Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 233 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 25

Chapter 233 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 25
Xu Chenghai was still standing there, not wanting to understand.Li Liying doesn't wait for him here.

"You, Xu Chenghai, and your wife can't live anymore. Don't bring my man with you. My man sees that Xiaoying is a good material and wants to raise him well. Huihui also has two brushes, so I help you. It doesn't matter if you don't thank me, we don't expect people like you who don't even want your own daughter to be grateful, but you still bite Lu Dongbin like a dog, huh? You have to be conscientious in life, are you sorry?" Li Liying scolded repeatedly.

Xu Chenghai was left in a daze.Xu Chenghai and Li Hui are two, Li Hui never quarrels with Xu Chenghai on weekdays, even if there are some stumbles, Li Hui will choose to remain silent, Xu Chenghai always takes the top spot and goes back to his mother's house cursing.There is no Li Hui who has ever cared about crying alone.

Anyway, no matter how noisy she is, Li Hui will still prepare meals and wash the clothes she changed after returning home. Xu Chenghai has never thought that in the eyes of outsiders, he is a person who doesn't even want his own daughter? ...

"Don't just scold me, they are nothing, why do people in the yard say that? There is no wind, no waves, you don't care whether your man wears a hat, I care whether I wear a hat or not! Hmph!" Xu Chenghai glanced at Li Liying , is this bitch stupid?Her man is messing around outside, and she also comes to help?
"Hey, I said you are an idiot, and you just believe what the people in the yard say? They want you and Huihui to be separated, and they don't want your family to be good, so why do you believe it? Do you believe in others, not in your own wife? You don’t know who your daughter-in-law is? You don’t know what she’s been like for so many years? You’re still his man! Don’t say you haven’t taken care of their mother and daughter for so many years. You wear it, I think it makes sense!" Li Liying usually just feels that Li Hui is pitiful, and with a big child like Xu Ying, she has to take care of everything by herself, but fortunately Xu Ying is sensible and smart. Seeing Xu Chenghai, and adding that I said so, I really feel that Xu Chenghai is too worthless.

Listening to Li Liying's accusation, Xu Chenghai held back his resentment for a few days, and it seemed that more than half of it had disappeared. That's right, those gossiping old ladies in the yard were not seen for a long time, so why did he believe it.

Look in front of you again, the so-called wild man Huang Hai is calm and calm, if his wife can stand up and say that, then what's the matter?Unless the woman in front of me is sick, but this woman in front of her looks shrewd and shrewd, she will never allow others to penetrate into their house... This time...

(End of this chapter)

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