Chapter 255

Yang Gongming took over the contract without even looking at it, he signed it and pressed his fingerprints.For him, after today is like dying, and the days to come are like walking dead.

"Old Yang, do you just sign without even looking at it?" Zhao Lan still asked after crying.So there is some truth to the saying that women are calmer than men at critical moments.

"Do you think it makes any difference whether you look at it or not?" Yang Gongming's stagnant voice nearly choked Zhao Lan.


After speaking, Zhao Lan rushed directly to where Xu Ying was sitting.But Yang Gongming stopped in time.

"You, have you had enough trouble? If you weren't jealous and narrow-minded, how could we have these things!" Yang Gongming was angry that his wife still didn't realize that it was his problem.

Zhao Lan was crying but she didn't rush to Xu Ying anymore, she just kept crying, crying... Xu Ying didn't know if there was a little guilt in her crying, it was no longer Xu Ying's business.

Yang Ping came back with the money in less than half an hour. After packing the money, Xu Ying turned her head when she was about to leave, and said coldly: "Auntie, grandma, my grandma has high blood pressure. Don't be angry or frightened. If one day I hear You or whoever is gossiping in front of her, I can't be sure, my information was accidentally stolen by a thief... and it was accidentally sent to my uncle's work unit... Also, it is written in the contract It is very clear that other than the people present, other people are not allowed to tell, that is to say, if the seventh person knows about the six people in the room today, then I can't guarantee..."

"Get out! Get out!!!" Yang Gongming couldn't bear such humiliation in the end.

Xu Ying smiled, not caring about Yang Gongming's words.Out the door with a bulging purse,

"Where are you going now, rich woman!? Do you want to invite me to dinner?" Cheng Jiaxuan looked at Xu Ying with a funny face.

"It should be you who invited me. I invited you to watch such a good show, and you still asked me to invite you?!" Xu Ying replied angrily.

Cheng Jiaxuan nodded, "That's right, then where are you going now, it's still early!"

"Let's go to the restaurant, I haven't had time to go! Today is just right!" Xu Ying touched the money she had just stolen, knowing that Tan Ao had never asked her for money, but the ten thousand yuan should be used almost the same up.It must be because of his illness, Tan Ao has not opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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