Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 236 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 28

Chapter 236 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 28
Seeing Huang Hai's daughter-in-law facing him, Xu Chenghai hurriedly pulled Li Hui and said, "Huihui, I've been obsessed with ghosts for so many years. Give me a chance. From now on, it's up to you in our family!"

Li Hui looked at Xu Chenghai's flattering look on Xu Chenghai's face, and said in her heart that it was a lie if she wasn't sweet, but she still said coldly: "I don't care, you know that Xiaoying owes you the most..." Speaking of this, she remembered What the doctor said just now, the child is malnourished, if the family is not poor, everything has to be considered and added up, the child is like this... Thinking of Li Hui's tears began to flow out again...

When Xu Chenghai heard what Li Hui said, he felt overwhelmed, "Huihui, I will make up for our daughter in the future, and I don't want a boy anymore, just have Xiaoying!"

When Li Hui heard what Xu Chenghai said, her heart felt like the haze that had not seen the sun for many days suddenly dissipated. Ever since the birth of Xu Ying, the Xu family had never stopped asking her to have another child. Xu Chenghai didn't say anything. Birth control surgery, now it only takes one word from Xu Chenghai's mouth, and Li Hui knows that he has really made up his mind.

"Sister, I'm sorry for you today... Don't worry about it, give me a certificate, and from now on my family will only have a baby bump like Xiaoying! I will definitely not let Huihui be wronged!" Xu Chenghai said sincerely.After speaking, he looked at Huang Hai in embarrassment.

Li Liying nodded cheerfully, turned her head to see that her own Huang Hai was still frowning, and quickly threw her elbows down on Huang Hai, "What are you thinking, Xiao Xu is talking!"

Huang Hai seemed to be woken up by someone, "Ah, I heard, I was thinking about what the doctor just said to give Xiaoying a supplement, what should I eat!"

Xu Chenghai knew that Huang Hai's words meant that he didn't care about himself!Sometimes this kind of apology and acceptance between men is not like women, there is dignity and a man's face in it...

When Jack saw the scene in the office, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he turned to look for his young master...


In the ward, Cheng Jiaxuan was sitting in the empty space beside him, just looking at the little person lying down, she seems to be 5 years old,

Why doesn't she look like her younger sister's innocence and loveliness, why is it the same vicissitudes as myself, I have experienced so much... Her family seems much simpler, how could she?
She seems to be malnourished?how come?In this barren era, she can buy her own building with tens of thousands of dollars. Although the building is more than that amount of money, people who can sell tens of thousands of dollars can't afford eggs. Why is her family background investigation so simple? simple that I can't believe it...

(End of this chapter)

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