Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 243 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 35

Chapter 243 Settle Inside, Concentrate Outside 35
Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at Aunt Zhao. To be honest, no one thought that Xu Ying would tell Aunt Zhao about this by herself. She was the one who told everyone not to leak the news.

"What about Huahua now!" Aunt Zhao asked tremblingly.

"Grandma, don't worry. Uncle is being taken care of very well by my friend. I'll take you to see him some other day~" Xu Ying tried her best to say it in a calm and well-behaved way, so that people who don't know the truth really think it's a bump. I didn't wake up for a while when I got off the telegraph pole.

"I think..." Aunt Zhao had just started, when Xu Ying interrupted: "Grandma, the place we are going to is quite far away, you can rest for two days, I will ask my friend to get ready and take you there, okay?! "

What else could Aunt Zhao say, she nodded blankly.

Except for Xu Ying who ate this meal alone, the adults were as uncomfortable as chewing wax.


"Xiaoying, why did you suddenly tell grandma about your uncle?!" Li Hui asked in confusion at the place where the water was being collected.

"Mom, this matter can't be kept secret for long, instead of asking someone with ulterior motives to tell it, it's better to say it lightly now, and besides, I delayed asking my grandma to go to Cheng Jiaxuan's place for a few days, and I told her to prepare for the worst! In the face of the facts, it might be better!" Xu Ying explained.

In fact, people are like this, you only tell her the beginning and the end, and don't tell her the detailed content in the middle, she will fill in countless content you imagined.For example, Aunt Zhao, Xu Ying just said that she touched a telephone pole and did not wake up.The old lady was already wondering if there was a car accident, her arms and legs were broken, or her son died?They didn't say it because they were afraid that they would be sad?
Aunt Zhao resisted for two days, and finally couldn't bear it on the third day.

"Xiaoying, when will you take grandma to see your uncle? If..." Aunt Zhao thought for a long time before spit out the following words: "If your uncle is gone, you have to tell grandma...I resist live!"

Xu Ying knew that the effect she expected had arrived: "Grandma, what are you talking about? Uncle is really in a coma, no different from sleeping. The doctor said that he is now trying to get rid of his congestion. Uncle will wake up when the congestion is gone. You Wait, I'll contact my classmate!"

How could the old lady believe Xu Ying's statement at this time, she decided that something happened to her son, either missing arms or simply dead, she shook her head and wiped her tears.

Xu Ying called Jack, and within 10 minutes, the black car had already stopped in front of Xu Ying and Aunt Zhao's tube building.

"Mom, are you here?!" Xu Ying was a little surprised, her mother was also in the car.

"Oh, Jack came to pick me up. I heard that you are going to visit your uncle..." Li Hui explained.

This Jack knew him quite well, even if he didn't pick up Li Hui this time, then Xu Ying would definitely take a detour to pick up Li Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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