Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 253 Go, go to debt collection 4

Chapter 253 Go, go to debt collection 4
Before Xu Ying spoke, Zhao Lan was unwilling.Grabbing Yang Gongming: "Old Yang, what are you doing?"

Xu Ying raised her eyebrows and glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan, but Cheng Jiaxuan was expressionless and smiled.He gave Xu Ying a message with his eyes, "What's the matter? Can't bear the temper again?"

Xu Ying shrugged indifferently, she's fine, anyway, she can afford to wait today.

"This is all what you did, why are you asking me? Now that's the case, don't say anything!" Yang Gongming knew very well that what Xu Ying was biting was her own reputation and her integrity as a scholar. leave.

"Dad, you can't say that, he..." Yang Ping wanted to persuade her father.Yang Gongming directly interrupted: "Shut up, if you and your mother didn't fall into trouble all day long, where would we have come to this disaster!!"

Zhao Lan's face was ashen. Her husband had been married for decades and had never said anything serious about him. This time it seemed that something really went wrong.

"Auntie, I think you and Auntie haven't figured out the pros and cons of this matter!" Xu Ying didn't want to read any more.

Zhao Lan looked at the little devil in front of her viciously, wishing she could pull him over and give him a good beating. No, she wanted to strangle this devil to death, but she could only think about it.

"It seems that I really don't understand, so let me explain to you!" Xu Ying automatically ignored Zhao Lan's eyes.

"Grandpa studied all his life, did he care most about money? No, what did he care about most? Fame! My uncle taught all college students. What does the teacher care about all his life? Fame! Fame, reputation, students are full of peaches and plums. No amount of money in the world can buy it back! Tsk tsk, but these, if I take these things!" Xu Ying picked up the few pages of paper materials and a few photos on the table.He said with a gloating tone: "Tsk tsk, look, the son and daughter taught by such a teacher are nothing more than that, such a teacher who treats human life like nothing, such a so-called teacher who is a teacher, who wants to say that he is Yang Gongming's son?" Students... I will be honored for the rest of my life..."

What Xu Ying said was so eloquent, Zhao Lan's face became more and more ugly when she heard it, and even Yang Ping, who usually talked a lot, stood there for a long time without making a sound.

Yang Gongming's family is self-promised as a scholar, with a scholarly family, no matter what their own moral character is, at least in front of outsiders, they are doing well.If Xu Ying really publicizes these things in her hand, it can be said that it is really possible to ruin Yang Gongming's achievements over the years, so needless to say in the days to come, it will not be his turn to be promoted or assigned a house.

Zhao Lan finally thought of the pros and cons of this, and also understood why the doll in front of her was so confident, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Tell me, how much do you want!"

Xu Ying smiled, are you enlightened?Sitting on the sofa, he stretched out 5 fingers calmly.

"Five thousand?! Go and rob!" Yang Ping was the first to speak out.

Xu Ying smiled and looked at Yang Ping, then at Yang Gongming and Zhao Lan.

"Xiaoying, in today's society, you can search all over this family courtyard to see how many people can come up with 5000, let alone 50000.!" Yang Gongming smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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