short-sighted doctor has hurt himself...

"Let me tell you, I can't cure it, and neither can anyone else. Don't think you're wearing a woolen suit..." The doctor was still rambling, but Jack had already gone out with the doctor's collar.Before leaving, Cheng Jiaxuan only said one word, "disappear"

Xu Ying didn't have much mood at the moment to worry about what Cheng Jiaxuan did or said. She was only thinking about how to tell her mother, how to explain to her grandma, and whether Li Hua could be cured.

"Xu Ying, don't worry, I'll ask Jack to bring the best doctor over today..." Cheng Jiaxuan said while stretching out his hand to open Xu Ying's tightly clenched hands, the palms were covered with marks left by excessive fingernails.

This girl is indeed somewhat similar to me, but I will definitely not be hurt and lose control of my emotions because of anyone in the family...

Xu Ying is not a person who loses control of her emotions and can't do things, and she was only in a daze for half an hour. Xu Ying turned her head and stared at Cheng Jiaxuan and said, "I want Li Hua to wake up. I will never vent the news. He is just in a coma. Please help me at the very least." How much is a good doctor in Beijing?

Cheng Jiaxuan smiled helplessly, this... Didn't hear what he said just now?

"Xu Ying!" Cheng Jiaxuan took Xu Ying's hand and told her to face him, his thin body trembling because of the emotional fluctuations.

Xu Ying turned around only to notice that Cheng Jiaxuan had held her hand tightly at some point... Then she raised her head and noticed those gray pupils...

(End of this chapter)

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